Church Property Ownership Results in Criminal Charges
Christians in Sudan are in conflict
with the Sudanese government
over ownership of church property.
Photo: World Watch MonitorEight church leaders are facing criminal charges over a law that puts all church properties under the control of the government. These eight leaders of the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) -- including its president, Ayouba Telyan -- were arrested in August 2017 after refusing to turn over control of their church's property to a government-appointed committee. Charges included criminal trespassing and illegal possession of property. For more information on the original ruling, go to this report.
Police Shut Down Outdoor Worship Services
Police broke up a worship gathering of approximately 6,000 Christians on October 15th after Hindu militants accused the pastor of insulting other religions, possession of arms, and forcible conversions. According to Pastor Santosh Jaiswal, the congregation scattered when police arrived with demands that the service cease.
The officers investigating the allegations were unable to find any evidence against the pastor but ordered that Pastor Santosh stop the worship services. According to police, an eyewitness had seen people claiming to be healed and others lifting their hands in prayer, interpreting what was happening as black magic.
Another Church to be Closed
Protestant churches continue to
face government closures.
Photo: World Watch MonitorAlgerian Christians request ongoing prayer as the government campaign to close churches continues. On October 17th, leaders of the church in Freha were summoned by police and informed that their building will be sealed.
In response to the escalating closures, Christians gathered on October 17th outside the Governorate building in Tizi Ouzou to express their concerns. In response, police violently arrested 97 people, injuring some of them. The believers were detained for four hours before being released.