

  • Penalties for Apostasy Increased
    Man reading in the desert - The Voice of the Martyrs U.S. - www.icommittopray.com

    Christians in Mauritania are concerned about recent changes to the laws regarding religious conversion. On April 27th, the Mauritanian National Assembly approved changes to increase the penalty for apostasy.

    According to the new regulations, the death penalty is now mandatory for those convicted of "blasphemous remarks" or "sacrilegious acts." Further, those found guilty of "the breach of prohibitions prescribed by Allah or the facilitation of their non-compliance," or "outrage to public decency and the values of Islam," can face a prison sentence of up to two years, along with a fine.

  • Church Temporarily Closed to Keep Peace

    Police at the church in Beni Meinin - World Watch Monitor  - www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Police were stationed in Beni Meinin
    after the attack on the village church.
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Since legal changes were recently implemented -- making it easier for churches to obtain permits -- there have been several instances of Muslim villagers opposing the opening of Christian churches. On May 10th, we reported that some were confronted by angry mobs and the subsequent attempts of local officials to resolve the issues through reconciliation. (To review the previous report, see this page.)