

  • Rajasthan State to Introduce Anti-Conversion Legislation
    A man is sitting with his Bible open. He is speaking to a group of people.
    Photo: VOMC

    In an affidavit filed earlier this month before India's Supreme Court, officials from the Indian state of Rajasthan announced their plans to introduce legislation that would ban so-called forced religious conversions. The proposal comes after the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took control of the state following elections in late November, unseating the more centrist Indian National Congress.

  • 42 Christians Questioned, Resulting in Several Being Charged
    Worshippers are gathered in a small church. Many have their hands raised.
    Believers in India
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Police in the Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh detained 42 Christians and formally charged nine of them after receiving a complaint about an alleged "Christian conversion racket." The accusations outlined tactics purported to be used by the believers in leading members of the state’s impoverished and tribal communities to convert to Christianity.

  • Positive Court Ruling on State Anti-Conversion Law
    A man is sharing Christian literature with two people.
    Photo: VOM USA

    A recent ruling by the Allahabad High Court has brought encouraging news to Christians in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. This court decision may help to more precisely determine who is legally qualified to file a grievance under the state's anti-conversion law, as well as provide some beneficial legal guidelines on what constitutes "allurement."

  • Five Arrested at Family Celebration
    Praying hands resting against a rail. The sun from a window highlights the rail and hands in a dark room.

    Bibha Kerketta made her vows to become a nun six months ago and came home in early June to celebrate with her family and friends in Balachhapar, a village located in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh. However, as people gathered at her mother's home on June 6th, a group of Hindu militants barged into the house, accusing the Christians of conducting a healing service and insulting other religions.

  • Anti-Conversion Law to be Repealed
    A church in India
    Photo: Flickr / Selmer van Alten (cc)

    In the state elections held in Karnataka on May 10th, the secular Indian National Congress party won a majority of seats over the former ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Moving quickly on election promises to reverse the "unconstitutional decisions" that were previously made, the newly elected government plans to introduce legislation that will repeal the state's "Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Act," widely referred to as the anti-conversion law. The new bill will be introduced in the upcoming assembly session, beginning on July 3rd. The new government also plans to reverse the previous changes made to school textbooks that had promoted aggressive Hindu nationalist (Hindutva) ideologies.

  • Christians Denied Humanitarian Aid Rations
    A young girl cooking over an open fire just outside her home.
    A girl cooking for her family.
    Photo: Flickr / India Water Portal (cc)

    Ten Christian families in Bara Chomri village, Madhya Pradesh, have been denied government rations due to their faith affiliation. These families were summoned to a village gathering on January 26th where they were pressured to give up their Christian faith. The believers were told that if they did not comply, they would be denied provisions distributed to the poor by the government.

  • Mob Violently Protests Alleged Conversion Activities
    The front of a church with destroyed property littering the floor.
    Property damage in the church.
    Photo: VOMC Source (screenshot)

    Hundreds of villagers converged on a Catholic church in the Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh on January 2nd. Spurred on by accusations of alleged religious conversions, the crowd entered the church building armed with wooden sticks and iron rods. Significant damage was done to the church and presbytery. Several police officers, including the district superintendent, were injured when they attempted to intervene.

  • Anti-Conversion Law Passes in Karnataka State
    Karnataka Legislaturive Building in Bangalore
    The Legislative Building in Bangalore, Karnataka State.
    Photo: Flickr / Avinash Bhat (cc)

    On September 28th, the Indian state of Karnataka joined several others by officially enacting laws that restrict conversion from one religion to another. The "Protection of Right to Freedom of Religion Act" officially seeks to prohibit "unlawful conversion from one religion to another by misrepresentation, force, undue influence, coercion, allurement or by any fraudulent means." While restricting coercive conversions is laudable, such laws have frequently been misused against religious minorities throughout India.

  • Anti-Conversion Laws Expand to Haryana State
    A group of people riding motorbikes, all wearing orange scarves, some carrying orange flags
    Hindu nationalists in Haryana.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Despite strong opposition, and even walkouts organized by opposing politicians, the Haryana Assembly in northern India passed the "Haryana Prevention of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Bill" on March 22nd. The bill's stated purpose is to instill fear among those who might be involved in unlawful conversion activities.

  • Christians Protest Proposed Legislation and Pastor's Arrest
    A church in India - Photo: Unsplash
    Pray for wisdom as believers in India navigate
    these troublesome developments.

    Hundreds of Christians in India participated in a peaceful rally on October 25th in protest against proposed anti-conversion laws, as well as a recent mob attack on a church that resulted in the arrest of the pastor.

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