

  • Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Evangelism
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya - Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide
    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya
    Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

    Pastor Keshav Raj Acharya of the Abundant Harvest Church in Pokhara, Nepal, was initially arrested and detained in March 2020 after a video was released in which he allegedly claimed that the COVID-19 virus could be healed through prayer. The pastor denies ever uploading the video. He was initially released on bail but then re-arrested and charged with "outraging religious feelings" and "attempting to convert." Pastor Keshav was detained in a remote area of the country with restricted access to transportation.

  • Pastor and Three Other Christians Facing Charges
    Church members hanging signs in protest of government closure.
    Church members carried out a peaceful demonstration in 2019.

    Pastor Salah Chalah is the senior pastor of the largest Protestant church in Algeria, as well as the president of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA). He and three other believers have been summoned to appear in court on December 5th. Pastor Salah faces multiple charges, including "practising non-Muslim rites without permission" and organizing an assembly. Penalties can range from heavy fines to up to five years' imprisonment. The other three Christians have received similar charges, with one of them also facing charges for allegedly taking photographs of people without their permission.

  • Ten Villagers Killed; Dozens of Homes Destroyed
    Fulani militants - Photo: Voice of America
    Fulani militants
    Photo: Voice of America

    An overnight attack that took place in the Nigerian village of Ta'agbe on November 26th left ten Christians dead, including three children. According to witnesses, the attackers were dressed in black, carried sophisticated weapons, and shouted Islamic slogans while slaughtering the residents of the village and burning homes. It is estimated that over 100 houses were destroyed, displacing 690 people.