

  • Wrongly Accused Pastor Handed Lengthy Prison Sentence
    Pastor Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Zhang Shaojie, the pastor of the Nanle County Christian Church, was sentenced on July 4th to 12 years in prison and also fined 100,000 yuan (approximately $17,000 CAD).

    Pastor Zhang was detained in November of 2013 after he met with authorities in the church -- a meeting that turned out to be a set-up in order to detain the pastor. He was later charged with gathering a crowd to disrupt public order and fraud. Several other Christians were also apprehended at the time. Thankfully, three of these imprisoned believers were released in June; however, along with Pastor Zhang, five others remain behind bars. (For more information on their arrest, please visit this page.)

  • Persevering Prisoners Released from Custody
    Pastor Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Three believers in Henan province were recently released from prison after enduring nearly seven months in incarceration. However, another six believers from the Nanle County Christian Church remain imprisoned, including the church's pastor. The Christians were detained in November of 2013 following a land dispute between the church and the local government. (For more information on their arrests, please read our previous report.)

  • Persecution Continues in Zhejiang Province

    The cross topping Baixi Church in

    Yueqing County, Wenzhou,

    was removed on May 6, 2014.

    Photo: China Aid

    Churches throughout the province of Zhejiang are continuing to endure opposition from authorities. In total, more than 100 churches have faced various forms of pressure in recent weeks.

    In April, the Sanjiang Church was completely destroyed. (For more information on this demolition, visit our website.) Additional churches have been threatened with demolition even if they only share about the opposition they are facing with any outsiders or if they support other area churches.

  • Church Building Destroyed by Government Officials

    The walls of Sanjiang Church being pulled down
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On April 28th, government officials demolished the Sanjiang Church in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, despite a previous agreement that the building would remain largely untouched. While these officials have implied that the state-approved church was demolished because the building was much larger than permitted, many local believers view it as an attack on the growing Christian population.

  • Pastor's Trial Indefinitely Suspended

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The trial for an imprisoned pastor charged with "fraud" and "disturbing public order" began on April 10th, only to be suspended indefinitely due to the high tension and the dismissal of his lawyers.

    Pastor Zhang Shaojie, who belongs to a state-sanctioned church in Nanle County, Henan Province, was detained in November of 2013 without any formal documentation after church members petitioned a higher authority about a land dispute involving the church. Over 20 church members were also detained. (For more information on his arrest, click here.)

  • Detained Christian Leads Fellow Prisoners to Christ

    Wenxi Li

    During a recent visit with his family, imprisoned believer Wenxi Li excitedly shared that several more prisoners have become Christians after hearing the Gospel message! Previous to this, while awaiting his trial last year, Wenxi had led three other prisoners to Christ.

  • Crackdown Preceded Chinese New Year Celebrations

    Some of the church members prior
    to their detainment on Jan. 24, 2014.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Before the commencement of the nation's Chinese New Year celebrations, which began on January 31st, Christians were targeted several times in what is believed to be a crackdown on church activity.

    In Beijing, members of a church group were arrested on January 24th when they tried to visit Zhang Wenhe, a fellow member. The 19 Christians had initially gone to Zhang's home for a Bible study, only to discover that he was being held under house arrest at another location. Upon learning of Zhang’s new location, and the fact that he was experiencing serious health concerns due to a heart problem, the believers tried to deliver food and medicine to him. Authorities then detained 15 of the believers, including Zhang, a 14-year-old male and another believer with heart trouble.

  • Pastor Charged with 'Fraud' and 'Disrupting Public Order'

    Zhang Shaojie
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Zhang Shaojie, 49, a pastor detained in November of 2013 along with over 20 other Christians, has been charged with committing fraud and gathering a mob to disrupt public order. His criminal hearing has been scheduled for February 12th.

  • Update on Alimujiang Yimiti

    Alimujiang Yimiti
    Photo: Open Doors

    This month marks Alimujiang Yimiti's sixth year in prison. Alimujiang was first charged in 2009 for "providing state secrets to overseas organizations." However, many believe the real reason for his incarceration is his zealous commitment to share the Gospel and for leading a church in the Uyghur area of China's northwest.

    Alimujiang has been imprisoned since January of 2008. The following year he was sentenced to 15 years in detention. In April of 2010, his wife, Gulnur, was finally permitted to visit him for the first time since his imprisonment. Tragically, their son, who was only four years old at the time, could barely even recognize his father. At last report, Gulner is only able to visit her husband once per month at the most. (To learn more about Alimujiang's case, please click here.)

  • Detainment of Members from State-Approved Church

    Pray for Pastor Zhang and the members of his Christian family.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    More than 20 believers from Nanle County Christian Church, a state-approved church in Henan province, were recently detained. The arrests began on the morning of November 16th, when the pastor, Zhang Shaojie, arrived at the church for a meeting with the Nanle County Public Security Bureau Chief and a deputy. However, sources believe the meeting was actually a ploy to detain the pastor. When Pastor Zhang arrived, approximately a dozen police officers, without showing formal documents, entered the church and bound him.