

  • Recent Sentencing Includes Pastor's Son
    Ramiel Bettamraz Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    Ramiel Bet Tamraz
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Ramiel Bet Tamraz was arrested along with four converts from Islam when security officials raided a picnic that took place northeast of Tehran on August 26th, 2016. Although the five Christians were interrogated and eventually released, Ramiel and his friend were charged with "acting against national security." Both were released on bail in October 2016.

  • Church Comprising Converts Ordered Closed

    A family in Kyrgyzstan - Photo: Unsplash / Oziel Gomez
    Pray that the Gospel will continue to reach hearts throughout Kyrgyzstan.

    A church in Kyrgyzstan, attended by many former Muslims, has been ordered to cease operations. Twice in the past few months, Sunday services have been interrupted by a group consisting of local officials, representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and others. While the church tried to settle the conflict, the opposing group has continued to issue threats and insults. "You will not be able to live and carry out your ministry here," members of the church were told.

  • Pastor Brunson Remains in Custody

    Andrew Brunson - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Andrew Brunson
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    Despite the hopes of many around the world that Pastor Andrew Brunson would be released from custody after his latest hearing on July 17th, a judge ruled that he is to remain at least until his next hearing on October 12th.

    Pastor Brunson, an American who served the Izmir Resurrection Church for more than 20 years, is facing allegations of conspiring to overthrow the government and espionage. Officials claim that he has been conspiring with a Muslim cleric who is living in exile in the United States. For more information on this case, visit this page.