

  • God's Light Shining through Spiritual Darkness
    Children in Somalia
    Photo: Flickr / Robbert van der Steeg

    Pastor Andrew, the leader of a VOMC-partnering ministry that's diligently proclaiming God's truth in Somalia, has requested prayer for his team's vital ministry efforts.

    The ministry recently began broadcasting radio programs via shortwave radio into Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and surrounding areas. The program features Scripture readings, Christian music, a short message of encouragement, and a time of prayer. Through this and other such outreach programs, many spiritual seekers have connected with the ministry to learn more about Jesus. Some of these men and women are now receiving lessons about the Bible and discipleship training.

    Please join us in praying for Pastor Andrew and his team, specifically asking God to further strengthen and equip them, while also encouraging the hearts of the individuals desiring to learn more about the Lord. May these seekers be shielded from all harm, and may their lives be transformed by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit. Also ask God to meet the needs of Pastor Andrew and his team so they can effectively continue with their vital outreach work. In addition, please pray for supernatural healing for Pastor Andrew's daughter, Liz, who is currently contending with very serious health issues.

  • Workers of Church-Operated Kindergarten Jailed
    Cheng Jie and her husband,
    Du Hongbo, with their young children.
    Photo: Du Hongbo via ChinaAid

    Three Christians were recently sentenced to two years in jail for their involvement in a church-run nursery school. Additionally, the printer who produced the "illegal" Christian textbooks for Hualin Kindergarten was sentenced to 21 months in prison. Those convicted included kindergarten director Cheng Jie; church elder Huang Quirui; and church member Li Jiato, a mother of two young children. Each of these believers was also fined.

    The four participants were convicted in late April of "illegal business operations" at Hualin Kindergarten, which is located in southern Guangxi region. The nursery was run by Liangren Church in Guangzhou whose congregation has suffered intense persecution. The church reported last year that almost its entire core staff had been detained after church members were involved in an outreach to a neighbouring region. Several kindergartens and businesses linked to the church were also raided or shut down.

    Please bring these four individuals to our Lord in prayer, asking that He surround each one of them with His peace and grace as they now face prison sentences and fines. Ask that He make a way for their early release from detention. Yet, whether imprisoned or free, may these persecuted Christians continue to serve faithfully wherever they happen to be -- telling others about the hope they have received through Christ. As a result, may their personal witness be used to effectively draw many others in China into a saving relationship with Him.

    To learn more about China's persecuted church, visit this page.

  • Christian Imprisoned for Faith Released!

    A prisoner who was charged disproportionately because of his Christian faith has been released from prison after nearly three years behind bars. Umid Gojayev, 32, was freed through prisoner amnesty on February 17th. Turkmenistan's president signed a decree initiating the amnesty to mark the country's celebration of Flag Day.