

  • Pastor and Son Brutally Attacked Again

    Pastor Quang

    Pastor Nguyen Hong Quang and his son Nguyen Quang Trieu were recently attacked by a group of seven young men while uniformed police looked on and did nothing to prevent the assault from happening. An additional 20 thugs joined the original attackers in the beating which took place at the church of the victimized Christians. Two other pastors tried to intervene by helping the victims but were also hurt in the process. Pastor Quang suffered several injuries, including a broken finger, a cut eyelid, as well as wounds to his face. His son also sustained various injuries.

    Earlier this year, Pastor Quang and a colleague experienced a brutal assault in broad daylight near their Bible college. The institution has been the target of several serious attacks which sources believe is part of a strategic plan by Communist security forces to oppose their freedom of religion. (For more information on this incident, visit our website.)

    Please bring this injured pastor and his son to our Lord Jesus in prayer, asking Him to surround them both with His peace and comfort as they recover from this brutal assault. May their hearts not be consumed by fear but instead with an even greater faith so they can continue entrusting their very lives to Him. Also pray that religious freedom will be upheld for Christians and other minorities in Vietnam.

    To learn more about the persecuted church in Vietnam, visit our website.

  • Three Churches Set Ablaze
    Pray for the safety of churches in Tanzania.
    Photo: Flickr / Sherwood

    Three churches have been set on fire within the past month in an area near Lake Victoria of northern Tanzania. While there was substantial damage made to all three churches, thankfully no one was killed.

    In the latest of the arson strikes, a church in Kyebitembe (located in the Kahororo ward of Bukoba municipality) was set alight on March 12th. Two days earlier, intruders attacked a church in Kagondo ward, burning Bibles, benches and robes. Prior to these two incidences, a church within the Rulongo-Kanazi parish was set ablaze.

    A contact from VOMC's sister mission in the United Kingdom has recently reported on an isolated attack against a church in Bukoba in which a Christian man was tragically killed, leaving behind a distraught widow and two children.

    Please uphold our vulnerable brothers and sisters in northern Tanzania, asking God to keep their hearts in perfect peace while granting them the courage to stand firm in their faith. May He also greatly comfort the grieving family members and friends of the innocent Christian man who was killed in Bukoba. Additionally, pray that those who were responsible for these latest attacks will be brought to justice and given the opportunity to experience forgiveness and salvation through Christ's death and resurrection.

  • Former Guerrilla Now Serves as Powerful Witness
    "The cross of Christ is the most revolutionary
    thing to appear among men."
    A.W. Tozer

    It was through a VOM frontline worker named "Rolo" that a former FARC commander learned about Jesus. Though he was once trained by some of the highest-ranking leaders in the guerrilla organization, "Fernando" has made a decision to follow Christ and is now sharing the Gospel with others.

    When Rolo recently met with Fernando, he experienced the harsh living conditions of the war-torn area in which the former commander lives. The church within this region is controlled by the guerrillas and, if the Christians don't adhere to the orders given by the FARC rebels, they will be forced to leave or risk life-threatening danger. Though the area is improving, Rolo explained that the long years of war and living under Marxism and Leninism have made the people both fearful and resistant to the Good News.

    During Rolo's visit, Fernando happily received Bibles and other Christian books for the purpose of sharing them with others living within the war-torn area. Since the area is extremely dangerous, the two men went together for protection. As they began to distribute the Scriptures and books along the outskirts of town, people in the community were surprised to witness the former guerrilla sharing the Gospel. Rolo reported that each person they had encountered were shocked to witness the retired FARC commander without his former weapons. Instead, the new convert was armed with Bibles and an earnest desire to share the message of Jesus.

    Praise God for the courageous and life-changing faith of Rolo and Fernando! Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to move mightily in the hearts of other members of FARC, drawing them also into a personal relationship with our Risen Lord. May wisdom be granted to Fernando as he ministers within this dangerous region, along with the necessary provision for this evangelist's practical needs as he struggles to make a living to support his family and serve faithfully in ministry.

    Please visit our Country Report for more on the struggles facing our Christian family in Colombia, including the video testimony of a former FARC commander referred to as "Elmer."