Accused as Criminals for Bible Distribution

Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley
Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley.

When missionaries first arrived in Korea in the late 19th century, they discovered that the Gospel message had already preceded them. Koreans who had been assisting with Bible translation in China consequently came to faith in Christ. By smuggling portions of the New Testament into their homeland, they were also able to lead others to Christ. The resulting believers came to be known as "Bible Christians."

The Bible remains essential to the church in North Korea today, and The Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOMK) is determined to continue getting God's Word into this closed nation through the use of various innovative methods. However, these efforts have recently become a point of contention with leaders of the South Korean government who are seeking to appease demands from the dictatorial government of Kim Jong Un in North Korea. See this recent report on the challenges encountered when making these efforts.

The co-founders of VOMK are presently facing possible criminal charges, as well as a review of the ministry's status as a registered NGO. In a recently sent email, Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley wrote, "We stand accused in our own country as criminals, and we do so alongside our North Korean Christian brothers and sisters." The couple released a fascinating account about the "Bible Christians" of those earlier days and how they connect to the current situation in both North and South Korea (see

Please keep the Foleys in your prayers, and the rest of the VOMK staff, as they navigate how to wisely deal with these present challenges while endeavouring to honour God through the distribution of His Word and the provision of humanitarian aid. Pray that the people of North Korea who have received the distributed Bibles will be touched by what they read, resulting in their eternal salvation. Intercede for the governmental leaders of both North and South Korea that they would not only cease from opposing the Gospel but also willingly embrace our Heavenly Father's 'Love Letter to Humanity' to the point of becoming convicted of their need to accept His Son Jesus as their own personal Saviour.

South Korea News

  • Accused as Criminals for Bible Distribution
    Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley
    Rev. Dr. Eric Foley and his wife Dr. Foley.

    When missionaries first arrived in Korea in the late 19th century, they discovered that the Gospel message had already preceded them. Koreans who had been assisting with Bible translation in China consequently came to faith in Christ. By smuggling portions of the New Testament into their homeland, they were also able to lead others to Christ. The resulting believers came to be known as "Bible Christians."

  • South Korea considers banning missionary work in the Middle East

    After receiving complaints from Middle Eastern countries about the evangelistic efforts of its citizens, South Korea is considering banning missionary work in the Middle East "because of safety concerns." According to an unnamed official who spoke to The Korean Times late last week, among the measures being considered are restrictions on the usage of passports and on departures from South Korea for those who have been expelled for evangelization attempts. Members of missionary groups could be prohibited from entering Middle Eastern countries even if they have no records of expulsion. According to the official, "Some organizations keep sending their members to dangerous areas for missionary work. We've received requests from other countries to have them refrain from doing this."

    In a weblog published on August 31, The Voice of the Martyrs urges the South Korean government to refrain from interfering, even with the best intentions, in the rights of its citizens to carry out their faith even in dangerous environments. We also urge Christians in free nations to recognize that there are risks in taking the gospel to many parts of the world and to accept the consequences of their obedience. We further call upon mission and church leaders to better plan short-term ministry trips and prepare participants in ways and means of doing evangelism in religiously hostile environments that are in line with the biblical admonition to be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). See our weblog for the full statement and a fuller examination of this story.

    Pray that the South Korean government will withdraw their plans to restrict the religious freedom of their citizens in this way. Pray that church leaders will stand up and let their concerns be known about these proposals. Pray that church leaders and missions worldwide will recommit themselves to developing ministries in Muslim countries that are in line with the biblical admonition of Matthew 10:16.