

  • VOMC Partner Acquitted of all Charges
    Russell Stendal

    Last week, we requested prayer for Russell Stendal, a good friend of VOMC who was arrested on false charges in Colombia. Although Russell had only 10 minutes to speak his case, the judge believed our ministry partner and stated that the prosecutor had wasted her time. The case has since been thrown out and Russell is completely absolved.

    As a result of his ministry efforts, Russell has faced many struggles, including being taken hostage several times by both members of guerrilla groups and paramilitary forces. He has also mourned the loss of numerous friends who have been killed as a result of their ministry work. One of these dear souls was Pabel, a missionary associate of the Stendal family. The 33-year-old evangelist was brutally murdered in November of 2014, leaving behind a grieving widow and two young children. (For more information on this tragic incident, visit our previous prayer alert.)

    In regards to Russell's recent acquittal, we can praise God for this wonderful answer to prayer! May the Lord continue to guide and sustain Russell and his family as they minister amid much difficulty in Colombia. Ask Him to bless and multiply their evangelistic efforts so that many thousands more may come to salvation through hearing the Gospel message. Also continue to lift up Pabel's family as they grieve. May they deeply sense the Lord's abiding presence in their lives and experience His provision for their every need. Additionally, pray that the strife among the various political groups of this country will cease so that lasting peace and stability may reign.

    For more information on the struggles Christians face in Colombia, read our Country Report.

  • Christian Singer Tragically Killed in the Nuba Mountains
    Neima Abiad Idris

    A Christian wife and mother of six was killed in November of 2014 when an Antonov bomb struck her home village of Kadir in the Nuba Mountains. She is being hailed as a hero and martyr for refusing to run away from the genocidal terror that had targeted her family and community. Christians in the Nuba Mountains face poverty and violent assaults as Arab-Sudanese aim to eradicate the black Sudanese population.

    Neima Abiad Idris, 49, was known as the "Peace Singer." Her most recent musical album was called "Building Peace, Forgiveness and Reconciliation," and served as her prayer and aspiration for the Nuba people. The victimized Sudanese believers are now grieving along with Neima's family, but take comfort in the knowledge that she is now experiencing true peace in heaven.

    Also last November, a church in the Nuba Mountains was destroyed in a bombing incident that took place during a worship service. Thankfully, the congregation had fled the building soon after hearing planes overhead pass several times, and so no one was injured in the attack. The area was bombed again just days before Christmas. VOM USA works closely with this congregation, which has served as a distribution point for Bibles and relief items. Several frontline workers have also been supported through the compassionate outreach of this church.

    Let us bring our persecuted family members in the Nuba Mountains to our Heavenly Father, asking Him to bless them with courage and endurance as they suffer ongoing oppression. In particular, pray for the many who are mourning the loss of Neima. May they rejoice over the fact that she knew the 'Prince of Peace,' and is now living life to the fullest in heaven with Him. Also, may God continue to use her musical ministry to encourage other believers living in this dangerous war zone. Finally, pray that our Lord will be especially near to the congregation members whose church was bombed -- granting them wisdom, boldness and perseverance as they seek a new venue to worship Him together.

    Please visit our Country Report to learn more about Sudan's persecuted believers and the various ways you can pray for them.

  • Believers Forced to Leave Everything Behind
    Mohammad, Sara, and
    their two daughters,
    Samantha and Melody

    Christians throughout Iraq have been forced to leave their homes and livelihoods behind as they flee from militants ravaging the country.

    Mohammad, Sara and their two children had to flee their home in Mosul when the city was overrun by Islamic militants. Heartbreakingly, the family was already grieving the recent sudden death of their seven-month-old child. Just days after their child's death, they witnessed an attack on their church that killed three and injured 12. Though they themselves were not physically injured in the attack, Sara has since experienced frequent nightmares. The family later fled to Kurdistan where they now live in a makeshift home consisting of 78 people. "Even though we escaped with our lives, I feel like we are in a prison here," Mohammad shared. "I don’t mean to be unthankful, but I am desperate for work to support my family in any way."

    Another refugee named "Waleed" fled his home after militants threatened to kill him for questioning the Quran. After reaching the country of Lebanon, he was directed to several VOM partners who told him about the Gospel. Waleed soon committed his life to Jesus and has since shared the message of salvation with his mother, brother and some friends. He now actively ministers to Assyrians, Iraqis and others in Lebanon, with hopes of returning to Iraq one day to share the Good News in his homeland.

    In the midst of such chaos and upheaval in Iraq, let us rest in the sure knowledge that our Lord is ultimately in control and that He will restore our world in His perfect timing. Until that day, pray for an outpouring of His peace and grace over the many thousands of refugees who have been forced to flee their homes. Ask God to open doors of opportunity for Mohammad, Sara and their children so they can begin to rebuild their lives. May the Holy Spirit also minister to their broken hearts, healing the emotional wounds they have endured. Praise God for reaching out to Waleed and drawing him into our Christian family! May he be used mightily to share the Good News with those still living in spiritual darkness. Specifically intercede on behalf of his family, praying that they will come to faith in Christ as well.