

  • Believers Killed as Villages Raided
    Pray for the safety of Nigerian villages.
    Photo: Flickr / Melvin "Buddy" Baker

    On May 27th, suspected Fulani militants raided a number of Christian villages in central Nigeria. Sources report that the assailants attacked 20 villages in the Agatu local government area of Benue State, killing more than 30 people. Many others fled to displacement camps in neighbouring Kogi State. Meanwhile, militants also attacked several villages in Dorowa, Plateau State. The Nigerian military reportedly responded to the attack but made no search or arrests.

    Partners of VOMC's sister mission in the United Kingdom have stated that Fulani terror activities are on the rise in central Nigeria as Boko Haram attacks gradually build up around the north-eastern states.

    As Christians face increased attacks from Boko Haram and Fulani militants alike, pray that God's peace will reign in their hearts. May those in mourning from these latest assaults rest in the assurance that the Lord is ultimately in control and, therefore, He most surely will work all things together for good to those who love Him...and for His glory. In the meantime, let us also pray that the believers in Nigeria will be used by God to lovingly extend the Good News of Jesus to those currently walking in spiritual darkness.

    For more information on Nigeria's persecuted church, please visit this page.

  • Christ-Followers Living in a Battle Zone
    Syrian women praying with a VOMC worker.

    Intense fighting between Islamic State (IS) militants and government forces erupted on May 4th in Damascus, prompting media outlets to warn Christians living in the area to evacuate immediately.

    Government forces have since employed air assaults and armoured tanks to fight the militants, making it extremely dangerous for those living in the immediate area. Last month, it was reported that IS had moved into a part of Damascus that is less than a mile from several Christian neighbourhoods.

    A VOM contact, whose family lives in the area, has requested prayer for the many believers residing there. "They can't go anywhere at this point," he explained. "Pray for the safety of our family and churches all over Damascus and Syria."

    Please join our brother-in-Christ by praying for the persecuted church in Syria, specifically asking God to shield each believer from resulting danger or harm. May those who have recently fled from Damascus soon find safe havens in which to live. For others who must remain in the war-torn city, pray that they will entrust themselves and their loved ones entirely to our faithful Lord. Despite the present bleakness in this beleaguered area of the world, ask that the Holy Spirit will minister daily to Syria's suffering Christians, while also moving mightily in the hearts of those who do not yet know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord.

  • Christian Doctor Poisoned by Militants

    A Christian doctor has been hospitalized after Islamic militants sought to poison him. The attack was reportedly in retaliation for the doctor providing medical treatment to a pastor's daughter. The girl had been attacked because her father had ignored the militants' warnings to cease worship services.

    While the victimized girl has thankfully received some medical attention, she still requires further care. The extremists also issued death threats against the entire family. VOM field workers are now requesting prayer for the doctor, as well as all the members of this persecuted pastor's family.

    Please bring this difficult situation to our Lord in prayer, asking Him to grant these believers needed protection as they faithfully continue their ministry work, wisdom on how to best serve Him and His people under the circumstances, and the grace to forgive those who are persecuting them. Also ask for complete and prompt healing for both the pastor's daughter and the doctor who initially attended to her medically. Finally, pray that the militants involved in these assaults will be convicted of God's truth so they can seek repentance and ultimately give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

    To watch a short video about another pastor who has endured tragic violence because of his ministry work in Uganda, visit this page.