

  • Radicals Threaten to Eradicate Christianity
    Pray for the protection of
    churches in Tanzania.
    Flickr / Sherwood (cc)

    Three churches in northwest Tanzania were set ablaze on September 22nd by militants, causing everything inside them to burn. Fortunately, no one was injured. "What is worrying us is that the burning of the three churches happened within a span of two hours," states Pastor Vedasto Athanas of Living Water International Church. "What is even more worrying is that we have been receiving threats from Muslim extremists that they want churches reduced in this area."

    These attacks have come at a time when the church in Tanzania is experiencing extreme growth. The resulting destruction leaves about 850 Christians without their places of worship. "We have lost everything in our churches -- the buildings, the chairs and musical instruments," the pastor added. "Our members have nowhere to worship. We do request prayers at this difficult moment."

    This is not the first time that Tanzanian Christian churches have been burned by extremists. In January, a church building in the Muheza district was also set on fire. Additionally, a woman in this district who converted to Christianity after marrying her Christian husband was beaten and burned by her Muslim parents late last year.

    As Christians make up about 54 percent of the Tanzanian population, the country's 31 percent Muslim population has largely been tolerant of Christian practices until a recent polarization between moderate and radical Muslims, according to Operation World.

    First of all, may God minister His perfect peace to the congregations of these churches after the destruction and upheaval they've recently experienced, restoring to them all that the enemy has destroyed. And may He not only minister to the Christians of these communities but also to the perpetrators of the violence, convicting them of their sin and need of salvation. We pray that greater blessing will be poured out upon His people in Tanzania as they continue letting their lights shine brightly so that many others will clearly discover the Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14:6).

  • Abducted Christian Leader Released from Captivity!
    Pray for peace in Syria.
    Flickr / Freedom House (cc)

    We are pleased to report that Father Jacques Mourad was safely released on October 10th. The Syrian priest had been abducted by members of Islamic State (ISIS) on May 21st during a raid on the Mar Elian monastery in Qaryatain, Homs. Although the circumstances leading to his release are not yet known, contacts in Damascus have confirmed that he is in good health and expected to travel to Syria's capital soon. Following his release, Fr. Mourad attended a worship service in a town close to Homs.

    In early August, ISIS seized control of Qaryatain and took additional Christian hostages. (More about this can be found at this page.) Evidence emerged on August 20th that the Mar Elian monastery had been destroyed. On October 1st, a separate ISIS video emerged, purportedly showing a gathering in August of more than 50 Christian men in Qaryatain. The video shows the men signing a contract undertaking to pay the 'jizya' subjugation tax to ISIS and refrain from all public expressions of non-Islamic worship. According to separate reports, an Assyrian Christian, Fahid Khazaal, was executed by ISIS in September for refusing to accept their conditions.

    Additional atrocities, including the recent execution of three other Assyrian Christians, have led to heightened concerns for the approximately 200 remaining believers still being detained by ISIS. (Last week's report on the execution of the three men can be found at this page.) Syrian Christians are requesting renewed prayer for peace in their land and for all who are affected by the ongoing violence.

    In accordance to Psalm 100, let us enter God's gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, for He alone is worthy of our worship. We specifically thank Him for the safe release of Fr. Mourad and others who were once held captive by the ISIS terrorists. May they experience the Lord's restoration, guidance and wisdom after such a trying ordeal, while acknowledging Him for their newly regained freedom. We pray that their release will precipitate the freedom of the many others who were abducted and, at this very moment, in need of His presence and protection. Ask the Lord to also minister encouragement and comfort to their loved ones, and to ultimately reveal His sovereignty and majesty among the suffering people of Syria -- not to mention those who are instigating the terror so they, too, can acknowledge Him as Lord over all!

  • Bishoy Boulous Excluded from Prisoner Pardon List
    Bishoy Boulous

    Please pray for Christian prisoner of faith Bishoy Armia Boulous, who remains behind bars even after the Egyptian government released 100 prisoners in an amnesty. Among those officially pardoned by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi were two Al Jazeera journalists jailed after reporting unrest in 2013.

    While Bishoy was detained for reporting attacks on churches in Upper Egypt, he has officially served his sentence and should have been released back in May. The young husband and father has also been charged with "blasphemy" over his attempt to change the religious status of his ID card. Bishoy's lawyer asserts that the time allotted for investigations into this charge has elapsed and, therefore, a formal complaint has been filed with Egypt's attorney general about his client's ill-treatment and continued detention.

    Bishoy, also known by his former name, Mohamed Hegazy, was raised as a Muslim before his conversion. He was arrested in December of 2013 during a period of anti-Christian violence in Minya. The security service claimed he was working for The Way TV, an American-based channel. A video clip explaining more about Bishoy's situation can be viewed at this page.

    Join us in praying that the authorities in Egypt will look favourably upon Bishoy's case, duly granting him release from imprisonment. In the interim, may the Lord mightily strengthen and use this spiritually fervent young man by providing divinely appointed opportunities to share the Gospel, for which he faithfully suffers, with other prisoners and guards who are in need of God's hope and salvation. Pray that Bishoy, his wife and children will have the comforting assurance that the Lord is working out His far greater plans in this situation and, at the same time, also in the lives of those who have yet to receive Him.

    Consider writing a letter of encouragement to Bishoy and/or another Christian prisoner today. More information can be found at this page.