

  • Pastor Hua Huiqi beaten by authorities

    Photo from ChinaAid

    On the morning of June 5, Pastor Hua Huiqi was arrested by police officers from Shanxi province and Beijing when he was transferring trains at the Taiyuan Railroad Station in Shanxi, according to a June 9 report from ChinaAid. Hua was taken to a hotel and severely beaten by officials. One of the officials reportedly said to him: "I'm going to strangle you and I'd like to see whether you can still preach the Gospel.... Our Domestic Security Protection Squad is specially set up here to suppress you Jesus believers." The officials also threatened to arrest both him and his wife. He was released on June 7 and, at last report, was being treated for his injuries at his home in Beijing.

    Pray for healing for Pastor Hua. Pray for protection for him and his family. Pray that his attackers will turn to faith in Christ and become a demonstration of God's love and mercy to others (1 Timothy 1:16).

    Learn more about how Christians are persecuted in China.

  • Pastor banned from church in Tianjin province

    Pastor Han Changxu
    Photo from ChinaAid
    On May 16, the Office for Religious Affairs in Jinghai county, Tianjin province, China issued a notice abolishing the Immanuel Church and banning Pastor Han Changxu from serving there, according to a May 29 report from ChinaAid. Pastor Han, an ethnic Korean and native of Heilongjiang province, has been serving in the church since 2004. During the 2008 Olympics, authorities in Tianjin placed Pastor Han under surveillance when they discovered he had contacts with missionaries from South Korea. Authorities have also tried to prevent him from maintaining contact with churches in South Korea.

    Ask God to give encouragement and guidance to members of the Immanuel Church. Pray that Pastor Han will be free to continue his ministry without opposition. Pray that Christians in China will find comfort in knowing that endurance in trials leads to godly character and hope that does not disappoint (Romans 5:3-5).

    For more information on the suffering of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Henan church leaders released Sixteen Christians who were detained by officials while attending a communion service in Shuitaizi village, Henan province in late April (click here for the story) have been released, according to a May 24 report from ChinaAid. The 16 church leaders were released on May 8-9 due to international pressure and were not required to complete their sentences of 10-14 days in detention or pay their fines of 1,000 Yuan (approximately $170 CAD).
  • Church leaders detained in Henan province

    On April 30, a house church communion service in Xinye city, Henan province was raided by officials, according to a May 4 report from ChinaAid. Eighteen Christians were taken to a local Public Security Bureau office where they were each forced to pay a fine of 1,000 yuan (approximately $170 CAD). Sixteen of the believers, including 10 pastors from Hubei province, remained in detention at last report.

    Pray that the detained believers will be released. Pray that God will open doors of opportunity for Christians in China to share the gospel, even in times of suffering (Colossians 4:2-3).

    Learn more about those suffering for Christ's sake in China.

  • Update: Pastor released following international attention

    Photo from ChinaAid
    Pastor Lou Yuanqi, who was arrested in May on charges of "inciting separatism" (click here for more information), was released at approximately 6:00 p.m. on April 24, according to an April 27 report from ChinaAid. The pastor was freed under the provision of "bailed out waiting for trial," which allows for future arrest and prosecution. It also prevents him or his family from filing an administrative lawsuit against the state to compensate for his illegal imprisonment. Authorities could not find sufficient evidence to continue Pastor Yuanqi's prosecution and indictment. He has returned home and is reportedly in poor heath due to a blood condition and the mistreatment he sustained in prison.

    For more updates on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: Confiscated money returned to pastor

    Photo from ChinaAid


    Money confiscated from Pastor Zhang "Bike" Mingxuan by Chinese officials on March 21 (click here for the details) was returned on April 17, according to an April 20 report from ChinaAid. Pastor Zhang was summoned to the Nanyang Public Security Bureau office at approximately 9:00 a.m. where he was given back the 150,000 yuan (approximately $27,000 CAD). He told ChinaAid sources, "The authorities gave the money back, because of the pressure. Hallelujah! We will continue the ministry and fight for religious freedom."

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, visit theChina Country Report.

  • Officials detain and interrogate Pastor Zhang Mingxuan

    Pastor "Bike" Zhang Mingxuan
    Photo from ChinaAid
    At approximately 6:00 a.m. on March 21, police arrested Pastor "Bike" Zhang Mingxuan, leader of the Chinese House Church Alliance, in Yanjiao town, Hebei province, according to an April 7 report from ChinaAid. Pastor Zhang was staying at the home of a local Christian man after baptizing a believer when more than a dozen police officers arrived. The authorities took Pastor Zhang to the local police station where he was searched, interrogated and threatened with death. Bank cards and three cell phones were confiscated. Three hours later, Pastor Zhang was handed over to Public Security Bureau officials who questioned him about his recent travels. Pastor Zhang's belongings were eventually returned, except the debit card for an account containing 150,000 yuan ($27,123 CAD). He was released at approximately 5:00 p.m.

    Pray for strength and protection for Pastor Zhang. Pray that he and other believers facing trials for their faith will find comfort in the fact that God commends those who suffer for doing good
    (1 Peter 2:20-21).

    For more on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.

  • Priest beaten in mayor's office

    On March 16, Father Francis Gao Jianli (39) was attacked while at the mayor's office in Xiangong town, Chencang district, China, where he had been invited to discuss a disputed church property. The land in question was seized during the Cultural Revolution and a factory was opened on the site. The factory has since shut down and both the church and the district government's property management office have made claims of ownership. When the government began to work on the land, hundreds of believers gathered on the site in protest. Father Jianli was summoned by the mayor to address the issue but was instead badly beaten by two men. At last report, Father Jianli remained in hospital in Baoji city and was under police surveillance.

    Pray for a complete recovery for Father Jianli. Pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen Chinese Christians in their hearts, minds and bodies as they face opposition for their faith.

    Learn more about China's suffering Christians at theChina Country Report.

  • Update on detained Uyghur Christian
    Alimujiang Yimiti with his family
    Photo from ChinaAid

    The case of Alimujiang Yimiti, a Uyghur Christian who was arrested on January 12, 2008 on charges of "endangering national security" (read the story) has been sent to a Chinese Communist Party committee at the highest government level in Xingjian Uyghur Autonomous Region. ChinaAid recently received a letter from Yimiti's wife which revealed that authorities have been passing the case back and forth between law enforcement agencies since his trial in late May 2008 and denying him any contact with his family.

    For more information on the opposition facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Update: ''Insufficient evidence'' found against pastor

    Photo from ChinaAid


    Pastor Lou Yuanqi, who was arrested in May on charges of "inciting separatism" (click here for more details), remains imprisoned despite a judge's verdict of "insufficient evidence," according to a March 6 report from ChinaAid. After Pastor Yuanqi's trial on December 15, his 18-year-old daughter was beaten by court police when she tried to speak to him. Pastor Yuanqi suffers from hepatitis B and the harsh prison conditions have reportedly worsened his health.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in China,click here.