New Anti-Conversion Legislation
One of the few churches
in Himachal Pradesh.
Photo: Wikipedia / Knipptang (c)The Indian state of Himachal Pradesh passed new legislation on August 30th to prevent any religious conversion that may come about through force, fraud or inducement. According to the new law, when someone intends to convert to a religion, they must give the district magistrate and appropriate religious leaders one month's notice. Those found guilty of converting others under the new law could face up to seven years in prison.
New Fines for Unregistered Worship
On July 18th, criminal prosecutions for unregistered religious activities in Belarus came to an end. Although this would be good news for those who have faced prosecution in the past, it was replaced with fines up to five weeks' the average pay under the Administrative Code.
Interview with Asia Bibi
Photo: World Watch Monitor "I, Asia Bibi, daughter of Salamat Masih, believe in Jesus." So begins a video testimony of the Pakistani woman who was formerly sentenced to death for blasphemy but now living in an undisclosed location in Canada. Grateful for the opportunity to begin building a new life for her reunited family, Asia is calling out to the world to remember others still being imprisoned for their faith.
In the video, Asia, who remains a proud Pakistani, expresses remorse for having to leave her homeland and beloved elderly father. Even while in Canada, however, her life is still under threat by those seeking to punish her for alleged blasphemy.