

  • Update: Authorities reject Uyghur Christian's appeal

    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family
    Photos from ChinaAid
    On March 16, The People's High Court of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region rejected an appeal from Alimujiang Yimiti (37), a Uyghur house church leader. Alimujiang was sentenced in October 2009 to 15 years' imprisonment for "providing state secrets to overseas organizations" (click here for more information).

    One of his lawyers, Li Dunyong, believes Alimujiang's Muslim background is a large issue in the case. Another of his lawyers, Li Baiguang, reported, "We are fairly sure that there are a lot of factors which are totally outside the law that have influenced the investigation of this case. This is very clear from the procedures that were followed within the courts and from the final decision." (Source: Radio Free Asia)

    Pray that Alimujiang, his wife and their two sons will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23). Pray for protection and strength for Alimujiang while in detention. Pray that authorities will act justly in this case and that Alimujiang will be released soon.

    For more on suffering believers in China,click here.

  • Christian activist abducted

    Shen Peilan
    Photo from ChinaAid
    A well-known Chinese Christian activist from Shanghai has been abducted by government officials for the second time in recent weeks.

    Shen Peilan, a seasoned campaigner against government corruption, has not been seen since she was seized on March 24, the same day officials from the Bureau of Letters and Petitions raided her home twice. On their first attempt, they were deterred by police who were summoned by Shen's family. However, officials succeeded in abducting her in a later raid after the police had gone.

    Shen was still recovering from an earlier abduction on March 7, when she was held without a warrant and interrogated by officers from the same bureau for nine days. When church friends reported her missing, lawyers and activists managed to track her down at a hotel in Songjiang and police intervened to free her. Shen had been travelling to Beijing to protest against her house being demolished by local officials earlier this year. Chinese local government officials do not have the power to make arrests unless sanctioned by a higher authority. (Sources: ChinaAid, Release International)

    Pray for the safety and immediate release of Shen. Pray that Shen will not be fearful but trust God (Revelation 2:10). Pray that authorities in China will respect religious freedom.

    You can learn more about the persecuted Church in China by visiting theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Missing Christian confirmed alive

    Photo from ChinaAid

    Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer who has endured much persecution from authorities in recent years (read the story), was confirmed to be alive on March 28 following months of rumours that he had died at the hands of authorities. Over the phone, Gao informed media reporters that he had been released from detention six months ago and had taken up residence at Wutai Shan mountain, a Buddhist landmark in northern Shanxi province. He refused to give details about his condition, saying he could not legally give interviews. The conversations were the first official contact he had with the public since his abduction by police on February 4, 2009. Gao's close friend, fellow human rights lawyer Li Heping, also confirmed he had spoken with Gao, saying: "It's certainly him. I spoke to him over the phone. I could tell from the way he spoke and the way he spoke to me that it's him." When Li asked to visit, Gao refused to give him details on his whereabouts, saying he had "friends around him" -- indicating he is being held under close surveillance by Chinese authorities. Gao's wife, Geng He, and his two children were overjoyed by the opportunity to also speak with him on the phone. Geng He expressed her hope that her husband would soon be able to rejoin his family in the United States. The pressure on Geng He and the family has reportedly intensified during Gao's imprisonment. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Thank the Lord that Gao has been confirmed alive after so many months of mystery and concern. Pray that he will be reunited with his family members soon. Pray for safety and guidance for him and for his family in this time.

    Find out more about the plight of Chinese Christians at theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Christian lawyer reportedly missing

    Gao Zhisheng and his family
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Since mid-December 2009, rumours have circulated about the condition of Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer who has endured much persecution from authorities (click here for more information). The official who originally detained Gao in February 2009 recently told Gao's brother, Zhiyi, that Gao allegedly "went missing while out on a walk" on September 25. This is the first time a Chinese government official has hinted that they no longer have Gao in their custody, raising fears that his condition has taken a turn for the worse. Unconfirmed reports suggest that he may have died following brutal torture in prison. However, the Chinese government has refused to officially comment on his whereabouts. Bob Fu, the President of VOMC partner ChinaAid, said of the new development: "We have every reason to suspect that the Chinese government has something very serious to hide. Gao's family has every right to know what happened to him. It is unbelievable that a high security prisoner would go missing while 'out on a walk,' without suspecting that there is a major cover up of his condition."

    Gao's wife was visibly upset upon hearing the news of his alleged disappearance and his young daughter, Gege, has allegedly been pale and fatigued for months due to concern for her father. After hearing a rumour just before Christmas that her father was dead, Gege became so distraught that she was forced to be hospitalized. At last report, she was receiving care at a hospital in New York. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray that Gao's whereabouts will be made known and that Chinese authorities will act with integrity in this situation. Pray that Gao's family will trust in the Lord to sustain, strengthen and comfort them.

    To learn more about the persecution of Chinese Christians,click here.

  • Christians attacked and detained

    There were several incidents of attacks on Christians by Chinese authorities in recent weeks.

    On December 25, Chinese authorities disrupted a Christmas celebration in Korla City, Xinjiang province and arrested several elderly Christians. One of the believers, Wang Qiuyue (71), was seized roughly and thrown against a police car. Her furniture was then set on fire as she looked on. Authorities also broke into the home of He Cuiying (69), who is half-paralyzed and confined to her bed, and set fire to 30 Bibles and other religious literature.

    On the afternoon of January 8, 30 leaders of the Chinese House Church Alliance were detained in Handan City, Hebei province after a group of officers from the Public Security and Religious Affairs Bureaus barged into their Bible study. The 30 men and women were then forcefully taken to an unknown interrogation centre within the city. At last report, the authorities were threatening some of the detained pastors with 15 days of administrative detention. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray for the release of the detained Christians. Pray the elderly believers will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd is with them through their sufferings (Psalm 23). Pray that religious freedom will be respected in Xinjiang, Hebei and throughout China.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Church leader given severe prison sentence

    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family
    Photos from ChinaAid
    Alimujiang Yimiti (36), a Uyghur Chinese house church leader who was arrested and imprisoned in January 2008 (click here for more information), has received a 15-year prison sentence for allegedly "providing state secrets to overseas organizations." The verdict, which stunned Yimiti's lawyers and family members, was read to him in prison on October 27. One of Yimiti's lawyers, Li Dunyong, has reportedly filed an appeal on his behalf. Li Dunyong also stated that Yimiti's Muslim background was a factor in his legal battle, stating, "The whole case is about religious faith issues which are being used against [him] for his conversion from Islam to Christianity, by biased law enforcement agents, prosecutors and the court." (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray that Yimiti will continue to draw near to his Heavenly Father amid his trials. Pray for Yimiti's wife and children, who are suffering many challenges in his absence.

    For more on the suffering of Chinese Christians, go to theChina Country Report.

  • House church leader targeted by authorities in Wenzhou

    Destruction of the Xinba Shoes Factory
    Photo from ChinaAid
    The leader of a house church in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, China was released on November 30 after authorities arbitrarily detained him without warrant on November 23. Officials and local villagers targeted Shao Wangui after he and his brother, owners of the Xinba Shoes Factory, refused to pay a fee to support the building of a Buddhist temple in their village. Wangui also asked the members of his house church to refuse to support the construction project. When the village secretary found out about Wangui's actions, he began initiating a campaign of mistreatment against the known believers in the community. In late November, local "vandals" destroyed the brothers' factory as punishment for their refusal to provide funds. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray that this experience will bring Wangui, his brother and the members of this house church closer to Christ. Pray that the persecutors will know Christ's love, forgiveness and blessing through the lives of these Christians (Romans 12:14, 21).

    Find out more about the persecution Christians face in China by visiting theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Fushan church leaders sentenced to prison

    Pastors Wang Xiaoguang and Yang Rongli
    conducting a baptism service
    Photo from ChinaAid
    Five leaders of the Fushan house church, who have been held in detention since their unwarranted arrests on September 25 (click here for more details), were sentenced to prison on November 25 following a 12 hour trial. At the trial, the pastors -- Yang Rongli, Wang Xiaoguang, Yang Xuan, Cui Jiaxing, and Zhang Huamei -- were only allowed to have four of their family members in attendance and their lawyers were only able to review 50 of the 1,000 pages of "evidence materials" in preparation for their defense. Yang Rongli was sentenced to seven years of detention for "illegally occupying farming land" and "disturbing transportation order by gathering masses." Wang Xiaoguang, Yang Xuan, and Cui Jiaxing were each given prison sentences ranging three to four years for "illegally occupying farming land" and Zhang Huamei was sentenced to four years for "disturbing transportation order by gathering masses." Yang Rongli and Wang Xiaoguang have led the Fushan church, which is part of a 50,000 member house church network in the area, for more than 30 years.

    On November 30, five more church leaders were handed two-year sentences of re-education through labour. The five -- Li Shuangping, Yang Hongzhen, Yang Caizhen, Gao Qin, and Zhao Guoai -- were charged with "gathering people to disturb the public order" after they organized a 1,000-believer prayer rally following an attack by over 400 military police on their church in September. Yang Caizhen, who is the wife of imprisoned church leader Yang Xuan, had one of her teeth knocked out during severe interrogations and is in frail condition. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Ask God to sustain these brothers and sisters and their families through this difficult time. Pray that these charges will be dropped and the leaders will be released. Ask God to encourage the members of this church to continue to worship and serve Him.

    For more information on how Christians suffer persecution in China, check out theChina Country Report.

  • Update: Crackdown continues against church in Shanghai

    Church members worshipping in front of the police
    Photo from ChinaAid

    On November 15, nearly 700 church members from the Wanbang Missionary Church in Shanghai met together for worship despite ongoing harassment from Chinese authorities (for more information, click here). Before the service, 10 police officers attempted to prevent Senior Pastor Cui Quan from attending the gathering by blocking the entrance to his home. They also threatened the taxi driver responsible for driving Pastor Cui and his wife to the service. Several church members received text messages containing threats and claiming that the service had been cancelled. Despite this opposition, the believers gathered for worship, though plain-clothes officials filmed the entire service.

    On the morning of the following Sunday, November 22, Wanbang Missionary Church pastors Cui Longguo, Liu Quanqin, and Huang Yun were summoned to the police station in Minhang District. The pastors were interrogated on allegations of "engaging in illegal organization and activities." Pastor Liu's fingers were reportedly injured and his personal property was damaged. Officials detained the three along with Senior Pastor Cui until the afternoon to prevent them from leading the worship service. However, the detention of the leaders and threats from authorities did not prevent over 500 dedicated church members from assembling outdoors for their two scheduled services. (Source: ChinaAid)

    Pray that the pastors of this church will be strong and effective leaders to their congregation. Thank the Lord for the enduring faithfulness of these believers. Pray that they will be permitted to worship freely.

    To learn more about the persecution of Chinese Christians, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Update: House church leader released

    Wusiman Yiming
    Photo from ChinaAid

    Uyghur Chinese house church leader Wusiman Yiming was released on November 18 from a labour camp in Xinjiang after serving two years of criminal detention for "divulging state secrets" (click here for more information). Authorities had called for a 10-15 year prison sentence for Yiming but significantly reduced the term following international attention. A source who spoke with Yiming stated that he "looks fragile but has a very strong spirit." Yiming, who has been reunited with his wife and two young daughters, expressed his heartfelt thanks to those who have provided care and help to his family members during his imprisonment. (Sources: ChinaAid, Compass Direct)

    Praise Jesus for Wusiman Yiming's release! Ask God to bless him as he reconnects with his loved ones. Pray too for the release of Alimujiang Yimiti, another Uyghur Christian who was accused in the same case as Yiming and remains in prison.

    For more information on the persecution of Chinese Christians, go to theChina Country Report.