
Hamid Shabanov

  • Christian Community Authorized to Meet After Many Years
    Hamid Shabanov - Photo: World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Pastor Hamid Shabanov
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    The Baptist community in the village of Aliabad understands what it means to wait patiently. For 25 years, these believers have sought legal status but were repeatedly ignored or denied. Police have regularly raided their church meetings and seized religious literature. Despite the opposition, the church continued to gather for teaching and worship while attempting to get official status.

  • Court Appeals Rejected
    Pastor Hamid Shabanov - Photo: VOM USA www.persecution.com
    Pastor Hamid Shabanov
    Photo: VOM USA

    Pastor Hamid Shabanov has known suffering for more than two decades, as he seeks to lead his church in Aliabad, Azerbaijan. He has been arrested on multiple occasions. For a 2013 report on the fines facing him, see this report. In December 2016, he was fined again for hosting religious meetings without permission. This opposition comes despite the fact that the church has been seeking legal registration since 1994.