

  • Hindus falsely accuse Christians of murder

    Pastor Kamlesh Tahed
    Photo from Compass Direct

    Hindus in the village of Mehendi Kheda, Madhya Pradesh, India are accusing Pastor Kamlesh Tahed (32) and three other local Christians of murdering a young man who was killed in a fight between two local clans, according to an August 31 report from Compass Direct. On August 8, Roop Singh Baria (22) was killed during violence between the Baria and the Tahed clan over 1,000 rupees (approximately $25 CAD) which had been borrowed by one of the Tahed family members. When members of the Baria clan filed a report with the police about the incident, they implicated Pastor Tahed, Kasna Tahed (25), Ramesh Tahed (26) and Vasna Tahed (36) in the murder. The four men and other local people insist that the Christians were not present when the murder took place.

    Commenting on the situation, Pastor Tahed said: "I once was one of [the clan members], but in the 20 years since I became a Christian, they have been dragging me into false cases and hate me for my work of evangelism." In 2001, Pastor Tahed was jailed on false charges of "forcible conversion" for 20 days and released only after a costly court battle to prove his innocence. At last report, he was in hiding and the three other accused believers were in police custody.

    Pray that the truth will come out in this situation and that true justice will reign. Pray for strength of faith for the accused Christians. Ask God to protect and encourage Christians in India as they share the Good News of Jesus.

    Learn more about the persecution of Indian Christians at theIndia Country Report.

  • Church burned in Andhra Pradesh

    Photo from GCIC

    The Best Friends Church building in the village of Mahasamudram in Andhra Pradesh, India was burned to the ground at approximately 10:30 p.m. on August 20 by suspected Hindu activists. A dedication service for the newly constructed church building had been scheduled for August 30. The structure was built by the church's pastor on his own property after seven years of hosting worship services in his home.

    Pray that the believers of this church will continue to gather together for worship. Pray that those responsible will experience repentance and salvation, just as Paul did (Acts 9:1-19).

    To find out more about the suffering of our Indian brothers and sisters, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Christians attacked throughout Karnataka

    As the one year anniversary of the unprecedented violence against Christians in Orissa state looms closer, believers throughout India are concerned of further attacks. In recent days, for example, believers in Karnataka state have faced intimidation and arrests from Hindu militants and police.

    Approximately 20 Hindu militants shouting anti-Christian slogans barged into a worship service in the village of Gabbur on August 9. Pastor V. James (46) was beaten and dragged out of the building. He was able to escape his assailants and registered a complaint against them with police. At approximately 9:30 p.m., the militants attacked Pastor James at his home and chased him and his family out of the village. At last report, the family had not returned to their home.

    Pastors imprisoned in Annigere
    Photo from GCIC

    Just before midnight on August 11, approximately 80 Christians attending a training camp for teachers were attacked by Hindu militants in the village of Annigere. The four-day camp was organized by Seva Bharath Mission India, a Christian non-governmental organization. The militants accused the Christians of being involved in forcible conversion. They confiscated cell phones and Bibles and beat the pastors. Several young women were also assaulted. A pastor was able to escape and sought help from the police. According to Compass Direct, two police officers arrived on the scene at approximately 1:30 a.m., but merely watched on as Bibles were collected and set ablaze. The officers allegedly reported to the Sub-Inspector that the Christians were speaking derogatorily about Hindu gods. Three hours later, more officers arrived and demanded to know why the Christians had not requested permission to meet together. Astonishingly, eight pastors were arrested and charged with unlawful assembly, rioting, criminal conspiracy and "acts intended to outrage religious feelings by insulting religion or religious beliefs." The names and addresses of the other Christians were recorded by police before they were sent home. The detained pastors were released on bail on August 18.

    On the evening of August 16, Pastor John Quadros was visiting a home in Padmanabhanagar, together with several other families, to pray for the host's sick father. Several Hindu militants, police officers and members of the local media burst into the home. The pastor was accused of forcible conversion, questioned and told to inform officials of any future prayer activities. The militants threatened to attack him if they heard of further prayer meetings.

    Pray that increased persecution in India will result in increased boldness among Christians (Acts 4:29-31). Ask God to work in the hearts and lives of Hindu militants so that they will turn to Him.

    To learn more about the persecution of Christians in India, please visit theIndia Country Report.

  • Christians beaten, accused of forcible conversion in Karnataka

    At approximately 10:00 a.m. on July 10, Hindu militants in the city of Chitradurga barged into a tea stall attended by Sharada, the wife of Pastor Nagaraj, and questioned her about her faith, according to a July 18 report from Evangelical Fellowship of India. The militants demanded to know how much money her family received for converting to Christianity and accused her and her husband of forcible conversion. They also threatened to burn her alive. Sharada was dragged to the police station where a complaint was filed against her. Pastor Nagaraj was also summoned to the station and upon his arrival was beaten by the militants while police looked on.

    Also in Karnataka, four Christians were beaten and accused of forcible conversion by Hindus at approximately 5:30 p.m. on July 18 while visiting a housing colony in the western region of the city of Bangalore. The believers were brought to a police station three hours later. Later that night, they were presented before a magistrate and sent to the Bangalore Central Jail, where they remained at last report.

    Pray for the release of the imprisoned believers. Pray that those who falsely accuse believers of forcible conversion will see that the Good News is a free gift and will respond to faith in Jesus (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    For more information on how Christians suffer in India,click here.

  • Church closed down; pastor beaten

    On June 7, a group of police officers and Hindu militants disrupted a worship service being held in the newly built Indian Apostolic church building in Chennagiri village, Davanagere district in Karnataka state. The police claimed that the church was opened with an illegal license. The pastor explained that he had already obtained the necessary permission from authorities but was told that no churches were allowed in the village since they were engaged in "conversion activities." All of the church members were sent away and the building was locked up.

    At approximately 10:00 a.m. on June 8, Pastor Paul Chinnaswamy (50) was attacked by two suspected Hindu militants while he was sitting in front of his church in Krishnagiri district, Tamil Nadu state. The men approached the pastor on bikes and attacked him, kicking him in the chest and punching him in the jaw so hard his teeth were broken. When villagers noticed the scene, they approached the assailants who then fled. Pastor Chinnaswamy has reportedly been assaulted and threatened several times in recent years.

    Pray for healing for Pastor Chinnaswamy. Pray that the members of the Indian Apostolic Church in Karnataka will grow in Christlikeness through the ongoing opposition they face (James 1:2-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Homes burned, paramilitary forces withdrawn in Orissa

    On May 30, Hindu militants set fire to six Christian homes in Kisapanga village in Kandhamal district, Orissa, according to a May 30 report from All India Christian Council. Approximately 2,500 of the tens of thousands of people displaced by the August 2008 mob violence (click here for more details) remain in relief camps and are fearful to return to their villages. The central government in India recently decided to withdraw paramilitary forces from the district within a month, triggering concern among Christians of further violence.

    Ask God to strengthen Christians in Orissa to remain steadfast as they suffer. Pray that those facing difficult and dangerous living conditions will find strength and comfort in the refuge God provides (Psalm 127).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Pastor severely beaten in Madhya Pradesh

    Pastor Ramesh Mandevey's injured arm
    Photo from GCIC

    On the afternoon of May 24, Pastor Ramesh Mandevey (31) was brutally attacked by 10 Hindu militants after visiting with a believer near the town of Dewas in Madhya Pradesh, India. A companion who was travelling with Pastor Mandevey was able to escape the assailants and later returned to bring the badly beaten pastor to the police station. At last report, Pastor Mandevey was in hospital with serious internal injuries.

    Pray for healing for Pastor Mandevey. Pray for comfort for his family at this difficult time. Pray that those responsible for the continued violence against Christians in India will be brought to justice.

    To find out more about the plight of Indian Christians,click here.

  • Christians beaten, churches set on fire

    The Voice of the Martyrs has received several reports of attacks on Christians in India in recent weeks.

    At approximately 10:30 p.m. on May 10, two church buildings in Imphal district, Manipur state were set on fire by Hindu militants, according to a May 15 report from the Evangelical Fellowship of India. The next day, another church building in the area was also torched. The church buildings were badly damaged and furniture and equipment destroyed.

    On the afternoon of May 12, Hindu militants barged into a school in Chennarayapatna, Hassan district, Karnataka state where pastors and other Christians were meeting for prayer. The militants accused the believers of forcible conversion and beat several of them, including Pastor K.K. Ramesh. They also verbally harassed the women present and burned Bibles and other religious literature. The militants eventually made their way to Pastor Ramesh's home and destroyed valuable items. When police arrived approximately an hour later, they took several believers to the police station and detained them. Those injured were denied medical treatment. All were released at approximately 10:30 p.m. without charge.

    On May 14, ten Hindu militants accosted Pastor George Philip (58) while he was walking in the village of Kottavillai, Tamil Nadu state. When the pastor tried to walk away from the militants, he was pelted with stones and beaten. He was later hospitalized for his injuries.

    Pray for healing for those injured. Pray that the bold faith of Christians in India will be a light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Churches attacked, believers beaten

    The Voice of the Martyrs received several reports of violence against Christians in India in recent weeks.

    On May 5, Hindu militants attacked approximately 200 Christians gathered together for a meeting in Mumbai, the capital city of Maharashtra state, according to a May 6 report from the Evangelical Fellowship of India. The militants forcefully entered the building, blocked the exits and ordered the believers to chant "Jai Shri Ram" (Praise Lord Ram). Those who refused were beaten. Several were injured, including a 5-year-old girl and a pastor who required five stitches in his head.

    A church building was set on fire by Hindu militants on the morning of May 5 in the village of Sivapuram, Warangal district, Andhra Pradesh state. Neighbours alerted the pastor and church members of the fire at approximately 2:00 a.m. By the time they arrived on scene, however, the furniture, pulpit, carpet and audio equipment had been destroyed.

    On May 7, Hindu militants disrupted a prayer meeting held in a home in Narsinghpur district, Madhya Pradesh state, according to a May 11 report from the Evangelical Fellowship of India. The militants shouted abuses at believers present, accused them of forcible conversion and beat them. One believer suffered a broken arm. Five of the believers were arrested and taken to a police station. All were granted bail the next day.

    Pray for peace in India. Pray for healing for injured believers. Ask God to strengthen Christians in India to continue to be salt and light in the midst of oppression.

    For more on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor jailed in Andhra Pradesh

    Pastor Prabhu Dass was arrested by police while attending a prayer meeting in a local Christian's home in the village of Dharmapuri, Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh on April 6, according to an April 9 report from All India Christian Council. During the prayer meeting, a man asked Pastor Dass for some Christian literature. When Pastor Dass gave it to him, the man left. He later returned with a group of villagers and they threatened the pastor and accused him of forcibly converting people. Pastor Dass was taken to the local police station where a complaint was filed against him. He was then detained in a local jail and remained imprisoned at last report.

    Pray for the release of Pastor Dass. Pray that he and other suffering believers will find strength in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

    To learn more about India's suffering Christians,click here.