

  • Christian Torturously Slain for his Witness
    Pastor Sadavir’s wife and two of his three children

    Brother "Sadavir" regularly shared his faith among members of India's Koya tribe in the thick forest of the Dantewada district. It eventually cost the husband and father of three his life.

    Fearing the loss of their cultural identity, members of the Koya tribe attacked Brother Sadavir in 2010 and then again in 2012. Despite these previous attacks, Sadavir's ministry faithfully continued -- until a knock on his door at 1 a.m. took place on January 22nd. When his wife "Jani" opened the door, she was confronted by an angry mob of 200 people. The mob was composed of both Koyas and Naxalites, members of India's Communist guerrilla groups. Before she could say anything, the mob forcibly entered the home, grabbing Sadavir and taking him away. Jani frantically ran after the group into the forest, pleading for her husband's safety and release. "We will not do anything to him," she was told. "Go, and in the morning get food for him and come to our camp."

    The next morning, Jani, joined by Sadavir's mother and sisters, began the long walk to the camp, finally arriving at about 1:30 p.m. At the camp, the Naxalite leaders were told by others affiliated with the mob, "(Sadavir) is converting all of our people to Christianity by bribing them, and he's giving all your information to the police." The abductors then tied the Christian man to a tree and -- in front of his wife, mother and sisters -- began beating his legs with bamboo sticks while accusing, "You are spoiling our culture by converting our people to Christians!" They beat him until his flesh was hanging from his bones. Then they killed him by piercing his chest with a trishula, a three-pronged spear and an important Hindu symbol.

    The killers initially kept Sadavir's body, out of fear that his wife would notify the police. When Jani begged them for her husband's body, they finally gave in under one condition: that the body would be burned, not buried, as his murderers wanted no evidence of the crime. VOM is now supporting the 27-year-old widow and her three children during this difficult time as they deal with the aftermath of such horrendous trauma and loss.

    Please lift up in prayer this mourning widow and her three young children, as well as other loved ones who are sharing their immense grief, asking the Lord to personally minister to each one of them through the power of His Holy Spirit. Also request that every need of this suffering family be sovereignly met through the support of the local community and ministries like VOM. Additionally, ask that this gruesome attack will somehow be used for God's glory and as a means of drawing more Koya people into a saving relationship with His beloved Son Jesus.

    For more information on India's persecuted church, visit this page.

  • Pastor's Daughter Dies in Arson Attack

    A pastor's daughter has recently died, several people were injured, and a church building was completely torched during a vicious attack on a village in the Rogo Local Government Area of Kano State during the evening of April 1st.

    The daughter of Reverend Habila Garba suffocated to death following an arson attack on her home in Gidan Maso Village. Local Muslim youth had set fire to the house after failing to locate Yahaya Joshua, a Christian man who had briefly converted to Islam before returning to Christianity.

    The mob of militants had originally planned to kill Yahaya. Yet when they couldn't find him, they lit cornstalks inside the church and burned the building to the ground, ignoring the pleas of local believers. They then went on to attack the pastor's residence nearby. During the attack, the mob also physically assaulted local Christians with machetes, resulting in several injuries. Two of the victims, in particular, have sustained broken arms.

    As this ministering family now grieves the tragic loss of their precious loved one, pray that they will be greatly comforted in God's reassuring promises of eternal life through Christ's death and resurrection. Also pray for the full recovery of those who were injured in the assault. Ask that lasting peace will reign over this victimized community, halting any further plans of attack. Additionally, may the peaceful witness of the believers be used mightily to encourage many others to discover the truth about Jesus and, subsequently, turn to faith in Him.

    Please visit this page to learn more about the trials our Christian family endures in Nigeria.

  • Pastor Faces Possible Imprisonment for Mission Work
    Pastor Dilson

    Pastor Jose Dilson, a Brazilian missionary who has worked in West Africa for 25 years, faces a possible prison term in connection with the conversion of a militant Muslim leader's son. The pastor founded a school called ABC that aims to offer educational support, while benefitting hundreds of families in the region. Pastor Dilson and his colleague Zeneide were arrested in late 2012 when one of the children's fathers complained that his son wanted to become a Christian. The angry father allegedly claimed that his son was refusing to participate in Islamic rituals.

    The accused pastor spent five months in a Senegalese prison before being released in April of 2013, pending final resolution of his case. Thankfully, during his imprisonment, Pastor Dilson was able to distribute 350 Bibles and witness to many fellow prisoners. The final ruling on Pastor Dilson's case is expected soon.

    Please join Pastor Dilson and his family in prayer, specifically asking that they not be fearful but rather in a position to "give a good testimony of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." May the outcome of the final ruling be a favourable one, allowing Pastor Dilson to remain free from prison and continue his important ministry work. Finally, we ask that you intercede for the salvation of the many young students who attended the ABC school, as well as their families, so they will discover the reality of Jesus as their own personal Saviour and Lord.