
Emmanuel Nyaiti

  • Abducted 12-Year-Old Survives Strangulation
    Emmanuel Nyaiti's father, Kauta-yokosofat. - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    Emmanuel Nyaiti's
    father, Kauta Yokosofat.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    While out on an errand for his grandmother on October 25th, 12-year-old Emmanuel Nyaiti encountered four men from his village. Knowing he was a Christian, the men tried to convince the boy that he should convert to Islam.

    When Emmanuel refused, one of the men named Ali Lukuman slapped him. After the child started screaming, the men attempted to strangle him. There are also indications that he was given chloroform. By the time searching neighbours located him, the assailants had fled and the boy was found unconscious.