

  • Church-Owned Building Demolished

    India map

    At 2:00 a.m. on August 4, approximately 200 masked men demolished a building under construction which belonged to the Catholic Church in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan. The assailants also injured the watchman. The local bishop suspected that members of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) were responsible for the attack. He reported that a known VHP member had led a previous attack on a priest looking after the building. The bishop also noted that local Christians had received telephone warnings against constructing the building, which was planned to serve as a priest's residence, a school and a hospital.

    Pray that, despite the loss of their building, these believers will be reassured of their lasting and more precious inheritance (Hebrews 10:36, 37). Pray that Christ will be glorified as Christians in India courageously remain true to Him despite opposition (Philippians 1:20).

    For more information on persecution in India, go to theIndia Country Report. Video reports on persecution in India are also available at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Pastor Pressured to Close House Church in Kashmir
    Pastor Bashir Masih
    Pastor Bashir Masih
    Photo from
    As Pastor Bashir Masih was getting ready for Sunday worship at the Shalom Prayer Hut in Kanlibagh, Kashmir on July 29, a leader from a nearby mosque, along with five other men, ordered him to vacate and close the house church. Pastor Bashir's handicapped son has reportedly been beaten by Muslims in the past for his faith in Christ. Muslims have also stopped supplying Pastor Bashir and his three children with drinking water in order to pressure them into leaving the area.

    Pray for strength and endurance for Pastor Bashir, his family and his congregation. Pray that those opposing the message of Christ will come to trust the God of the Bible.

    For more information on persecution in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Church Service Disrupted and Believers Attacked in Karnataka

    Sagar Taluka, Karnataka, IndiaApproximately fifteen Bajrang Dal activists disrupted a worship service on July 29 in Sagar Taluka, Karnataka and beat those present, according to a July 29 report from the Global Council of Indian Christians. The militants, armed with cricket bats and knives, broke down the door of the Believer's Church. They destroyed the furnishings and seriously injured several of the church members. They also destroyed a car and moped parked outside the building. A police complaint has been registered and arrests are expected. Police officers are also posted at the hospital to protect those injured in the attack.

    Pray for healing for those injured in these attacks. Pray that this congregation will experience God's peace that is beyond comprehension (Philippians 4:4-7). Pray that they will be encouraged to continue meeting together, despite the opposition (Hebrews 10:23-25).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. Video reports of persecution in India are available on www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Beaten by Police Inspector

    Karnataka, IndiaWhile a small group of Christians were gathered for worship in Thadesa, Karnataka on the morning of July 15, the local police inspector entered the gathering and assaulted Pastor Ravi Benjamin (32) and Vijay (23) in front of the other believers. The inspector then took the two to the police station where he continued his assault for another three hours.

    Pray for healing for these two Christians. Pray that, in the midst of the difficulties they face, the believers in Thadesa will be keenly aware of the presence of Christ suffering there with them.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India, go to theIndia Country Report. To view video reports on persecution in India, go to our multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Attacks on Christians in Karnataka

    India map

    The Voice of the Martyrs received several reports of violence against Christians in Karnataka, India over the past week.

    On July 4, sixteen members of the Bajrang Dal Hindu militant group beat Dyamappi Chalawadi and his wife Geeta in the village of Baloga. The militants barged into Chalawadi's house and dragged him outside where they kicked him and hit him with wooden sticks. Some of the attackers dragged his wife by her hair, punched her shoulders and back and told her, "We will kill you and your husband if you continue your Christian prayers."

    On July 4, approximately fifteen Hindu militants from the Bajrang Dal group attacked Pastor C.J. Samuel and Pastor Moses while they were returning home from a meeting in the village of Belthur. After ambushing the pastors on the road, the Hindus beat them, cursed their faith and accused them of forcibly converting poor villagers. More than fifty others joined in the assault, which lasted for nearly an hour and ended with the militants threatening to kill the pastors if they visited Belthur again.

    On the morning of July 8, approximately ten members of the Ram Sena Hindu militant group beat two Christian workers, G. Mohan and M.G. John, in Bangalore. The militants dragged the men out of the house of a local Christian, beat them and paraded them half-naked to the police station where they were arrested on charges of "hurting religious feelings" and "creating enmity between religious communities." Both have since been released on bail.

    Pray for the recovery of those who have been beaten in these attacks. Pray that the incomprehensible peace of Christ will rule their hearts and minds in the face of persecution (Philippians 4:7). Pray also that the Lord would strengthen them to lovingly and boldly proclaim His truth, even to their enemies (Ephesians 6:18-20).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

    Video reports on the persecution of Christians in India are available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Beaten by Militants
    Father Sylvester Pereira
    Photo from

    On June 25, a Carmelite priest and four other Christian men were attacked by a group of Hindu militants in Kundapurna, Karnataka state. Father Sylvester Pereira, Joyson Saldanha, John Pradeep, and Mukunk Bhandary were in the waiting room of the Surgeon General Hospital along with their neighbour, Valerian D'Silva, when the militants started to insult them and accuse them of forcibly converting Hindus. The attackers threw Fr. Pereira down a flight of stairs and beat him. When the four others came to his aid, they were also beaten. The Christians were then taken to the police station where the militants filed a complaint of forcible conversion against them. All five have been hospitalized for their injuries.

    On June 21, Pastor John Peter M (30) was beaten by approximately twelve Hindu militants near the village of Medak, Andhra Pradesh. According to the All India Christian Council, Pastor John was on his way to Medak when the militants stopped his vehicle with their car. They took him to a temple in the village of Narayankede, approximately 100 km away and demanded that he worship an idol. When he refused, they stripped him, shaved his head and beat him. As he lay unconscious, they robbed him and left him in a forest area. He was able to make his way home the next day. A month ago, Pastor John was reportedly warned by Hindu militants not to share the Gospel in the area.

    Ask God to give strength and healing to these Christians. Pray that there would be many conversions as a result of their testimony. Pray that increased persecution in India will result in increased boldness among believers there (Acts 4:29-31).

    For more information on persecution of Christians in India,click here. You can view video reports and testimonies of the Persecuted Church in India on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Books on the Life of Christ Burned Five hundred copies of a book called "The Life History of Jesus Christ" were burned on June 18 by Hindu militants in central Karnataka who claimed the books were being used to convert school children to Christianity. When the militants received word that the books were to be distributed in local schools, they went to the Block Education Office in Sirsi, Karnataka to protest. Discovering no books there, they learned that the books were being stored in the office in Siddapur, a city south of Sirsi. They took the books from the Siddapur office, brought them to Sirsi and burned them.

    Pray for the continued spread of the Gospel in India, despite the attempts to hinder and stop the ministry. Pray that Christians in India will continually and confidently rest in the promises of God's provision and strength (Heb. 10:32-39).

    For more information on the challenges facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor Beaten by Militants in Madhya Pradesh

    Pastor Teras Khaka was beaten by forty members of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Hindu militant group when they stormed a prayer meeting in Sehore District on June 16. According to a June 19 report from Compass Direct, when Pastor Khaka lodged a complaint against the attackers, they filed a counter-complaint of forcible conversion against him.

    Ask God to give healing to Pastor Khaka. Pray that he will take comfort in the fact that God commends those who suffer for doing good (1 Peter 2:20-21). Pray that the faithfulness of Indian Christians will be a light that draws others to Christ (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. Go to www.vomcanada.com to view a number of VOMC video reports and testimonies on India.

  • Recent Update on Pastor Raj
    Pastor Hosula Raj
    Photo from
    Pastor Hosula Raj, who was assaulted by militants on May 13 (click here for more details), was attacked again in the village of Pandavapura, Karnataka on June 16. At approximately 10:00 a.m., Hindu militants forcibly entered Pastor Raj's home, accused him of forcible conversion and beat him when he refused to tell them the whereabouts of his wife, Geeta. Following her husband's May 13 beating, Geeta and their infant son went into hiding when she and Raj were falsely charged with forcibly converting Hindus. Pastor Raj sustained injuries to his face, hands and legs in this latest attack.
  • Christians Beaten, Accused of Forcible Conversion in Karnataka
    Pastor Laxmi Narayana
    Photo from
    Compass Direct
    Pastor Laxmi Narayana (35) was attacked by members of the Hindu militant organization Bajrang Dal in the city of Hesargetta, Karnataka on June 8. According to the All India Christian Council, at approximately 7:00 p.m., fifty militants stormed into Pastor Narayana's home and threatened him with violence if he did not leave the area. Shortly thereafter, 100 more militants arrived and assaulted Narayana in front of his wife and two small children. One of the attackers doused Pastor Narayana with kerosene and attempted to set him on fire with a burning Bible. The militants then stripped Narayana naked, hung a sign around his neck that said, "I am the one who converts people" and paraded him through the city streets while over 1,000 Hindus joined in harassing him. He is currently in hospital with swelling and numerous bruises.

    On June 10, nine Christians were attacked in the town of Siris, Karnataka by members of the militant Hindu organization Hindu Jagarana Vedike (HJV) who accused them of committing forcible conversions. The militants barged into a house where the believers were gathered for Sunday worship, disrupted the service and tore pages from a song book. They then handed the believers over to the police, claiming they had been conducting conversions for the past three months in a local hut.

    Pray that these Christians will come into a deeper relationship with Christ as they embrace the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:7-10). Ask God to give those injured a speedy recovery. Pray that those who persecute will come to know Christ as Lord.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com has several features from India.