Ministry Partner Arrested
Ivan and his wife Maria lead a ministry training centre in Belarus. On July 9th, Maria was suddenly arrested after government agents travelling in black vans arrived at their home and took her away. At last report, no formal charges have been laid, and her husband and children do not know her location.
Three Churches Sealed for Closure
Authorities have placed a seal over this church lock,
and many others in the country.
Photo: World Watch MonitorOn July 7th, three more church buildings were sealed by Algerian authorities. These recent closures are part of the government's campaign, which was launched in 2017, to shut down Christian places of worship. This latest incident brings the total number of sealed churches to 16. For details on the previous closures, go to the country report.
Memorial Service Raided
Before and after the Christian symbols were removed.
Photo: ChinaAidIn Guiyang City, a Christian memorial service was being prepared at a local funeral home when government officials raided the venue. Any item of a religious nature was removed, and officials demanded that there be no prayer, singing of hymns, or reading of Scripture at the service. When the memorial was held the next day, officers monitored the entrance of the building, prohibiting anyone from bringing musical instruments into the venue and threatening those who attempted to do so.
Attacks Perpetrated by Family and Neighbours
Abudlawali and Hajat
Photo: Morning Star NewsThree recent incidents of violence against Christians in Uganda reveal the costs of following Christ. For believers in this African nation, opposition can come from many directions, even close family members, and may potentially result in serious injury or death.