Structure Used for Underground Church Demolished
The scene at the underground church in Youtong.
Photo: Radio Free AsiaThe meeting place of an underground Catholic church in Youtong, Hebei Province, was demolished by authorities on June 27th. According to Dong Baolu, the bishop of the church, the raid took place while he was in the hospital for a medical checkup. The timing of the government-sanctioned action was arranged by concerned church members to keep Bishop Dong from being arrested.
Mob Violence Erupts After Official Approval of Church
The Coptic church traces its presence in Egypt back to the first century.
Photo: Flickr / Edgardo W. Olivera (cc)In 2016, a government committee was established in Egypt to work through more than 3,700 applications for the legalization of previously unlicenced church buildings. While the process has been slow, since that time almost 2,000 church buildings have been legally approved. (For more details, see this previously posted report.)
Young Teen Bride Missing
Pray for young believers who are frequently subjected to human trafficking. In May of last year, the family of Nayab Gill was devastated when custody of the 13-year-old girl was given over to Saddam Hayat, a Muslim man who had forcibly converted her to Islam and then married her. Rejecting all evidence documenting her young age, the Pakistani courts decided that the marriage was legal. (See this report for more details.)