

  • Government Denies Arresting Bishop

    On May 27, an 84-year-old bishop of the underground Catholic Church, Zhao Zhendong, disappeared, taken into custody by Chinese authorities. However, facing increasing international pressure, China's Religious and Ethical Affairs Bureau has publicly denied that Zhao had ever been arrested. According to a June 25 report from Voice of America, a spokesman for the bureau claims that Zhao had been voluntarily taking a course on China's official religious policy. The official claimed that Zhao had now finished the course and returned to his church in a village in Hebei where there are no telephones. When Voice of America attempted to confirm that Zhao had been released, a spokesman from the Vatican stated that they had heard nothing from Zhao since his arrest.

    In recent months, Chinese authorities have been increasing pressure on underground churches, arresting hundreds of believers. Some have been released after a few days, while many remain in prison and "re-education" camps. Pray for Zhao and the many other Christians facing prison for their faith. Pray for physical strength, as well as a firm resolve to follow Christ without wavering.

    VOM's Multimedia Website, PersecutionTVFor more information on persecution in China,click here. You may also want to view some of VOM's videos on China available online on our new multimedia website, PersecutionTV.

  • More than One Hundred Christian Leaders Arrested

    Wuhan, ChinaIn a single raid on a leadership retreat on June 11, police arrested more than one hundred leaders of the China Gospel Fellowship (CGF) house church movement. According to a witness to the arrest, around fifty police officers, probably from the Public Security Bureau (PSB), raided the meeting in Wuhan, Hubei Province, around 2:00 p.m., arresting everyone present, including one of the senior CGF leaders Xing Jinfu. There is no information on where they are being held. The CGF was founded in the mid-1980s and is one of five major house church movements, with over five million members.

    Pray for the release of these leaders. Pray that the churches left without leadership at this point will be strong in their faith and witness for Jesus Christ. Pray for emotional and spiritual strength for the families of those arrested.

    We encourage you to write to politely raise concerns about these arrests. Below is contact information for the Chinese Embassy in Canada and the United Nations. For additional contact information, click here.

    Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations
    350 East 35th Street
    New York, N.Y. 10016
    Phone: (212) 655-6100, Fax: (212) 634-7626
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    His Excellency Ping Mei, Ambassador
    Embassy of the People's Republic of China

    515 St. Patrick St.
    Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3
    Phone: (613) 789-3434, 3513, 8422/791-0511
    Fax: (613) 789-1911
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    For more information on persecution in China,click here.

  • Christian Prisoner Released

    The Voice of the Martyrs has received news that Philip Xu (Xu Guoxing) has been released from prison, after serving eighteen months for holding illegal Christian gatherings in his home. To date, Philip has been imprisoned four times, serving almost eight years for his faith. Reporting on Philip's release, his brother Xu Jixing said that Philip was "full of joy and physically well."

    Praise God that this servant of God has been released. Pray for the hundreds of others still in prison for their faith. Continue to pray for Philip and his family.

    For more information on China and the persecution facing believers there,click here.

  • House Church Leader Released

    Last week, The Voice of the Martyrs reported how house church leader, Zhao Wenquan (60), had been arrested on May 9 in Hegou Town, Anhui Province in east-central China (click here for details). We were pleased to learn that he had been released on May 25, after fourteen days of detention. VOM sources in China say Zhao suffered only "minor beatings" during his incarceration, and was in good spirits after his release. Members of his house church group expressed their thankfulness for international prayer and protest after Zhao's arrest.

    Thank you to each of you who prayed on Zhou's behalf. Continue to pray for the many other church leaders still in detention in China's prisons and labour camps.

    For more information on the persecution facing the Church in China,click here.

  • House Church Leaders Arrested; One Dies in Custody

    On April 26, Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers arrested Gu Xianggao (28), a teacher in a house church movement known as "Three Grades Servants," in Harbin City in Heilongjiang province, China. The next day, his parents were informed that he had died. According to a letter from his sister to China Aid, a PSB officer told the family that Gu had been a suspect in a murder and died while under interrogation. However, they were unwilling to say who he was accused of murdering or give any details. The officers claimed that Gu had died of a stroke or heart attack, despite being in good health. When the parents confronted the PSB, demanding to see the body and receive a proper explanation of what happened, they were paid 230,000 RMB ($38,000 Cdn.) and ordered to tell no one. They were briefly shown his face, which had obvious bruising around the eyes. They were then dragged from the room and the body was taken to be cremated. The PSB consistently refused to give them documentation explaining the reasons for the large financial payment.


     Chinese "Re-Education Through Labour" Camp

    On May 9, another church leader, Zhao Wenquan (60), was arrested in Hegou Town, Anhui Province in east-central China. According to a May 25 news release from China Aid, more than four thousand Christians had gathered in the village for a special harvest festival. Since the town's church normally has less than three hundred people, the gathering attracted the attention of the local PSB who raided their meeting. Zhao was arrested when the celebration ended. About a dozen other leaders escaped and are presently in hiding. Zhao was charged with "disturbing the social order" and organizing an "illegal religious gathering." If sentenced, he could face three years of "re-education through labour."

    On May 9, another church leader, Zhao Wenquan (60), was arrested in Hegou Town, Anhui Province in east-central China. According to a May 25 news release from China Aid, more than four thousand Christians had gathered in the village for a special harvest festival. Since the town's church normally has less than three hundred people, the gathering attracted the attention of the local PSB who raided their meeting. Zhao was arrested when the celebration ended. About a dozen other leaders escaped and are presently in hiding. Zhao was charged with "disturbing the social order" and organizing an "illegal religious gathering." If sentenced, he could face three years of "re-education through labour."

    Pray for the family of Gu Xianggao, as they deal with this terrible loss. Pray that Zhao Wenquan will be released and not sent to a labour camp. Pray for spiritual strength and protection for each of the church leaders in China, facing the fear of arrest, torture, prison or death.

    For more information on persecution facing the Church in China,click here.

  • Priests Arrested As They Prepared to Teach Classes

    Just as they were preparing to begin classes on natural family planning and moral theology, Chinese secret police took into custody two Catholic priests. According to a May 17 report in Zenit, Lu Genjun, 42, and Cheng Xiaoli, 40, were arrested on May 14 in An Guo in the province of Hebei.

    Lu had just recently been released after serving three years in a labour camp. He is now in the police detention center of Dingzhou, Hebei. The whereabouts of Cheng is presently unknown.

    Pray for spiritual, emotional and physical strength for these men, as they suffer for their faith. Pray for a quick release.

    Recently released DVDs and books on the persecution of Christians in China are available from VOM (click here). For more information on Christian persecution in China,click here.

  • Pastor Arrested Following Church Destruction

     PSB Officer
    Chinese PSB Officer

    On March 11, authorities in Dong Gang Xi village in Zhejiang Province, China badly damaged a one hundred year old building where an unregistered house church was meeting. The church included about three hundred members and was meeting in the home of its pastor, Liu Fuen. Seeing the destruction, four non-Christian neighbours complained to Wang Tao, the Director of the Religious Affairs Bureau. As a result, they were arrested and held in detention for fifteen days.

    Church members repaired some of the damage and continued to meet in the building until March 31 when Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers evicted ten Christians praying inside. Officials then completely destroyed the building, posting notices that this action was taken because the building was being used for illegal religious activity.

    Following the attack, Pastor Liu Fuen went into hiding but was arrested on April 9 at the home of his youngest son, Liu Yongsheng. On Easter Sunday, the church met at the home of Pastor Liu's oldest son, Liu Mingliang. Again the PSB raided the service, arresting Mingliang.

    Both Pastor Liu and Liu Mingliang are being held under "Criminal Detention," which can last indefinitely.

    We encourage Christians to politely voice their concerns to the Chinese government over this and other actions taken against Christians, despite constitutional guarantees of religious freedom. Contact information for Chinese embassies is available (click here).

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in China,click here.


  • Authorities Order Concert Cancellation

    The day before the chorus of the China National Orchestra was to perform at the Zhongshan Music Hall in central Beijing, authorities ordered the cancellation of the concert. The concert, conducted by Su Wenxing, was planned for April 17 and was to include the "Easter Chorus," based on Bible stories and written by a Chinese-born Canadian, Huang Anlun. While authorities refused to give any reason for the cancellation, an Associated Press report attributed their actions to the continued growth of Christianity in the country.

    Su Wenxing became a Christian in 1996 and is the conductor of the Hebei Orchestra. Last year he led Handel's "Messiah" in two cities; concerts that were initially cancelled by authorities but later allowed to proceed.

    DVD Set, Praise God for the continued growth of Christianity in China, despite the work of the authorities to stop it. Pray for continued outreach by Christians in the face of opposition and often prison and torture.

    For more information on China,click here. A one-of-a-kind documentary of the persecution facing Christians in China is available from The Voice of the Martyrs, entitled "The Cross-Jesus in China." This four DVD set can be ordered through our online catalog.

  • Updates on Recent Reports from China

    Bishop Jia Zhiguo
    Bishop Jia Zhiguo

    (a) On April 14, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the arrest of Catholic Bishop Jia Zhiguo on April 5 (click here for more details). Praise God that he was released on the afternoon of April 14.

    (b) On March 31, VOM reported that key Chinese leaders were meeting with the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in Geneva to report on the atrocities committed by the Chinese government against Christians. (click here for more information).

    Based on these testimonies and others, the United States sponsored a motion to censure China for its human rights record. In response, China introduced a "no-action" motion to block discussion. This tactic was approved, with twenty-eight members voting with China and only sixteen voting against. Click here for a list of member countries and their vote. It is significant to note that the majority of countries who voted with China are those with less then stellar human rights records. Click here to check out VOM's country reports.

     Lin Bocheng
    Lin Bocheng

    This was the eleventh time that China has defeated such a motion since 1990. In response, the vice president of the government-authorized China Foundation for Human Rights Development, Lin Bocheng, said that the US-led resolution had disregarded the "remarkable progress" China had made in human rights. Spokesman for The Voice of the Martyrs, Glenn Penner, remarked, "I am somewhat puzzled by what the Chinese governments means by 'progress.' Given the rise of reported cases of religious persecution in the last year, I suspect most Christians in China would define it rather differently."

    Pray that international pressure will continue against the Chinese government. Pray that the day will come when Chinese Christians will be free to worship without government interference.

    For more information on persecution in China,click here.

  • Imprisoned Pastor Fears for His Life

    Pastor Gong ShengliangPastor Gong Shengliang told his sisters during a short visit on April 12 that he will not survive much longer if he is not transferred to a different prison. Unable to walk, Gong was carried into the visiting hall by four other prisoners. When one of the sisters asked a guard to explain his injuries, she was told that he had fallen while washing windows. Supposedly Gong was washing the inside of the windows but somehow fell outside of the building.

    For the past 411 days, Gong has had his arms and legs in chains. Everywhere he goes, he is accompanied by two guards. When his sisters asked him why he had stopped writing letters, Gong told them, "I don't have the strength to write. When I pick up my pen, there are lots of troubles."

    When one of the sisters complained to the prison director, Sun Wenquan, about his injuries, she was told that he was a model prisoner, except that he refuses to denounce his faith or stop praying and preaching. The sisters were told, "He is so into the Bible that he has lost touch with reality."

    The Voice of the Martyrs encourages people to contact the Chinese government to protest the treatment of Gong and to request a prison transfer without which he may not survive many more weeks. Contact information for Chinese embassies is available at here.

    Letters of encouragement can also be sent to Pastor Gong at:

    Gong Shengliang
    Prison Section Four Te Yi Hao
    Hongshan Prison, Miaoshan Development Zone
    Jiangxia District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province
    People's Republic of China 430223

    Pray for physical healing for Pastor Gong. Pray that the mistreatment will stop. Pray that the Chinese government will listen to international pressure and that Gong will be acquitted of the false charges against him.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in China,click here.