

  • Family Faces Second Violent Attack for their Faith
    Habila, who survived
    after being shot in
    2012, tragically lost
    family members in a
    recent bomb attack.

    The notorious rebel group, Boko Haram, is believed to have been responsible for a suicide bomb attack against a church on July 5th. Among the five casualties are Tabita Adamu and two of her eight children, as well as the church's pastor and an elder. In 2012, Tabita's brother Habila endured a gunshot to the face after being confronted by members of Boko Haram. Habila, whom VOM has since supported, gained international attention in 2013 after testifying before members of the U.S. House of Representatives on the threat of Boko Haram. In a private VOM interview, Habila recalls the details of the horrific event. To view a seven-minute videotaped report featuring his testimony, please click here.

    On November 28th of 2012, four armed men marched toward Habila's house and demanded that he, his wife, and their six-year-old child step outside. When one of the men threatened Habila, asking if he was willing to die for his faith, the uncompromising believer held true to his convictions. Habila was promptly shot in the nose, fell to the ground, and began to bleed profusely. Police on call, who had offered to help Habila, never showed up at the scene.

    Nine hours had passed before Habila was taken to the nearest hospital. Unable to tend to his complicated condition, the medical team transferred him to a different hospital, which later transferred him elsewhere for surgery. Due to the severity of damage done to his mouth, he was fed through a tube for the duration of his hospitalization, which spanned over six weeks. On the day of the scheduled operation, the surgeon discovered that he did not need to conduct the bone and skin grafts because the Lord had already begun healing these areas. Remarkably, since the shooting incident, Habila has forgiven the assailants.

    Thank the Lord for healing Habila's mouth, and for using it to speak out against the threat of Boko Haram and testify of the Gospel (Genesis 50:20). Pray that this persevering Christian spokesperson will now experience healing and comfort after tragically losing his sister Tabita and two of her children during the church bombing, along with fellow ministry workers. May Habila and the surviving victims of this recent attack find great strength and peace in the Lord. We echo Habila's heart's cry for the true victims of such acts of evil -- the perpetrators – interceding that the Lord will "let them know the truth" so they will not eternally perish but rather be spiritually saved and radically transformed.

  • New Law Poses Further Risks to Religious Freedom
    The Chinese Communist Party
    brings in more restrictions with
    its new National Security Law.
    Photo: Haha169 (cc)

    Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) passed its new National Security Law on July 1st, watchdog groups have warned that it can limit the freedoms of Christians and human rights lawyers in mainland China and neighbouring countries -- including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. China Aid warns that the laws use "intentionally vague" wording to target "perceived threats to national security," including "foreign influences" and those they deem as "cults."

    A major concern is the increased imprisonment of Christians and human rights lawyers. Within a 10-day period after the law was enacted, more than 230 prominent human rights lawyers were harassed and imprisoned. Human Rights Watch stated that the risk of torture is high. It is understood that many Christian leaders are still in detention, including Pastor Zhang Shaojie, church leader Ms. Yang Rongli, and house church leader Alimujiang Yimiti. These Christians and others had been arrested for protesting the illegal acquisition of church land, denouncing the "cult" label, and their refusal to remove crosses from church premises. For more information and previous reports on persecution in China, go to our China Country Report.

    On July 14th, amid the massive nationwide crackdown on human rights lawyers, a group of Christian attorneys announced the formation of the "Lawyers for Protection of the Cross" group. These lawyers have declared their willingness to pay any price for their beliefs.

    Let's uphold these Christian lawyers who are willing to take a stand for their convictions and the cause of true justice, regardless of the cost. May they be granted wisdom, strength and grace from on high as they present their cases before mere human authorities, trusting in God's ultimate sovereignty over all and His power to intervene. Also remember to lift up the many other Christians in China who are affected by this new law, asking that they be encouraged to continue trusting the Lord during such challenging times. In fact, may they be mightily used to accomplish His higher purposes by bringing about justice in the judicial and penal systems and, more importantly, furthering the cause of Christ!

  • Christian Granted Appeal Hearing for False Charges of Blasphemy
    Bishoy Kameel Kamel Garas
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Christian prisoner Bishoy Kameel Kamel Garas is scheduled to appeal his blasphemy charges in Egypt's highest court on September 12th. The allegations were initially brought to Bishoy's attention on July 28th, 2012, when the 27-year-old was a primary school English teacher in the city of Tima. Some of Bishoy's friends expressed their disapproval of the comments he had allegedly posted on a social media site, prompting him to check his Facebook page. After Bishoy discovered a fake account -- including his name, photo, and some personal details -- he explained the situation on his real Facebook page and reported the matter to the Internet police.

    When summoned to the police station the next day for what Bishoy presumed to be the onset of an investigation, he was met by Sheikh Mohammed Safwat Tammam who filed a complaint against him. The Salafist Sunni cleric claimed the accused had insulted his sister on Facebook, as well as President Morsi (who was later officially ousted in 2013 by Egypt's armed forces), and the Islamic religion. Although the chief detective at the station believed Bishoy, the cleric refused to withdraw the charges. An assigned prosecutor, who had met with the accused schoolteacher the next day, likewise believed Bishoy. Yet the case was placed on remand to appease the crowd of angry Muslim protestors.

    While two of Bishoy's friends uncovered the creator of the false Facebook page, and even provided police with an audio recording of their confrontation with him, the imposter was never investigated. On September 18th, 2012, Judge Mohammed Abu Saif of Tima Misdemeanor Court sentenced Bishoy to six years in prison. In a July 25th hearing, Bishoy's lawyer secured an appeal for him, citing that his client's jail term had surpassed the three-year maximum sentence for consecutive misdemeanor offenses.

    Throughout the longstanding ordeal, members of the Garas family have faced threats and violence from local militants. "Many angry, fanatical Muslims gathered in front of our home and wanted to expel us from the city," Bishoy's father testifies. "But our Muslim neighbours and moderate Muslims intervened and confronted them. We then hid in a relative's home for a short period, until the situation calmed." According to Bishoy's mother, these threats included vows to kidnap their three daughters. To learn more about the challenges facing believers in Egypt, click here.

    While we can be grateful that Bishoy has been granted an upcoming appeal hearing, please pray that this accused prisoner and his family will be spared from fear of future threat and harm. As they await the outcome of the hearing, may they experience the assurance of God's abiding presence and the "peace that surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7). Ask the Lord to help them forgive those who have wrongfully victimized them, knowing that His justice will ultimately prevail. In the interim, pray that God will wisely guide Bishoy's lawyer throughout the legal proceedings, which we trust will lead to a favourable verdict. As in the case of Bishoy, may all of our Egyptian brothers and sisters display the light of Christ, even in the face of false accusations and possible imprisonment.