

  • Christians Facing Genocide

    A displaced Kachin woman - Flickr / Trocair
    Photo: Flickr / Trocair (c)

    As the world's attention is centred on the estimated 700,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees fleeing slaughter from the military in Burma, another group who are predominantly Christian are facing a similar fate. The Kachin people live in an area of northern Burma, near the borders of India and China.

  • Military Blockade Presents Barriers for Christians

    Burmese people traveling by cart

    A blockade enforced by the Burmese military has caused added suffering to numerous Christians in the northern state of Kachin. According to Rev. Je Di, a church leader from the town of Tanai, the military has been restricting deliveries of rice and fuel into the town for months. As a result, the price of fuel has skyrocketed and food supplies have dwindled.

  • Two Pastors Charged for Alleged Spying
    Pastors Dom Dawng Nawng Latt (L) and La Jaw Gam Hseng. (Courtesy of Burma military)
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On October 27th, two assistant pastors arrested by the army in Burma (Myanmar) last December were sentenced to prison on false charges of unlawful association, defaming the military and spying. Pastor Dom Dawng Nawng Latt received a prison term of four years and three months, and Pastor Lang Jaw Gam Hseng was sentenced to a term of two years and three months.

  • Newly Converted Christians Attacked in Village

    Sunrise in Burma -- Flickr / Staffan Scherz
    Photo: Flickr/Staffan Scherz (c)

    On July 6th, about 150 angry Buddhists (including some monks) attacked seven newly converted Christians in Burma (Myanmar), destroying their homes and properties, as well as causing the victims bodily harm. A couple days after two families had committed their lives to Christ, members of the mob broke into their homes in Thi Taw village of northwest Burma's Sagaing Region. Altogether four women and three men were hit with stones and sticks, suffering injuries to their heads, faces and backs. During the attack, three motorbikes were also destroyed.

  • Health Struggles Plague Imprisoned Pastor

    Pastor Dom Dawng Nawng Latt | Photo: Morning Star News
    Pastor Dom Dawng Nawng Latt
    Photo: Morning Star News

    One of the two assistant pastors arrested by army officials last Christmas Eve is suffering deteriorating health from malnutrition. Pastor Dom Dawng Nawng Latt, 65, has become weak, lacks energy and suffers from asthma and dysentery, according to fellow pastor La Jaw Gam Hseng, 35, who is on trial with him.

    Khon Peng, the wife of Pastor Dom, reported that he is increasingly discouraged: "He has to share the room with 40 people in custody. So it is very tough for him.... He suffers both mentally and physically." Even though Pastor Dom was transferred from Mongko town in Muse Township to Lashio in April, Khon has been able to visit her husband a few times, bringing him needed food and medicine.

  • Christian Workers Fatally Attacked in Buddhist Village
    A village school in Burma (Myanmar)

    Two young women were tragically attacked and killed on January 19th because of their Christian work in a Buddhist village. The women, who were serving as volunteer schoolteachers in a village located within Kachin State, had earlier been threatened because of their efforts in sharing the Good News. Local officials had told them to leave the area because they did not want Christians in the village. Shortly thereafter, the young women were reportedly raped and killed by soldiers.

    Despite recent reforms in this predominantly-Buddhist nation, Christians are actually facing increased persecution. New believers routinely lose their employment and homes, and many women across the country are at risk of being raped and murdered by members of the military.

    Pray that God will somehow use this senseless attack to further His Kingdom purposes in Burma so that many will be receptive to the Gospel message. Ask that the faithful testimony and witness of these dedicated women will continue to impact the members of this village community, even long after their deaths. Pray that their loved ones, as well as the students they sacrificially taught, will be comforted in the knowledge that these young women are now experiencing life to the fullest with Jesus in heaven. Please also intercede for the soldiers who perpetrated this heartless crime, that they will be moved by the Holy Spirit to seek repentance and salvation.

    To learn how VOM is standing with our persecuted family in Burma, visit our website.


  • Provision for Believers After Loss of Jobs and Homes

    Photo: Flickr / worak

    Persecution is increasing in Myanmar as more people turn to Jesus Christ. As a result, Buddhists who've converted to Christianity are finding it difficult keeping their jobs, while facing the very real possibility of being driven from their homes. (See the Myanmar Country Report for previous reports, as well as insightful video broadcasts.)

    Two families currently working with VOM's Burma fish farm project are grateful for God's provision after having personally lost their jobs and homes since coming to faith in Christ last July. One family is living in a hut used for secret worship services, while the other is living in a hut where fish feed is stored.

    Amid the increasing pressure, the fish farm just completed its second harvest cycle. And thankfully, despite setbacks from flooding and government opposition, the farm has generated an income. This income will be invested in church planting, with a portion of it being re-invested to make the farm more productive.

    Praise God for these faithful believers in Myanmar. Pray that He will continue to grant them grace and strength amid their challenging circumstances (Colossians 1:11). May His provision continue in abundance, serving as a witness of His goodness and mercy.

  • Military Destroys 66 Churches and Assaults Numerous Women

    Kachin people at a refugee camp
    Photo: Barnabas Aid

    To date, a total of 66 churches have been burnt down in Kachin state, the result of a conflict that reignited in June of 2011, according to a report provided by the Kachin Women's Association of Thailand. The figures in this report have been confirmed by the Kachin Baptist Convention based in Myitkyina.

    Julia Marip, spokesperson for the women's association, believes that the burning of churches by government forces is a matter related to religious persecution. Compounding the seriousness of this situation is the fact that 30 reported incidents of sexual assault, involving 64 women or girls (cases that include gang rapes), have been committed by Myanmar troops. "Half of those women raped were killed afterward," Julia Marip sadly announces. For an historical overview, go to the Burma Country Report.

    Ask the Lord to grant these suffering Christians in Burma greatly needed strength and protection. In the midst of these seemingly insurmountable trials and times of chaos, may they be encouraged of His unfailing love, faithfulness and ability to provide divine intervention, healing and restoration. Also pray that He will work mightily in the hearts and minds of the perpetrators, including all those in authority.

  • Burmese military cracking down on religious groups in Yangon

    A candlelight vigil in Yangon
    Photo from

    The Burmese military has prohibited Christian and Muslim groups in the city of Yangon from holding prayer meetings in private homes, according to a January 13 report from AsiaNews. The property owners of buildings rented by believers for their worship services were recently handed an order by officials of the Rangoon division Religious Affairs Department, demanding they prohibit these meetings or face the confiscation or closure of their property. Since the government rarely permits religious groups from owning or constructing places of worship, local Christians estimate that the majority of churches will be affected.

    Pray for Christ's peace and grace to fill the hearts of Christians affected by these new restrictions. Pray that the bold faith of Christians in Burma will be a light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Burma, go to theBurma Country Report.

  • Authorities Close Church in Burma's Capital
    Rev. Dam Suan Mung with his wife, Vung Za Niang

    A rapidly growing church in Rangoon, the capital of Myanmar (Burma) has been closed by military officials, according to a news report on September 9 from "The Irrawaddy" news agency.  The Full Gospel Assembly has been very active in the city, but is now unable to carry on any activities, according to a pastor from the church.

    According to Christian sources in Myanmar, authorities have been cracking down on several Christian churches in recent months because of the large numbers of Buddhists who have converted to Christianity.

    Pray for Pastor Dam Suan Mung and the leaders of the church, as they look for the best way to minister to the church members in the coming days. Pray for a continued outreach so that many will come to faith in Christ.

    For more information on Myanmar and the persecution facing Christian there,click here.