

  • Opposition From Many Fronts
    Chinese Bible and cross pendant - Photo: Pixabay

    Sources in China have indicated that the persecution facing Christians at this time may be the worst since the radical actions of the Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong. Crosses are being torn down around the country and the central government has insisted on obtaining control of churches. A policy of Sinicization has been instituted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), in its attempts to eliminate what is perceived as foreign influence and make everything fit under its concept of Chinese culture and beliefs.

  • Kidnapped Pastor Released


    Rev. Polycarp Zongo - Photo: YouTube
    Photo: Screenshot from YouTube

    On October 19th, Rev. Polycarp Zongo from the Church of Christ in Nations went missing, along with two Christian women. Ten days later, it was discovered that the three Nigerians had been kidnapped by militants from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP). This faction is a breakaway from the formerly reported Boko Haram terrorist group.

  • Hope for Young Teen Forced into Marriage
    Arzoo, Ali and police officers - Photo: Sindh government
    Arzoo (second from the left) and Ali Azhar (far right) with police in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Photo: Sindh government

    According to Pakistan's Minister for Human Rights, the Sindh High Court has ordered that Arzoo Raja, a 13-year-old Christian girl, be recovered by police and moved into a shelter. This comes almost a month after she was abducted, forcibly converted to Islam, and married against her will to a 44-year-old Muslim neighbour.