

  • Priests Receive Death Threats

    Colombia mapParish priests in the province of Bolivar, Colombia have received death threats in recent weeks, according to an April 17 report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Priests in the communities of Tiquisio and Regidor, along with a number of local human rights groups, reportedly received e-mail messages declaring them "military objectives" to be eliminated. The messages were signed by an emerging paramilitary group made up of former members of the now demobilized United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia. Local people believe that the diocese was targeted in connection with its well-known documentation and denunciation of human rights abuses.

    Pray for safety and wisdom for these priests as they carry out their work. Pray that Christians in Colombia will not be overcome by fear but remain triumphant in faithfulness
    (Rev. 2:10).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Colombia, go to theColombia Country Report.

  • Correction to Report on Martyred Colombian Pastors

    Shortly after last week's Persecution & Prayer Alert went to press, Christian Solidarity Worldwide issued a correction to their July 11 release. New reports indicated that Pastor Humberto Mendez and Pastor Joel Cruz Garcia were not abducted during an open-air service but rather taken from their homes and killed.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Colombia, go to the Colombia Country Report.

  • Two Pastors Martyred

    Two Pentecostal pastors were shot and killed by assailants suspected to be members of the leftist guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the village of El Dorado on July 5. According to reports from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, at approximately 8:00 p.m., a group of armed men wearing camouflage clothing took Pastor Humberto Mendez (63) and Pastor Joel Cruz Garcia (27) from their homes. The next day, both of their bodies were found with gunshot wounds to the head.

    Both Humberto and Joel are survived by a wife and children. Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill their family members' hearts with the comfort that comes from knowing that those who die in Christ will be raised with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Ask God to bring about true justice in these murders.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Colombia, go to theColombia Country Report.

  • Catholic Priest Murdered by Marxist Rebels
    FARC rebels
    FARC Rebels

    On December 8, Father Javier Francisco Montoya was traveling to a religious celebration in a jungle area in northwest Colombia when he disappeared. A humanitarian commission sent by church authorities managed to meet with leaders of the Marxist rebel group FARC and reported on December 24 that Father Montoya was shot by the rebels and his body was buried. No reason for the murder has been given. "This murder is yet another sad and senseless incident in the unfolding tragedy of modern day Colombia," said VOM spokesman Glenn Penner. "I know from my visits to the country that the people of Colombia yearn for peace but rebels and paramilitaries persist in targeting community and church leaders to keep the population pliable and living in fear. We express our condolences to those who were blessed by the ministry of Father Montoya and pray that God will intervene in a mighty way in Colombia in 2005 and bring peace to this beautiful nation."

    Pray for church leaders throughout Colombia facing the constant threat of kidnapping and murder. Pray for a peaceful resolution of the violence in Colombia.

    Church leaders in particular have often been targeted by Colombian rebels. In response, The Voice of the Martyrs has, for several years, been supplying local Christians with thousands of copies of the book, "Jesus - Un Amigo para los Alzados en Armas," a Spanish translation of Richard Wurmbrand's book, "Jesus, Friend to Terrorists." As these books have been distributed in rebel-controlled areas or in prisons where they are detained, the response has been excellent with many reportedly having come to Christ. The English version of this book is available through our online catalog. Ministries like this are funded through VOM's "Equipping the Saints Fund," which you can donate to online (click here). Pray that God will continue to use this small book to bring many persecutors to faith in Christ and that His peace will reign in Colombian hearts.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Colombia,click here.

  • Evangelical Church Raided During Prayer Service

    FARC rebels
    FARC rebels 

    While holding a prayer service on September 4, the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Obrero, Puerto Asis in southern Colombia was suddenly raided by three masked men who fired into the congregation indiscriminately with automatic rifles. When the attack was over, three believers lay dead and fourteen were seriously injured. The gunmen were able to escape into the darkness. There have been no arrests. Those killed were identified as Adalberto Benavidez, Heraldo Bernal and Maria Lidia Martinez de Zambrano.

    The apparent target, a retired police officer and public official who had recently started to attend the church, was seriously wounded in the attack. It appears that the assailants were members of Colombia's main Marxist rebel group, as pamphlets containing FARC propaganda were found at the church.

    The community of Puerto Asis has rallied together with the church, condemning this attack against a place of worship, regardless of the motives.

    Pray for the families of those killed, as well as for the full recovery of the injured. Pray that the grace of God will be demonstrated throughout the community as a result of this incident and that those responsible for the attack will see the love of God and come to faith in Christ.

    For more information difficulties facing Christians in Colombia,click here.

  • Kidnapped Bishop Released

    Bishop Misael Vacca
    Bishop Misael Vacca 

    For years, Christians in Colombia have caught in the midst of the ongoing dispute between Marxist guerillas and the government of Colombia. Christian leaders have been frequently targeted by rebels. On July 25, Roman Catholic Bishop Misael Vacca was kidnapped by guerillas from the National Liberation Army (ELN). The rebels told other priests that Vacca would be used to deliver a message and then released.

    The Vatican and Colombian President Alvaro Uribe both appealed for his safety and release. Two days later, Vacca was released unharmed near the town of Morcote where he had been taken hostage.

    According to the Colombian Bishop's Conference, fifty Catholic bishops, priests and missionaries have been killed and another 25 have been kidnapped since 1984. Dozens of Protestant pastors and missionaries have also been abducted and killed.

    Praise God for the safe release of Bishop Vacca. Pray that the violence in Colombia will cease and that Christians will not continue to be used as pawns in this ongoing battle.

    Read more about the courage and faith of Christians in Colombia in the August edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter. Click here to subscribe today. You can also view at PersecutionTV a recent video taken by a VOM team of a church that was bombed by FARC guerillas in the northeastern state of Arauca, where at least nine other churches have been closed.

    For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Colombia,click here.

  • Two Priests Killed

     Colombian FARC Guerrillas

    In less than twenty-four hours, two Roman Catholic priests were killed last week, according to Zenit reports. In both cases, authorities are looking for motives behind the killings, but the assassination of religious leaders by Marxist guerrillas is common in Colombia.

    On November 4, Father Saulo Carreño, 41, and hospital employee Maritza Linares were driving near Sarare Hospital in Saravena when two men approached on a motorcycle and began shooting. Both occupants of the car were killed.

    In a separate incident that night, Father Enrique Lopez, age 44, was bound, gagged, and stabbed to death in his home in Villavicencio. His body was found the next morning by his housekeeper. According to the bishop, there were no known threats against him.

    Pray for safety for Christian leaders serving in troubled areas of Colombia. Pray for a resolution to the long-standing conflict and pray that the rebels will stop targeting civilians and religious leaders.

  • Grenade Attack Against Archbishop

    At 8:00 p.m. on August 22, a fragmentation grenade was thrown at the residence of Archbishop Antonio Giraldo Jaramillo of Medillin, Colombia. Thankfully, the archbishop was not in his residence when two men on a motorcycle threw the grenade, which damaged the parking area and wounded two policemen.

    According to Zenit, Jaramillo has called for reconciliation and dialogue, saying, "If someone has something against the Church, the best thing would be for us to meet and talk."

    The church, both Catholic and Protestant, has frequently been the target of drug cartels and rebels fighting the government in Colombia. Ecumenical News International reported on August 22 that at least thirty-eight Protestant leaders or members were killed in the first half of 2003.

    Pray for civil and religious peace in Colombia. Pray that the church will be able to show the peace and love of Christ, who wishes to reconcile men to God. Pray for the continued ministry of the Colombian church in the midst of violence.

  • Four Christians Brutally Murdered

    As violence in Colombia continues to escalate this week, four Christians were murdered in the northern town of Tierralta on Tuesday night, May 6. According to reports received by Compass Direct, twenty-five armed men entered a rural church and murdered its 80-year-old evangelical pastor and three other believers. Among the dead is Miguel Mariano Posada, pastor of Sardis, a church in the Association of Caribbean Evangelical Churches denomination; teacher and church treasurer Ana Berenice Girardo Velásquez; 80-year-old Natividad Blandón, the wife of another pastor; and 17-year-old Julio Torres, who was visiting the church. Police reports indicate that those killed were apparently known to the attackers and they were attacked near the door of the church building in front of the rest of the church. They slit the throats of Pastor Posado and the church treasurer and shot the other two victims before fleeing into the night.

    Since neither of the country's main guerrilla organizations (FARC and ELN) are known to have a presence in the area, it is believed that paramilitaries loyal to the government are responsible. The Council of Evangelical Churches of Colombia (CEDECOL) has issued a statement calling for armed groups to respect life, expressing its concern for the recent turn of events, and reaffirming evangelicals' rejection of armed force against any human being as an expression of the search for justice and equality.

    Pray for the Sardis church in Tierralta during this time of grief. Pray that those responsible will be brought to justice. Especially pray for the families of those killed in this senseless attack.

  • Three Killed, Two Wounded in Good Friday Procession Attack

    Like Christians all over the world yesterday, Catholics in the small Colombian town of Delores (125 miles south of Bogota) were marching through the town in a religious procession marking the Stations of the Cross. Without warning, approximately 15 suspected guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) opened fire on the crowd. One soldier and two civilians, including a 14-year-old boy were killed. Two others, including another young child, were wounded in the attack.

    Prior to Holy Week, the country's armed forces had promised Colombians they would guarantee security during the Christian holiday. Armed convoys are escorting motorists along strategic highways. Apparently, the Marxist guerrilla organization saw the government assurances as a challenge and there is now fear of more rebel disruptions during the Easter festivities, as the guerrillas seek to undermine the authority of the police and government of President Alvaro Uribe. Uribe was elected on the basis that he promised to take a harder line with rebel groups in Colombia.

    The Marxist FARC guerrillas are no friends of Christians of any denomination. According to government statistics, they have been responsible for the murders of almost 40 priests and pastors over the last four years. Glenn Penner, Communications Director for The Voice of the Martyrs, said concerning this most recent attack, "It is an unspeakable evil that, during a peaceful procession, armed thugs would deliberately seek to butcher those who had only come to remember the death of their Saviour. Now we must remember the slain and their families in our prayers. And we must double our efforts to win to Christ those who commit such atrocities. Jesus is a friend to terrorists, even if they reject Him. They are filled with hate. But Jesus loved them enough to die for them. This is what we commemorate during Easter and which we will seek to remind them of in the days to come."

    Please pray for the Christians of Colombia during this weekend. Pray that they would be protected from further attacks. Pray for the families of those who have lost loved ones in this attack.