

  • Christians Beaten in Madhya Pradesh

    At approximately 2:30 pm on June 3, a mob of Hindu militants disrupted a church service that Pastor Mukesh Pal was conducting in his home. The militants threatened the believers present with dire consequences if they did not leave. They warned Pastor Pal against continuing his Christian work in the area and also damaged the building.

    In a separate incident on June 3, the home of Pastor Bheem Singh in Kharward district was attacked after he returned from a Sunday morning service. Singh's aged father and his wife were injured.

    Ask God to strengthen and heal those who have been assaulted. Pray that the faithfulness of Indian Christians will be a light that draws others to Christ (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the continuing persecution of Christians in India,click here. Several videos on the persecution of Christians in India are available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Attacked by Militants, Accused of Forcible Conversion

    The Voice of the Martyrs received several reports of continuing violence against Christians in India this week.

    On May 21, a pastor and a church elder in the town of Bangarpet, Karnataka were beaten by members of the militant Hindu organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh for distributing gifts at a vacation Bible school. According to a May 25 report from the All India Christian Council, the militants accused the Christians of using the gifts to convert children to Christianity. Both men were arrested by the police and later released.

    On May 23, two evangelists, Bernard Christopher and Ravinder Gautam, were beaten, tortured and tonsured by approximately forty-two Hindu militants in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. The militants also forcibly "reconverted" the Christians to Hinduism and threatened to kill them if they did not flee the district.

    Also on May 23, seven evangelists were arrested in the village of Sira Taluk, Andhra Pradesh after local Hindu militants accused them of forcibly converting local Dalits to Christianity. They were interrogated and released with a warning.

    On May 25, evangelists J. Tumada and R. Dilat were stripped, beaten and accused of forcible conversion by approximately twenty Hindu militants while returning home from a prayer meeting in the village of Sakwar, Maharashtra. Later that evening, four of the militants also stripped and beat two other believers while they were returning home from a prayer meeting in the village of Bhui Gaon and accused them of also forcibly converting villagers.

    Ask God to give strength and healing to these Christians. Pray that they will continue to give themselves fully to the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:50-58). Pray that their persecutors will see that their message is one of a free gift, not coercion, and respond in faith to Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    For more information on persecution in India,click here. Videos of interviews and recent attacks on Christians in India are available online at www.vomcanada.com.

  • Evangelist Attacked, Arrested in Madhya Pradesh

    Pastor Kunal Pariacha, an evangelist from the Indian Evangelical Mission, was attacked by members of the Siva Sena Hindu militant group in Narayanpur village, Madhya Pradesh while he was preparing show the Jesus film on the evening of May 14. The militants beat Pastor Pariacha and dragged him to the local police station where a complaint was registered against him under Section 153 of the Indian Penal Code and Section 4 of the Madhya Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act. He was brought to court on May 15 but denied bail.

    Dr. Joseph D'souza, president of the All India Christian Council, has written an open letter to the leaders of India urging action in the face of increasing persecution of Christians in the nation. To read the letter, click here. The Voice of the Martyrs would urge you to write to India's Prime Minister as well, using the address supplied in this letter.

    Pray that all charges against Pastor Kunal will be dropped and that he will be released. Ask that his persecution will embolden his faith (Acts 4:29 -31). Ask God to enable Indian Christians to proclaim the Gospel even while suffering (2 Timothy 4:16-18).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Militants Disrupt Church Services, Beat Christians in Karnataka

    On May 13, approximately twenty-five Hindu militants attacked a morning worship service at a Village Vision India church in the town of Kushalnagar. The militants destroyed Bibles and beat several Christians, including Pastor Channiagha and Pastor George. They told Pastor George to stop converting people to Christianity. The two pastors were taken to the police station and released at 10:30 p.m. Meanwhile, at approximately 6:30 p.m., militants went to Pastor George's house and assaulted his wife along with their one-year-old daughter.

    Pastor Titus with a fellow believer
    Photo from
    Also in Kushalnagar on May 13, police and six Hindu militants beat three Christians in Nagegowda district and threatened to murder Pastor D. Titus. At approximately 5:00 p.m., the police, along with the militants, went to Bethel Ministries Church in search of Pastor Titus. When they did not find Titus there, the militants went to his house where they beat three believers after questioning them about his whereabouts.

    Pastor Hosula Raj
    Photo from
    On May 13, in the village of Pandavapura, Karnataka, Pastor Hosula Raj was beaten by a mob of approximately thirty Hindu militants who disrupted a morning worship service. The militants, some armed with clubs, beat several Christians including Pastor Hosula, who was then bound in chains and dragged to the local police station where they complained that he was committing forced conversions. He was charged under Section 295-A of the Indian Penal Code.

    Pray that all charges against Pastor Hosula will be dropped. Ask that God will give healing to all those injured. Pray that Christians in India will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart. (Hebrews 10:32-39; 12:1-3).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here. Video reports from India are also available on the multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Beaten in Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
    Mrs. Annapurna with her husband,
    Pastor Bakhthula Anand
    Photo from
    At approximately 8:00 p.m. on May 2, Mrs. Annapurna (35) was beaten by Hindu militants in the town of Ramayanpet in Uttar Pradesh state. Mrs. Annapurna assists her husband, Pastor Bakhthula Anand, in the church activities of the Bethesda Prayer House in Ambojipeta. On March 11, Pastor Anand was beaten by Hindu militants (click here for more details) and he has received death threats for his Christian work in the area.

    According to Compass Direct, on the evening of May 3, twenty Christians were beaten with clubs by a group of Hindu militants while they were gathered in the home of Dr. Vijay Pradhan in Sarguja district, Chhattsigarh state. One Christian's leg was broken and several others sustained minor injuries.

    Pray that the work of Mrs. Annapurna and her husband will continue on unhindered. Pray that Christians in India will rest in the fact that those who share in Christ's sufferings also share in His glory (Romans 8:15-17).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. Several video features on India are available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Marthoma Churches Attacked in Karnataka

    As believers were concluding their Sunday worship service at the Marthoma Church in Narasapur, Karnataka on May 6, at least fifty Hindu militants arrived, beat some of the Christians and demanded that the church be permanently closed within ten days. At least six were injured. The militants demanded that the Christians hand over two evangelists, Jayray and James, but someone said they had left for another mission church in Baelemananahalli. When the militants rushed to the Baelemananahalli church and did not find them there, they beat several of the believers present. A police report has been filed but there were no arrests at last report.

    Pray for the healing of those injured in the attacks. Pray for the continued faithfulness of those involved in spreading the Gospel in this region.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor Beaten in Rajasthan

    Pastor Walter Masih was severely beaten by approximately twenty youths from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad militant group on April 29 in Jaipur, Rajasthan. At approximately 1:30 p.m., three youths knocked on the door of Masih's house in Nandpuri Bazar and told his wife that they wanted to meet with him. When Masih opened the door in order to speak with the visitors, several masked militants arrived and forcibly entered his home. They beat Masih with rods in front of his wife and seven-year-old daughter, ransacked his house and then dragged him outside. A neighbour who witnessed the attack ran to the local police station. Police were able to intervene and Masih was rushed to the hospital.

    At last report, police had arrested five suspects. The local media is also under investigation for its connection with the incident since the militants invited a local TV station to film the assault. Video footage of the attack can be viewed at Google Videos.

    Pray that the perpetrators of this crime will be brought to justice. Ask God to give Walter a speedy recovery. Pray that he and his family will rely the Lord's strength and not on their own (2 Corinthians 1:8-9)

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Persecution Continues Throughout India

    VOMC sources report that on April 17, four pastors were arrested by the local police in the Cuttack district of Orissa state after local Hindu militants saw them distributing Christian literature and accused them of forcibly converting Hindus. The four pastors -- Pran Ranjan Mali, Santosh Kumar Majhi, Jason Badra and Roshan Lima -- were released on bail the following day.

    Open air church service in Velakkudi village
    Photo from
    On April 20, church members in Velakkudi village, Tamil Nadu dismantled their make-shift church building when a group of villagers, incited by a militant group, threatened them at knifepoint. Pastor Durai Peter and his congregation have been previously targeted by militant groups who claim that the church services are a disturbance. They also claim that the church's presence has rendered a "god" in their local temple inactive. The Christians now meet on an open plot of land.

    On April 22, two pastors were beaten and jailed after twenty to twenty-five members of the Sangh Parivar Hindu militant group disrupted a prayer meeting the pastors were leading in a local believer's home in Rajanukunte village, Bangalore. At approximately 8:00 p.m. the militants surrounded the house where twenty Christians were meeting and verbally abused Pastor Jayaseelan and Pastor Daniel. When the police arrived, the pastors were ordered to accompany them to the local police station. On the way, the militants attacked again, beating and verbally harassing the pastors and four Christians who were accompanying them. The militants accused Pastor Jayaseelan and Pastor Daniel of forced conversions. At 3:00 a.m., a magistrate sent them to the central prison.

    Ask God heal those injured in these attacks. Pray that Christians in India will trust God to enable them to proclaim the Gospel even while suffering. (2 Timothy 4:16-18).

    For more information on persecution in India,click here. Video footage from India on ways that VOMC is helping those who are suffering is available at www.vomcanada.com.
  • Christians Beaten, Arrested in Andhra Pradesh

    The Voice of the Martyrs received several reports of attacks on Christians in Andhra Pradesh during the past week.

    On the morning of April 11, several Christians were severely beaten by Hindu militants in Chittor district, Andhra Pradesh, after an evangelistic team returned from distributing Gospel tracts in the area. As they were socializing with some fellow believers, a group of approximately seventy militants attacked the Christians, beating them and burning their literature.

    On April 14, five Christians were arrested for distributing Christian literature while praying for patients at the Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad, according to an April 17 report from All India Christian Council. All five are currently in police custody.

    Girl injured in the attack
    on Bethel Church
    Photo from
    Also in Hyderabad, on April 15, twenty Christians were attacked by ten Hindu militants at Bethel Church in Borabanda. At least four people were injured, including a 3-year old girl.

    Pray that Indian Christians will continue to share Christ with great boldness despite their suffering (Acts 4:29). Ask God to bring those who were injured to a quick and full recovery. Pray for the continued spread of the Gospel in India in the midst of severe opposition.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. Several video reports on persecution in India are available on VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Church Leaders Persecuted During Easter Season

    Three separate incidents against church leaders during the Easter season demonstrate the continuing difficulties in sharing the Gospel in India.

    According to an April 11 report from Compass Direct, police in Uttar Pradesh arrested a pastor of the GEMS ministry in the Chandauli district on Maundy Thursday, April 5. Pastor Munsi Lal was accused by local residents of paying Hindu families 2000 rupees ($54 CAD) to convert to Christianity. He was held for one day before being fined 111 rupees ($3.00 CAD) and released.

    On Easter Sunday, April 8, two pastors of the Believers' Church in Salwa, Madhya Pradesh were beaten by Hindu militants. According to Compass Direct sources, the home of Dinesh Toppo and Chandan Chhinchani was ransacked. The two were then dragged from the house and then hit and kicked. The attackers accused the two of forcible conversion and participation in the sex trade. False charges were lodged against the pastors. They have been released on bail.

    Also on April 8, two church gatherings in Himachal Pradesh were attacked by approximately sixty VHP members, according to All India Christian Council. The militants first stormed a house church in Shirad Valley at approximately 11:00 a.m. while twenty-five believers were worshiping. The militants demanded that Pastor Yona Babu burn his Bible and renounce his faith in Christ. When he refused, they severely beat him, leaving him unconscious. They then told the other worshippers that they faced a similar fate unless they recant. After leaving the service, the militants disrupted a prayer meeting in the village of Krotal where they warned the Christians to stop meeting or face serious consequences.

    Ask God to grant a quick recovery to those injured. Pray for steadfastness for those facing opposition from Hindu groups determined to stop the spread of Christianity. Pray that persecutors will come to repentance and respond to God's grace (Acts 9:1-19).

    For more information on persecution in India,click here.