

  • Catholic Bishop Arrested Bishop Jia ZhiuoOn April 5, security police raided the home of Jia Zhiguo, the underground Catholic bishop of Zhengding, Hebei, and took him away, saying they were following orders from their superior. Jia is sixty-nine years old and has previously served roughly twenty years in prison for his faith. He was last detained for three days in March 2002. His home, where he looks after approximately one hundred handicapped orphans, has been under surveillance for many years.

    According to the Cardinal Kung Foundation, there are no further details on the reasons he was arrested or his present location. Pray for safety and strength for Bishop Jia. Pray that his whereabouts will be found soon and that he will be released unharmed. Pray for safety and adequate care for the orphans he was ministering to.

    For more information on persecution in China,click here.

  • Elderly Christian Prisoner Crippled for Evangelizing

    Chen Jingmao is a seventy-two year old South China Church leader, in prison since July 2001 for his ministry, including the "active recruitment of evil cult members." The main evidence of his "crime" was sending his granddaughter for Sunday School Teacher's training.

    According to a March 29 report from China Aid, the imprisoned Chen was seriously beaten and crippled on February 6 as a punishment for leading fifty of his fellow inmates to faith in Jesus Christ. Both of his legs were broken and he must now be carried everywhere he goes.

    "This news is heartbreaking," says Bob Fu, president of China Aid and China Analyst for VOM. "The sentence was unjustified, and the brutal beating illegal and inhumane, especially to a 72 year old man."

    Pray for healing and strength for this elderly saint. Pray that his faith and love will continue to show to those around him.

    Concerned readers are encouraged to politely express your concerns for Chen by writing the prison authority at Section 3, Sanxia (Three-Gorge) Prison, Wanzhou, Chongqing City, 404023. Letters of encouragement can also be sent to his relatives at Group 9, Gaofeng Village, Longjao Town, Yunyang County, Chongqing City, China.

    For more information on the situation facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Key Leaders to Testify About Persecution

    Peter Xu
    Peter Xu

     Harry Wu

    Harry Wu

    In the context of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, an international meeting is scheduled in Geneva, Switzerland on April 2. This meeting is to present the needs of the Persecuted Church in China. Many of the speakers at this event can give first-hand testimony of imprisonment and torture. Harry Wu, Brother Yun and Peter Xu, whose sister is presently facing charges (Click here for details) are just a few of the first hand witnesses to the atrocities committed against Christians in China.

     Joseph Kung
    Joseph Kung

    Also speaking will be Joseph Kung, an expert on the Catholic Church in China, and Bob Fu, the China Analyst for The Voice of the Martyrs. Documentary evidence will be presented; such as video footage portraying the dramatic destruction of a church building (Click here to view the footage at PersecutionTV).

    Pray that the truth will be presented and accepted by those in attendance. Pray that this meeting will be used to draw further international attention to the plight of the Church in China. As China seeks increasing international trade relations, pray that the international community will put pressure on the government to stop these clear violations of the rights of Chinese citizens.

    For more information on persecution in China,click here.

  • Christians Released While Others Face Trial

    After ten days in custody, Bishop Wei Jingyi was released on the afternoon of March 14, according to AsiaNews sources. Bishop Wei is a leader in the underground Catholic Church in China which insists on allegiance to the Pope, contrary to the policies of the Chinese government. He was arrested at a tollbooth as he was returning from meeting foreign friends at the Harbin airport (click here for more details). His foreign visitors, both from France, were also detained but then released. According to one source, the authorities detained him because they were not pleased that he was meeting with foreigners. It is believed that he was released, at least in part, because of the strong international pressure, including an appeal from the Vatican.

    Liu Fenggang
    Liu Fenggang
    The Voice of the Martyrs has also learned that the trial for three house church leaders began on March 16. Liu Fenggang, Xu Yonghai and Zhang Shengqi are accused of providing intelligence to foreign organizations. According to a March 17 report from China Aid Association, the secret trial lasted three hours and the accused are now awaiting the verdict.

    When family members tried to attend the trial, they were prevented by police. Ms. Li Mingzhi and Ms. Ye Jifei arrived at the courthouse only to be detained for three hours and then escorted to the train station to be returned to their home provinces thousands of miles away.

     Dr. Xu Yonghai & Li Shanna in the remains of their house
    Dr. Xu Yonghai & Li Shanna in the remains of their house
    Ms. Li Shanna, the wife of Dr Xu Yonghai, was escorted by police from Beijing to Hangzhou to have a "tour" of the city, thus preventing her from attending the trial. According to one source, the three were accused of leaking information about a court case in 2000 to an overseas magazine, "Christian Life Quarterly," which prosecutors called an "evil cult" magazine.

    In a positive development, Deborah Xu Yongling was released on bail on March 15, following intensive international pressure, including from the US State Department. She has been warned to not leave her village for the next six months until formal charges have been filed.

    These incidents took place as China's National People's Congress debated enshrining human rights in China's constitution. An amendment passed on March 14 simply states, "the state respects and preserves human rights," without giving any details on what that means. VOM spokesman, Glenn Penner, said, "Without clear definitions of what rights are being protected, this amendment is meaningless. We urge the international community to push for the establishment of true civil and religious liberties in China."

    Pray that China will begin to respect the rights of its citizens and stop the oppression of those who do not adopt Communist dogma. Pray that Liu Fenggang, Xu Yonghai and Zhang Shengqi will be released.

    We encourage you to submit polite letters to your national government leaders and to Chinese authorities, expressing your concern for these and other Christians imprisoned in China. The release of Bishop Wei and Deborah Xu are examples that international pressure can effect change. For addresses of government leaders in Canada and USA, as well as Chinese embassies, go to https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • Church Leaders Under Siege

    This week the Voice of the Martyrs received a number of reports demonstrating the Chinese government's continued campaign against Christian who refuse to compromise with their Communist ideology.

    House Church Leaders Confirmed in Custody or Prosecuted

    On February 18, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported the arrest of Xu Yongling (also known as Deborah Xu) on January 25. It is now confirmed that she is being held by the Henan National Security Bureau. On March 5, she was allowed to finally contact her relatives and expressed concern that false promises may be used by police to trap her nephew. She warned her relatives, "Please be very careful of your decision." The home of her nephew was raided by Nanyang police the next day.

     Xu Yonghai Lui Fenggang

     Xu Yonghai

     Lui Fenggang

    Three Christian leaders recently detained have now been formally prosecuted, facing trial for "providing intelligence to overseas organizations." Liu Fenngang, Xu Yonghai and Zhang Shengqi were arrested late 2003. Liu's wife received official notification of the charges in late February. Referring to the charges they face, Bob Fu from China Aid Association said, "There are no state secrets in this story. These men were arrested for telling the truth about how their government treats Christians. The government does not want that truth to be known."

    Please pray for these and many other Christians in China imprisoned for their faith. Pray for spiritual strength for churches left without their pastoral leadership. Pray for provision for the families of those arrested.

    Church Leader Re-Arrested; Another in Hiding

    On March 1, Zeng Guangbo tried to cross the border from China to Russia to minister in a house church there. Instead, he was detained in customs and then taken into custody by the Nanyang Public Security Bureau. Zeng was originally arrested on January 25, but managed to escape and went into hiding. For more details, click here. Apparently Zeng's passport number had been entered into the national custom's computer system, resulting in his recent arrest.

    Bob Fu, president of China Aid Association, expressed deep concern for Zeng. "The police in Nanyang are notorious for their brutality towards house church Christians. Because Zeng has been closely working with the 'Born-again' Movement leader Ms. Xu Yongling, the police may use whatever means necessary including torture to get information from him."

    Pray for endurance and courage for Zeng during his continuing ordeal. Pray that he will know the presence of Christ's Spirit with him each day.

    When Public Security Bureau officers raided his house church on February 9, Chu Wei and his wife, Yin Yan-ling, were interrogated for a day, along then ten other church members, before they were released. The next day, Yin was again taken to the police station where she was ordered to not speak about God, even in the privacy of her home. She also overheard police talking about sending her husband to a camp for "re-education through labour." She immediately warned her husband and they went into hiding. Their two oldest children (14 and 15) remained in the family home, while the youngest (11) stayed with relatives. Yin has since returned to be with her children, but Chu remains in hiding from the police.

    Pray that Chu will not be arrested, but will be able to resume his ministry to the Chinese Church. Pray for his protection for his family.

    Catholic Bishop Arrested

    According to Zenit. Bishop Wei Jingyi of the underground Catholic Church was arrested on March 5 in Heilogjiang in northeast China. Wei was returning from meeting friends at the Harbin airport when he was arrested at a toll booth. Wei (45) has been arrested twice and served time labour camps from 1987-1989 and 1990-1992.

    For current in-depth analysis of the situation facing Christians in China, you may want to purchase the following resources available online from the Voice of the Martyrs: "Jesus in Beijing" by David Aikman and "The Cross: Jesus in China," a four-DVD set of interviews and reports recently filmed in China. Visit our online catalog.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in China,click here.

  • House Church Leaders' Cases Still Pending

    Xu YonghaiLiu Fenggang
    Xu Yonghai and Liu Fenggang
    The Voice of the Martyrs (Canada) has learned that, contrary to recent reports, house church leaders Liu Fenggang and Xu Yonghai have not been sentenced to life in prison. Rather their cases are still pending in the court. Liu and Xu have been charged with "providing national intelligence to overseas organizations."

    Liu Fenggang was arrested in Hangzhou on October 13, and his home was searched on October 15, leading to the confiscation of two computers, his address book, cameras, documents and other items. Based on some of the material found in the search, Xu Yonghai and his wife were arrested on the night of November 9, and although Li Shanna was released six hours later, her husband has remained in detention ever since.

    Pray for the lawyers of these two men as they prepare their defense. Pray for their families during this time of uncertainty. Pray that God would strengthen Liu and Xu and reveal His presence to them.

    For more information on persecution in China,click here.

  • House Church Leaders Arrested

    Sources for The Voice of the Martyrs reported this week that three Christian leaders of the "Born Again" house church movement in China were arrested in the last week of January. On January 24, Ms. Chunling of Fangcheng City, Henan province, was arrested during a house church service at Guanlin, Luoyang City. The next day, Mr. Zeng Guangbo, a Beijing military policeman and now prominent leader was arrested at Zengzhuang village in Henan province. He has since escaped and is in hiding.

    Also on January 25, Deborah Xu was arrested in Nanyang, Henan Province. While asleep in her niece's home, police entered the home, and led her away in handcuffs. Police also confiscated photos, documents and other materials. Deborah Xu is the sister of Peter Xu Yongze, the founder of the "Born-Again" house church movement which numbers millions of believers. According to one internal source, her case has been assigned to the Department of State Security and local officials have been told to keep silent. There is some suspicion that there may be a connection between these arrests and a recent video documentary released, as well as a new book on the house church movement in China. According to one report, there have been as many as fifty arrests since these resources were screened by Chinese authorities during a recent National Religious Working Conference.


     Tu Du Sha Church Under Destruction (Taken from video footage)

    The house church movement in China continues to grow rapidly and Chinese authorities have recently increased their efforts to hinder or destroy these churches. Dramatic video footage of the destruction of the unregistered Tu Du Sha Church at Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province in June 2003 was recently obtained by The Voice of the Martyrs and is available on our website.

    Continue to pray for the many Chinese church leaders in prison for their faith. Pray that God will give them strength to endure hardships as soldiers for Christ. Pray for peace and provision their families.

    For more information on persecution in China, go tohttps://www.vomcanada.com/china.htm.

  • House Church Raided on Christmas Eve

    Just after noon on Christmas Eve, five officers from the Public Security Bureau (PSB) in Fengqiu county, Henan province, raided a house church where about one hundred believers were meeting to celebrate the birth of Christ. According to VOM sources, the members were ordered to celebrate Christmas at an approved church or face punishment. The leader of the church, Li Shansong, was taken away and, at last report, his whereabouts are unknown. Li, who is over sixty years old, started the house church four years ago.

    Pray that Li will be released. Pray that he will stand firm in his faith, despite the interrogation he is undoubtedly facing. Pray for the members of his church during this time.

    For more information on China,click here.

  • House Church Internet Activist Arrested
    Ye Jifei and Zhang Shengqi
    Ye Jifei and Zhang Shengqi 
    On the morning of November 26, more than ten Chinese Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers raided the house of Ye Jifei in Jilin City in the province of Jilin on the North Korean border. Ye was taken into custody and faced constant interrogation until the next night, when she was released due to serious illness. The next morning she was arrested again and was interrogated about any connection between her fiancée, Zhang Shengqi, and Liu Fenggang, who is in jail in Xiaoshan on charges of "leaking national secrets." (click here). She was released that afternoon.

    VOM learned this week that Zhang Shengqi has been formally charged and is being held in the same prison as Liu Fenggang and Xu Yonghai (click here) in Xiaoshan, Zhejiang province. Both Zhang and Ye work for a computer company and Zhang is an active Internet writer. It is suspected that he is being accused of helping Liu publish his articles online.

    Xu YonghaiLiu Fenggang
    Xu Yonghai and Liu Fenggang
    According to Bob Fu from The Voice of the Martyrs, there have been at least six writers sentenced for "subversive anti-Party, anti-socialist language" on the Internet in recent months. If Zhang faces similar charges, he will be the first such Christian writer.

    Please pray for Zhang's family during this time. Pray for physical and emotional strength for Zhang, as he undoubtedly faces severe interrogation. Pray for physical strength and healing for Ye as well. Pray that their legal costs will be covered.

    We encourage you to express your concern over this situation. You can find the address of your local Chinese embassy through links on our website at https://www.vomcanada.com/links.htm. Those who know Chinese can contact the Chuanying PSB Branch office to politely express your concerns. The fax number is 011-86-432-6962911. The phone number is 011-86-432-6962818. The phone number for No.1 Detention Center where Brother Zhang is being held is 011-86-432-2136028.

  • House Church Raided; Members Fined and Detained

    VOM has learned that on November 23, 2003 at 10:00 a.m., ten Public Security Bureau (PSB) officers raided the Sunday service of a house church located at #1, Building #201 Longguang Hutong, Longyan Road, Hexi Street in Longjing City, Jilin Province where thirty Christians were meeting. All of the Bibles, hymn books and benches were confiscated and the house was declared an "illegal religious site." The officials ordered the Christians not to have similar meetings in this house ever again. Mr. Zheng, the director of the Longjing City PSB office, told them that if the believers were found there again, all of them would be formally arrested. Five of the church members were fined 50 Yuan ($10 CDN). Four visiting Christian business men attending the meeting were detained for five days and the wife of the house, Sister Chen Yufeng, was sentenced to 15 days in the local administrative detention centre. Her husband, Brother Liu Guojun was able to escape during the raid and is being sought by authorities. Three days later (November 26), another member of the church who lives in a neighbouring community was arrested and his whereabouts is unknown.

    Pray for the release of those still detained as a result of this raid. Pray for the safety of Liu Guojun.