

  • Five Christians Released on Bail
    Wang Shunping
    Wang Shunping
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On August 17th, 2022, Public Security Bureau officers in China detained three Christian men – Wang Shunping, Nu Sangdeng and San Luobo – along with two Christian women – Hua Xiuxia and Dong Mengru – on accusations of "organizing and funding illegal gatherings." It was reported that these gatherings had taken place for the purpose of prayer, and to offer Bible studies and music lessons for young people. One of the believers, Wang Shunping, is the young pastor of a church in Nujiang, Yunnan State. The other four Christians who were arrested alongside Pastor Wang are members of his church.

  • Multiple Raids on Church Services
    Pastor Huang is talking with two officials.
    Pastor Huang debates with authorities.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In a coordinated act, Chinese authorities raided five separate locations of the Guangzhou Bible Reformed Church during worship services on May 7th. Several church elders, preachers and co-workers were detained for interrogation, though most were released later that day. The worshippers meeting in each of the locations were ordered to disperse.

  • Joyous Celebration Over Church Elder's Release!
    Geng Zejun being embraced
    Pastor Geng Zejun
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On March 19th, authorities released Pastor Geng Zejun after he served 15 months in prison. His wife and son, along with several others – both Christians and non-Christians – brought flowers to the detention centre to joyfully celebrate his release. A video of the reunion can be viewed on YouTube.

  • House Church Leader Released After Lengthy Sentence
    Hu Shigen
    Elder Hu Shigen
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In July 2015, Hu Shigen was taken into custody and accused of inciting "subversion of state power." Convicted the following year, he was sentenced to seven-and-a-half years' imprisonment. While in prison, Elder Hu suffered a heart attack in 2019, and his family was assured by officials that he would be released due to the seriousness of his condition. However, despite this promise, the elderly Christian leader continued to be held in custody. (Review this previously posted report.) With thanksgiving, we are pleased to report that Elder Hu was finally released after serving a lengthy sentence and had returned home on March 26th.

  • Uyghur Pastor Released After 15 Years
    Alim, his wife, and his children about fifteen years ago.
    Alimujiang Yimiti and his family several years ago.
    Photos: ChinaAid

    After serving 15 years in prison, Alimujiang Yimiti has finally been released. While other details relating to his release are unconfirmed, the house church pastor, also known as Alim, is now home with his family. Ethnically, this faithful Christian leader happens to be of the Uyghur (Turkic) minority group, which is also experiencing severe human rights abuses in China.

  • Early Rain Church Faces Violent Raid
    Screenshot of a choir singing
    The choir continues to sing “Near the Cross” during the raid.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    The Early Rain Covenant Church has been a target of Chinese Communist Party officials since the church was raided in December 2018 (read more). The church's lead pastor, Wang Yi, was sentenced to nine years in prison and other members have faced detention and pressure. Despite ongoing intimidation and arrests, the ministry of the church has faithfully continued, though generally online or in small groups.

  • Officials Raid Another Church Service
    An open Bible
    Chinese Bible
    Photo: Wesley Fryer (cc)

    Since 1990, Yuhuan Church's Chengguang Branch has carried on with its ministry in this coastal city of Zhejiang province. In 1997, four buildings were constructed to host church functions. Even though gathering together was banned in 2020, many believers continued to assemble for smaller scale meetings.

  • John Cao's Mother Granted Visitation
    John Cao with his family.
    John Cao with his mother (second from the right),
    wife and two sons before his arrest.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    While John Cao, a Chinese pastor from North Carolina, was working along the border between China and Myanmar, he established 16 schools – providing education to more than 2,000 children. However, in 2017, the Chinese government accused him of "organizing illegal border crossings" between the two countries. In 2018, he was sentenced to seven years in prison, along with a fine (see this report).

  • Imprisoned Pastor Highly Respected
    Pastor Geng Zejun
    Pastor Geng Zejun
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In August 2022, Pastor Geng Zejun was sentenced to 15 months in prison for "organizing illegal gatherings." Despite opposition from Chinese Communist Party officials, the church led by Pastor Geng refused to join the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement and was therefore deemed illegal.

  • Lawyer Visits Imprisoned Church Elder
    Hao Ming and his wife.
    Elder Hao Ming and his wife.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Elder Hao Ming was arrested in November 2021 because of his ministry activities with the Early Rain Qingcaodi Church, which is located in the city of Deyang. Though retired from the pastorate, he continued to be actively involved in the church as a volunteer. At the time of his arrest, Hao was detained along with several other Christian leaders. (The initially published report may be reviewed at this page.)