Accused as Criminals for Bible Distribution
Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley. When missionaries first arrived in Korea in the late 19th century, they discovered that the Gospel message had already preceded them. Koreans who had been assisting with Bible translation in China consequently came to faith in Christ. By smuggling portions of the New Testament into their homeland, they were also able to lead others to Christ. The resulting believers came to be known as "Bible Christians."
Pastor Killed by Rebels
Pastor Munshi with his wife Jaini,
and one of their children.
Photo: Morning Star NewsOn July 10th, Pastor Munshi Devu Tado was leading a worship service for a small group on his property when armed Maoist rebels approached. According to his wife, they shook hands with the pastor and then tied his hands behind his back and led him away. The rebels then told family members that they wanted to talk to him. A few minutes later, a gunshot was heard. Pastor Munshi was found dead on the ground and, by this point, the attackers were gone.
Appeal Decisions for Ismaeil Maghrebinejad
Photo: Article18 In January 2019, Ismaeil Maghrebinejad, 65, was arrested and has since faced multiple charges and convictions, which he has appealed. Originally convicted of "membership of a group hostile to the regime" and "insulting Islamic sacred beliefs," he was further convicted of "propaganda against the state" in May 2020 (read more).