

  • Two Church Buildings Attacked

    In the town of Yebu, Ethiopia, local Christians were able to obtain a piece of land for the purpose of constructing a building where they could meet to worship. Aware of the dangers facing them from Muslims in the community, they had delayed construction until they finally decided that they would begin at midnight on July 2. The construction project continued until the following day, when an angry mob heard about what they were doing and attacked the workers. The Muslims completely destroyed the building. They confiscated the materials and used them to construct a building of their own. Many of the Christians were injured in the attack and two, Yoseph Gebresadek and Terefe Jirga, were still in hospital at last report. Three of the Christian leaders were also accused of disturbing the peace and stability of the region. If found guilty, the leaders could face imprisonment.

    In another incident, the Assembly of God church in the town of Alemaya was lit on fire in the middle of the night on June 30. Thankfully, believers were able to intervene and prevent the total destruction of the building. Alemaya is ninety-eight percent Muslim and the church had been threatened with violence several times to stop evangelizing.

    VOMC contacts in Ethiopia ask for prayer in the face of intensifying persecution from Muslims. Pray that God's people will continually maintain a clear testimony for Christ. Pray that those wounded in the attack in Yebu will recover from their injuries. Pray that they would be able to forgive and love their attackers, knowing that the Heavenly Father loves them (Matthew 5:43-48). Pray that the accused believers in Yebu will be found innocent. Pray that evangelistic efforts in Alemaya will continue regardless of continued threats. Pray that the Lord will fill them with the joy of sharing in the sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 4:12-13).

    For more information on Ethiopia and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.

  • Christians in Alaba Face Harassment

    Christians in the town of Alaba, south of Addis Ababa, have been facing various pressures in recent weeks as Muslims attempt to reinforce the concept that "Alaba is Muslim and Muslim is Alaba."

    On June 7, the Kalhiwot church in Alaba was holding a conference with approximately 500 people in attendance when a group of Muslim teens forced their way to the front. They grabbed the microphone from the preacher and warned the believers to leave immediately or they will bombard the building. Four days later, a meeting of Christian high school students and teachers was also interrupted by Muslims.  The church has been given permission from the government to build a new elementary school. Muslims in the village showed their opposition to the project on June 15 by destroying the newly-built bricks. On June 17, building materials intended for the construction of a new church building in the community were also stolen.

    Believers in the community do not anticipate cooperation from leaders in the community in bringing those responsible for these attacks to justice, since local officials in Alaba are all Muslims. Church leaders have brought their case to state officials but consider justice unlikely because of the strong Muslim control of all levels of government in the state.

    Ask God to fill the believers' hearts with peace beyond comprehension as they bring their needs to the Lord. Pray that they will be able to rejoice in the midst of hatred and continual opposition (Philippians 4:4-7). Pray that the building projects will be able to move forward, despite the opposition.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Violence in Jijiga

    According to reports received by VOMC, on May 24, as many as one hundred Muslim youth rioted in the streets of the eastern Ethiopian city of Jijiga, throwing stones at the homes and businesses of Christians in the community. The riots apparently began after rumours that a Christian-run restaurant was using pages from the Quran to wrap food.

    Three days later, three businesses owned by Ethiopian Orthodox Christians were bombed. Forty-two people were injured in simultaneous attacks on the Central Hotel, London Café and Family Café at around 8:00 p.m.  The state-run Ethiopian News Agency referred to the attacks as "futile attempts to disrupt the ongoing development programs in the region."  However, VOMC sources in the area report the arrests of a Somali evangelist Hussen Rahafa and two believers named Ishmael and Mohamed who work for a Christian radio station in Kenya. The prisoners are reportedly advising local believers not to visit them in jail for fear of further arrests. The authorities have searched their homes and confiscated tracts, Bible and other Christian literature to be used as evidence against them. The three men have not yet been charged and there is no indication how long they will remain in this legal limbo. In 2005, another evangelist was kept in jail in Jijiga for more than a year without being charged.

    Jijiga is located in the Ethiopian state of Somali which is closely affiliated with neighbouring Somalia. People in the state are ninety-eight percent Muslim and are strongly opposed to other religions in a region they want to rule under Islamic ideology.

    Pray that those injured in the blasts will fully recover, both emotionally and physically. Pray that the Christians in Jijiga will not be ruled by fear but by Christ (1 Peter 3:14-15). Pray that there will be many who will come to Christ through the testimony of His people (Matthew 5:16). Pray for the three Christians who are in jail. Pray that they will be faithful witnesses to Christ through their bonds. Pray for their timely release.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia,click here.

  • Five Injured As Church Destroyed by Bomb

    As more than one hundred believers gathered for worship on the evening of April 15 at the Emmanuel Church in Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia, Muslims opposed to the Christian presence there threw a bomb at the building.  The building was completely destroyed and five people were injured, one critically. According to VOMC sources in Ethiopia, the area is almost entirely Muslim and pressure against Christians has been strong.  Police have openly intimidated believers and imprisoned anyone found to be sharing their Christian faith with others. Two years ago, a Full Gospel church in Jijiga was also bombed.

    Pray that the believers in Jijiga will not be controlled by fear. Pray that they will be ruled by the Holy Spirit resulting in boldness and peace (Revelation 2:10). Pray that those who were injured in the bombing will fully recover from their injuries. Pray that the local authorities will recognize the need to respect the religious rights of everyone and work to protect the believers.

    For more information on the persecution affecting Christians in Ethiopia,click here.
  • Turmoil Continues in Kemisse Region

    Last month, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on violence in the region of Kemisse resulting in the burning of three churches and several other buildings (for details, click here).  According to VOMC sources in the country, the World Vision office in Senbete, 25 km from Kemisse, was damaged by a bomb on April 10.  It is believed that this attack was a continuation of the violence in Kemisse.  Five church leaders in Kemisse were also reportedly arrested for spreading the Gospel (to read more, click here).  Three of the five were released on April 15.  Those still in custody are Tesfaye Negga and Abessa.

  • Believers Driven from Homes in Axum
    Rock hewn Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Axum
    Axum is considered the most holy city for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church because of its ancient churches and their claim that the original Ark of the Covenant is kept there.  The influence of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is very strong in the area.  A Full Gospel church is the only known non-Orthodox church in the city.  According to a VOMC source in Ethiopia , the church frequently experiences harassment with stones often thrown at the building throughout the services.  "In one of my trips to Axum , I was ministering in the evening service and stones were flowing on the roof like rain. I had to wait for hours to get out of the church and even then, stones were falling everywhere as we went out," he said. 

    The situation heated up significantly after a popular nightclub singer, Meseret Negusse, came to faith in Christ.  Despite repeated attempts to force her to return to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Meseret persisted in her new-found faith and each Sunday she would come to church with new converts. "Meseret made us extremely busy in the kingdom work by bringing new converts who need deliverance and follow up," said Gebremedhine, founder of the Full Gospel church.

    On March 12 and 17, the church building was attacked.  The mob severely damaged the building with stones and burned it.  Following the latest attack, Ethiopian Orthodox leaders ordered their followers to expel anyone from their home who was not a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. At last report, four young women have been expelled and are now living inside the church compound for protection.  Their names are Askalu (25), Ethiopia Gedey (24), Eden Beyene (20), and Meseret Wasiun (30). One of these women is suffering badly from AIDS but was still thrown out of her bed by her parents and chased from her home.

    Pray that these women will find joy and peace as they rest in the love of the God Who suffers with them (1 Peter 4:12 -13). Ask the Lord to give them the strength to love, forgive and even bless those who have rejected them (Matthew 5:43 -44). Pray that there will be adequate care for these dear believers, particularly for the one suffering from AIDS.

    For more information on Ethiopia and the suffering facing Christians there,click here. The April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs newsletter features stories on persecution from eastern Africa , including Ethiopia .  Canadians who wish to subscribe can go to our newsletter page.  Those who subscribe will be able to read the feature article, "Witnessing God's Faithfulness in East Africa " online.  The Voice of the Martyrs also provides assistance in such circumstances through an emergency fund set up for this purpose. Donations can be made online to VOMC's Relief and Development Fund at our donations page.
  • Christians Arrested Following Violence

    VOMC sources in Ethiopia returned from the Kemisse region 350 km northeast of Addis Ababa on April 4 after investigating reports of churches being burned on March 21 (click here to read the story).

    According to Christians in the area, authorities had been aware of rising tensions against evangelicals for the past month.  Weapons had been found in homes but were ignored.  During the attacks, it is reported that local police provided an accelerant used to burn the churches and urged the attackers to work quickly before federal police arrived to intervene. 

    Initial plans were to kill key Christian leaders and take the rest of the believers to the mosque to forcibly convert them to Islam.  The army was able to intervene and prevented any deaths.  However, local police have been arresting anyone accused of spreading the Gospel.  Five church leaders are presently in custody: Bocka Abdeta Mekaneyesus, Tena Beyene, Abessa, Tesfaye Negga and Eressa Eyu.  Ten others are being sought by police but have left the area or are in hiding. 

    Though federal authorities have intervened to stop violence, they are hesitant to get involved for fear of losing support. One church leader told VOMC, "Instead of dealing with the sources of the problem, the government is advising us to leave Kemmise and they believe this is the best alternative to resolve the tension."

    Despite the violence and ongoing pressure against believers, all the local churches met for worship on Sunday, meeting in the mud since their buildings had been reduced to ashes.

    Pray that the believers in the Kemisse region will remain strong in their faith and consistent in their testimony. Pray for the release of the church leaders who are in custody. Pray that authorities will be willing to protect those whose lives are threatened. Ask God to give His people much wisdom in dealing with the tensions.

    For more information on Ethiopia and the persecution of Christians there,click here.

  • Churches Burned and Christians Attacked

    VOMC sources in Ethiopia have received information on attacks in two Ethiopian villages on March 21-22. In the first incident, a large Muslim mob orchestrated an attack on Christians in Kemisse approximately 350 km north-east of Addis Ababa .  Three churches were burned and the field office of World Vision was attacked.  Businesses owned by Christians were vandalized and several Christians were injured.  Intervention by the Ethiopian army prevented further destruction and there were no reports of deaths, though a guard at the Lutheran church was sent to the hospital in serious condition.  Several believers have fled to a neighbouring village to escape further persecution.

    On March 22, Nesero Abraraw was on duty as a guard of a Lutheran church in Arisi Negellie, 225 km south of Addis, when he was shot three times by an unidentified assailant. Abraraw, a Muslim convert to Christianity and father of seven, died at the scene. Local police have arrested some suspects but are facing pressure from wealthy Muslim businessmen to release them. The church has no doubts that this attack was orchestrated by area Muslims who regularly harass and intimidate local Christians.

    Pray that the peace of Christ will rule in the hearts and minds of Ethiopia 's Christians. Pray that the Lord will provide safe meeting places for the believers who have lost their church buildings. Pray that the attacks will subside and that the authorities will have God's wisdom in dealing with the tensions. Ask God to sustain and comfort Nesero's family in their grief. Pray that authorities will not surrender to pressure, but will protect the rights of all Ethiopian citizens.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Ethiopia ,click here.

  • Update on Beaten Evangelist

    On January 11, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on an Ethiopian evangelist who was badly beaten and left for dead on the road near the town of Meki, south of Addis Ababa (click here to read the story).  Recently The Voice of the Martyrs learned that Brother Aman is out of hospital and already actively resuming his call of preaching the Word of God. The story of Aman is a fascinating account of the grace of God at work.  To read the full report, click here.

    For more information on Ethiopia and the challenges facing the Christians there, click here.  The feature article of the April edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter is entitled, "Witnessing God's Faithfulness in East Africa" and will include testimonies from Ethiopia's Persecuted Church. To subscribe to this free monthly newsletter, click here (sorry, available only to Canadian addresses).  Video reports on Ethiopia are also available for viewing at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Evangelist Badly Beaten

    An evangelist named Aman was returning from a church service in Meki, 134 km south of Addis Ababa, on January 1 when a group of Muslims surrounded him.  According to VOMC sources in Ethiopia, one member of the group began hitting Aman with a large stick and continued to pound on his body until people passing by intervened.  Aman was taken to a hospital in Shashemene, where he remained unconscious for two days.  At last report, Aman was still in intensive care.

    Pray Aman's mind and body will be fully restored so that he can continue to share Christ with his friends and neighbors. Pray that the attackers will recognize their guilt and turn to Christ for forgiveness. Ask God to comfort Aman and those who are close to him.

    For more information on Ethiopia and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.