

  • Church Buildings Confiscated
    Grace Church member praying - Photo: Grace Church via Forum 18 www.forum18.org
    Church member prays outside Grace Church.
    Photo: Grace Church via Forum 18

    City officials in Kazakhstan's capital of Nur-Sultan have ordered the confiscation of the Grace Presbyterian Church building, as well as the place of worship being constructed on the same site for the Agape Pentecostal Church. The authorities claim that the land is needed for a new public kindergarten.

  • Thirty Christians Arrested at Wedding
    Asmara - Photo: Wikipedia / John Beso
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Photo: Wikipedia / John Beso

    Eritrean authorities continued their ongoing crackdown on unregistered religious groups when 30 guests were arrested at a wedding ceremony in late June. These Christians were arrested in the capital city of Asmara, joining 15 others who had been previously arrested in April and sent to a prison camp.

  • Churches Converted to Cultural Centres
    Church in China - Photo: Open Doors www.opendoorsusa.org/
    Continue to pray that Christians in China will be faithful despite authorities’ efforts to close churches.
    Photo: Open Doors

    As China continues its crackdown on churches, some state-approved Three-Self Churches have been "voluntarily" converted into cultural centres. In Jiangsu province, the Flowing Stream Church was disbanded in 2019, accused of "occupying the village's cultural base." It has now been turned into the "Yangzai Township Flowing Stream Village Cultural Service Centre" where the socialist principles of President Xi are promoted, in the governing officials' attempt to spread "positive energy" to the community.