

  • Christians Beaten Following Prayer Meeting
    Man praying - Photo: Pixabay
    Ask God to grant believers opportunities to safely join in the fellowship of prayer.

    On the afternoon of November 20th, the pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle Church in Polgolla, Sri Lanka, went to visit a Christian family with another member of his congregation for a time of prayer. As they were concluding their time together, the Christians noticed that a crowd had gathered outside, including a Buddhist monk.

  • All Emmanuel Baptist Hostages Released!
    Clasped hands in a man's lap - Photo: Pixabay
    Join with Nigerian believers as they wait on the Lord for His guidance and deliverance.

    Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria, were devastated after an attack took place in the village of Kakau Daji on October 31st in which at least one worshipper was killed and 66 kidnapped. (Read an earlier posted report about this incident.)Sadly, five of the hostages were shot by their captors on November 6th, leaving two dead and three others hospitalized.

  • Ten Villagers Killed; Dozens of Homes Destroyed
    Fulani militants - Photo: Voice of America
    Fulani militants
    Photo: Voice of America

    An overnight attack that took place in the Nigerian village of Ta'agbe on November 26th left ten Christians dead, including three children. According to witnesses, the attackers were dressed in black, carried sophisticated weapons, and shouted Islamic slogans while slaughtering the residents of the village and burning homes. It is estimated that over 100 houses were destroyed, displacing 690 people.

  • Christians Targeted by Governmental Forces
    A group of Chin people. - Photo: Flickr / CortoMaltese_1999
    The Chin people group consists of a large Christian population.
    Photo: Flickr / CortoMaltese_1999 (cc)

    For many years, warring factions have caused issues throughout the country of Myanmar (also referred to as Burma). While most members of the population are Buddhist, some tribal groups such as the Chin and Karen peoples have large Christian communities. There is also a significant Muslim population among the Rohingya people.

  • Ongoing Persecution of the Early Rain Covenant Church
    Dai Zhichao, his wife, and two boys - Photo: ChinaAid
    Dai Zhichao and his family
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Since the Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC) was raided in December 2018, leading to dozens of arrests, the opposition of government agents has been relentless. (For previous reports revealing the ongoing difficulties experienced by the members of this prominent church in Chengdu, click here.) While the church as a whole is no longer able to meet together, ERCCmembers continue to gather in small groups.

  • Christians Protest Proposed Legislation and Pastor's Arrest
    A church in India - Photo: Unsplash
    Pray for wisdom as believers in India navigate
    these troublesome developments.

    Hundreds of Christians in India participated in a peaceful rally on October 25th in protest against proposed anti-conversion laws, as well as a recent mob attack on a church that resulted in the arrest of the pastor.

  • Violent Attack During Worship Service
    Injured man in an ambulance. - Photo: Morning Star News
    A man injured in the attack is being treated for his injuries.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A frenzied mob of more than 200 people burst into a worship service on Sunday, October 3rd, and began beating Christians, vandalizing the building, and looting items belonging to the church. The violent incident happened in Roorkee, a city located in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand.

  • Fatalities Caused by Recent Attacks
    Men carrying the casket of a slain believer.
    Christian funerals have become far too common in Nigeria.
    Photo: Evangelical Church Winning All Nigeria

    On September 26th, a group of gunmen raided a church in Gavaciwa, Kaduna State, and opened fire in the midst of the worship service. One worshipper, Nasiru Abdullahi, was killed as a result of the violence and, in the aftermath of the invasion, numerous other believers were rushed to the hospital with injuries.

  • Christian Teenager Dies After Acid Attack
    Apollo Burns Hospital
    Apollo Burns Hospital
    Photo: Wikimedia / Burn & Trauma Research Center (cc)

    On August 11th, Nitish Kumar – a Christian teenager from northern India's Bihar state – was attacked with acid, leaving much of his body with severe burns. For more on the incident, view this report.

  • Christians Beaten After Mob Storms Police Station
    BJP gathering with large flag
    The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) holds Hindu nationalist positions.
    Photo: Flickr / Narendra Modi (cc)

    Acting on accusations from Hindu nationalists, police raided a gathering of the New Life Fellowship Ministry in Raipur, the capital of India's Chhattisgarh state, on September 5th. The complainants had accompanied the police and attempted to enter the church but were prevented from doing so. The officers then requested that Pastor Harish Sahu report to the local police station.