

  • Boko Haram Steps Up Attacks
    A Nigerian woman
    had her arms seriously
    burned in an attack.

    Boko Haram, a notorious terrorist group that operates in northern Nigeria, has once again stepped up its vicious attacks on hundreds of innocent citizens. The group's rampage throughout several northeastern Nigerian towns and villages since May 29th has left more than 750 dead in an area with a notable Christian presence. After trying to gain access to Maiduguri, Borno State's largest city, a large contingent of Boko Haram was pushed back, resulting in significant losses.

    The increase in terrorist violence can be seen partly as Boko Haram's challenge to President Buhari's campaign statement that he would end the insurgency within three months. Now calling itself the "West African Province of the Islamic State," this terrorist group has also pledged allegiance to ISIS in March of 2015 -- responding to the call to "make Ramadan a month of disasters for the infidels."

    It appears that Boko Haram's strategy includes inciting fellow Muslims against Christians, for its members attacked multiple mosques on July 1st and 2nd. Then on July 5th, five gunmen stormed a mosque in Plateau State, shooting randomly before a suicide bomber struck. Later in the evening, another suicide bomber detonated a device in a crowded restaurant. That same day, six other people, including a pastor and a mother carrying her child, all died when a suicide bomber detonated a device at the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Potiskum, Yobe State.

    Given northern Nigeria's history of religious crises, the attacks on Muslim and public sites may have been Boko Haram's attempt to reignite old hostilities. Our sources report that angry Muslim militants subsequently burned St. Michael's African Church, damaged vehicles, vandalized Christian businesses and attacked the Evangelical Church Winning All Good News building. "Boko Haram has illustrated its utter disregard for every religious creed, including the one it purports to be upholding, and for the sanctity of human life," concludes CSW's Chief Executive Mervyn Thomas. For VOM Canada's previously posted reports and video clips on the dire situation in northern Nigeria, go to the country report.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones, homes and livelihoods as a result of the multiple atrocities. Let's pray for God's peace and comfort not only to be upon the attacked Christians, but to all in Nigeria who have lost dear loved ones as a result of the recent tragedies. Pray that the country's believers will shine as lights -- compassionately reaching out to non-Christians and Muslims who are also suffering. As a result, may the love of Jesus and the message of salvation be revealed to many.

  • Call to Prayer for Christian Refugees
    VOM is distributing
    practical and spiritual aid.

    On Saturday, July 4th, an Iraqi Franciscan priest, Fr. Dhiya Aziz, was abducted by militants in Yacoubieh, Idlib province, which is located in northwest Syria. The area is presently under the control of Jabhat al-Nusra, a terrorist group with links to al-Qaeda. Thankfully, more recent reports indicate that he has since been safely released.

    However, prior to the abduction, advances by Islamic State terrorists took place in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasaka on June 24th. This has resulted in further mass displacement of refugees, including Assyrian Christian families who had sought refuge in the city just this past February.

    Christian leaders in the Middle East are now calling for renewed and urgent prayers for peace. Some feel frustrated by what they perceive as lack of support from the church in the West. Patriarch Louis Sako of Baghdad recently stated, "We feel forgotten and isolated."

    Please uphold our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East who are under mounting pressure from Islamist terrorists. Ask our Almighty God to continue strengthening His dedicated servants as they provide needed relief to the tremendous number of displaced refugees in this part of the world. In keeping with our Lord's desire for all humanity, may there be an end to the violence and bloodshed so that His love and peace can reign supreme -- not only politically but, most importantly, in the hearts of those He so lovingly created.

  • Christian Prisoner Informed of Early Release
    Farshid Fathi
    Photo: FreeFarshid.org

    Iranian Christians are rejoicing over a positive development that has taken place regarding the case of prisoner Farshid Fathi, who has been informed that he's due for early release. This young man happened to be among 22 other believers who were arrested in Tehran on December 26th, 2010, as part of a wider wave of arrests. By the end of April 2011, all of them had been released except for Farshid.

    In April of 2012, the incarcerated believer was sentenced to six years' imprisonment, charged with "acting against national security through membership of a Christian organization, collection of funds, and propaganda against the Islamic Regime by helping spread Christianity in the country." Following claims by authorities that alcohol had been discovered during a violent raid on Evin Prison, in which Farshid had been physically assaulted by a guard for trying to assist an injured prisoner, an additional year was added to his sentence in April of 2014.

    Originally held in Evin Prison, Farshid was transferred to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj during August 2014. Prison authorities in Rajai Shahr have recently notified Farshid in writing that he is due for early release this December (rather than December of 2017). More on Farshid's situation is available at this page.

    Thank the Lord for answering prayer regarding Farshid's early release which is scheduled to take place at the end of this year. May the Iranian authorities now stand by their commitment. As Farshid completes the duration of this revised term, pray that he will be granted further opportunities to share the Gospel with the prisoners and guards of Rajai Shahr prison. Let us also uphold the many other imprisoned Christians in Iran -- all of whom need to be treated with respect and dignity. May they, too, be strengthened by the Lord and granted soon release.