
Baptist Union

  • Theological Colleges Stripped of Licenses
    Bible and notebooks on a park bench
    Pray that believers in Russia will have wisdom as they pursue religious freedom.

    On April 6th, the Theological Institute run by the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Ingria was stripped of its higher education license. Another Lutheran college in Russia is in the process of fighting a similar action. The colleges of the Baptist Union and Pentecostal Union have likewise lost their licenses, and other colleges have been banned from accepting new students.

  • Registration Refused for Church Activities
    Church of the Merciful Jesus - Photo: Wikipedia / Andrej Kuzniecyk
    Church of the Merciful Jesus
    Photo: Wikipedia / Andrej Kuzniecyk

    Officials have rejected the registration application for the Pentecostal Your Will Be Done Church in Minsk for the sixth time after a government official pressured a potential landlord to not rent their facility to the church. Due to fear of punishment, the congregation has chosen to not meet for worship without registration.

  • Increasing Restrictions in Breakaway Regions
    Luhansk, Ukraine - Photo: Flickr / Ozolus www.flickr.com/photos/74687726@N00
    Luhansk, Ukraine
    Photo: Flickr / Ozolus (cc)

    Areas in eastern Ukraine, now controlled by Russian-backed rebels, have placed increasingly harsh restrictions on any non-Orthodox religious groups. Christians are facing demands to register, as well as orders to stop all religious activities.