

  • Worship Service Disrupted in Madhya Pradesh

    A worship service in Kanpur, Madhya Pradesh was disrupted within the past week when members of the Hindu organizations Bajrang Dal and VHP stormed the meeting. According to a report from the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), the militants appeared to be targeting foreign missionaries from Japan who were present at the meeting. The pulpit and sound system were destroyed and those attending the meeting were pushed and abused for approximately two hours before police arrived.

    A police report has been filed against the Hindu attackers and the GCIC reports that the local media has condemned the attack.

    Pray that these believers will remain steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-10). Thank the Lord that no one was seriously injured in this attack. Ask that the Lord will enable Christians in India to continue to lovingly and boldly proclaim the gospel (Ephesians 6:18-20).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor and Wife Beaten for Preaching to Slum Dwellers

    Pastor Paul David (29) and his wife Prasanna Kumari (25) were beaten and forced from their home in Bangalore, Karnataka on January 15, according to a report from the Global Council of Indian Christians. For the past two years, Pastor David has been conducting church services in his home that are mostly attended by people from the nearby slum.

    On January 11, a mob gathered outside the couple's home, beating Pastor Paul and forcing him and Prassana to flee from their home. Fearing violence, local Christians did not offer them any assistance and they had to spend the night on a terrace. After finding safe storage for their belongings, the couple returned to Bangalore the next day and found a small room in the slums.

    At approximately 6:30 p.m. on January 15, a mob surrounded Pastor Paul and Prassana's room.  Both of them were robbed and severely beaten. When Pastor Paul demanded that they be taken to the police station, the mob continued to abuse them for over an hour before taking them to the Mico police station. They were falsely accused and questioned for two hours before being released. The couple then hid in a half constructed building in a school compound until the next morning, when they found shelter in a friend's home.

    Ask God to give the Pastor Paul and his wife healing.  Pray that, as sufferings overflow, their comfort in Christ will be more than enough for them (2 Corinthians 1:5). Ask that all Christians in India will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart. (Hebrews 10:32-39; 12:1-3).

    For more information on persecution in India,click here. You can also view video reports from India on the persecution facing Christians at VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Christian Aid Workers Accused of Forcible Conversion in Himachal Pradesh

    There were two separate attacks on Christian Aid workers reported over the past week.

    On January 18, five Christians working at "The Last Resort," a drug rehabilitation centre in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, were arrested on false accusations of forcing patients to read the Bible and convert to Christianity, according to a January 19 report from the Evangelical Fellowship of India. The complaints were filed by two patients who had escaped from the facility on January 16.  One of the escaped patients, Vinod Saini, later told the Christian Legal Association that he was pressured to file the report and wanted to withdraw his statement to the police. The five Christians, Pastor Rajesh Toppo, Mr. Nizam Minthang, Mr. Gopal Singh Bhatia and Mr. Lalboi were released on bail on January 19.


    A few days later, on January 20 or 21, as many as 250 Hindu militants from the Bajrang Dal, Siva Sena and VHP gathered at the home of Pastor Behal in Kangra, Himachal, who works with drug addicts and orphans in the comm unity. According to reports from the All India Christian Council (AICC), the militants protested Behal's missionary activities, demanding that he close down his home for orphans and his church and leave Kangra.  The militants accused him of forced child labour and forcibly converting people to Christianity. The AICC has contacted officials, who assured them that all measures would be taken to protect Pastor Behal and his institutions.

    Thank the Lord that those arrested were released on bail. Pray that they will remain faithful to the task He has given them, knowing that they will receive the crown of life (1 Peter 5:1-4). Pray for Christians as they continue to minister to the needy of Himachal Pradesh. Pray that those who persecute will come to repentance and salvation.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Young Christian Dies after Being Thrown from Train

    Bansi Lal (18) died after being thrown from a train in the Devas district of Madhya Pradesh, India on January 12. According to AsiaNews, Lal was returning from a Pentecostal meeting when some unidentified persons threw him off the train. Though he was rushed to hospital, he died from his injuries.

    While police quickly ruled Lal's death a suicide, Indian Christians believe his death was caused by members of the militant Hindu youth organization, Bajrang Dal. Bansi had converted to Christianity two and half years ago and had been threatened ever since. Bansi and his brother were the only Christians in his family. The rest of his family did not approve of their faith in Christ.

    Ask God to give peace and consolation to those who grieve for Bansi Lal. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through Bansi's story and bring many of his neighbors and friends to Christ (Romans 12:14, 21). Pray that Christians in India will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on persecution of Christians in India,click here. Recent videos on persecution in India are available on https://www.vomcanada.com/.
  • New Year Brings Flood of Persecution Reports

    Several reports of persecution throughout India have come to light this past week as opposition to Christians and the spread of the Gospel continues unabated.

    (a) On December 29, a large mob surrounded a home in Kaldurki on the border of Maharashtra and Madyha Pradesh. According to a report from Salem Voice, the power to the home was disconnected and the pastor and fourteen other believers were beaten by the mob. Bibles, song books and sound equipment were set on fire.

    (b) On December 31, Christians in Nagashettihally in a suburb of Bangalore were putting up a canopy in preparation for a watch night service when they were assaulted by a group of young men. According to the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), one woman named Anjanamma was admitted to hospital with chest injuries following the attack.

    (c) On January 2, four evangelists -- V.P. Paulose (58), Abraham George, Samuel John and George Thomas -- were beaten by approximately one hundred Hindu militants in Indrapuri, Delhi, according to a GCIC report. The four men were distributing tracts when they were attacked. Their vehicle was badly damaged and all four sustained internal injuries. The police interrogated the evangelists for several hours before releasing them. According to a January 5 report from Compass Direct, police refused to register the complaints filed by the Christians but neither did they register complaints of forcible conversion brought against the Christians by the militants.

    (d) Also on January 2, militants from the Dharma Sena (Religious Army) attacked two Christians in the village of Devera in Madhya Pradesh after breaking into a home they were visiting. According to a January 5 report from Compass Direct, both men, Shyam Sunder and Ram Deen, received injuries in the chest and legs.  Police have registered a complaint from the Christians. The militants filed counter claims against the victims for "disturbing religious harmony" and "indulging in conversions." At last report, there had been no arrests but police were investigating the complaints.

    (e) On January 6, an angry mob beat a pastor with clubs near Nizamabad, Andhra Pradesh, according to All India Christian Council. While Pastor M. Gabriel (35) was away from home, a group of local Hindus came to his house, threatened his wife and accused him of converting people. The mob was waiting for Gabriel as he returned home around 11:00 p.m. He ran for his house but the mob caught him and beat him. He was hospitalized with broken ribs and head injuries. The couple is in fear for their lives and has not yet filed a police report on the incident.

    (f) A pastor and a church member were attacked by two men while inside their church building in Laggere, Bangalore on January 7. According to Salem Voice, the two men demanded that Pastor Robert stop worshiping in the building. "We will crucify you in the same way that Christ was crucified," they threatened. When a church member, Rajendran, ran to Robert's defense, the men grabbed a microphone stand and struck him in the head. Pastor Robert was also beaten with the stand on his face, back and head.

    Pray that persecuted Christians throughout India will put their hope in the Lord as the One Who upholds their cause (Psalm 146). Pray that their faithfulness will be a light that draws others to Christ (Matthew 5:14-16). Ask God to strengthen and heal those who have been assaulted.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. Recent video reports on persecution in India are also available on VOMC's multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.

  • Anti-Conversion Bill Passed in Another State

    On December 30, the government of the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh passed an anti-conversion bill that dictates new penalties for charges of forced conversion. Under this bill, a person found "forcibly converting" another person could be sentenced to up to two years in prison and/or fined up to 25,000 rupees ($665 CAD). The bill also states that those who want to convert to another religion must give the district government at least thirty days' notice or face fines up to 1,000 rupees ($27 CAD). This is the first time that such a bill has been passed in a state that is governed by the Congress Party, which previously challenged the passage of similar "religious freedom" laws in states such as Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.  The law requires the governor's signature to come into effect.

    Pray that Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje, governor of Himachal Pradesh, will not sign this bill into law. Ask God to continue to draw people in India to Himself, in spite of anti-conversion efforts of their persecutors. Pray that those who are currently accused of false conversion will set Christ apart as Lord without giving in to fear of their accusers (1 Peter 3:13-17).

    For more information on the persecution facing India's Christians,click here.
  • Christmas Brings Persecution

    In four separate attacks on Christians over the Christmas weekend (December 22-24), Hindu militants arrested carol-singers and disrupted Christmas services as well as burned down and demolished two churches.

    (a) According to a December 27 report from Compass Direct, a group of Hindu militants burned down a thatched church in Boriguma, Orissa state on December 23. Everything in the building, including the Christmas decorations, was destroyed in the fire.

    (b) On December 24, a pastor and ten Christian missionaries were beaten and arrested by Hindu militants in Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh, according to a December 27 Compass Direct report. Hindu militants stormed into a church, where approximately twenty Christians were gathered, and beat some of the believers. They also destroyed hymnbooks and Bibles. Five Christians were injured, including a man who suffered hearing loss due to a blow to his head and a Bible student who fractured his hand.

    Police arrested Pastor Ram and the missionaries on claims that they were bribing poor Hindu villagers into converting to Christianity. However, Arun Pannalal, the general secretary of the Chhattisgarh Christian Forum, told Compass that these charges were false and that the militants "were simply annoyed by [the Christians'] chanting of Christmas carols." Ram was released at 10:30 p.m. that night. The others were released at 6:30 p.m. on Christmas Day.

    (c) Also on December 24, over 400 Christians in Tilonda, Maharashtra state were prevented from celebrating a Christmas prayer service when members of a militant group, Vanvasi Kalyan Praishad, barged into the prayer hall building. According to a December 27 Compass Direct report, militants shouted slogans against Christianity and drove the Christians from the building. The fearful church officials then cancelled the event. Police were present during the meeting, upon request of Dr. Abraham Mathai, the vice-chair of the Maharashtra State Minorities Commission, but they did nothing to stop the attacks.

    (d) On December 25, Hindu militants demolished a Protestant church under construction in the Indian state of Jharkhand, according to December 28 report from The Indian Catholic.  The church, which was being built on the private property Joseph Tuti, a member of the Brethren Mission Church, was pulled down by militant members of the Hindu organization Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, along with associated tribal groups. The village leaders have confiscated Tuti's land and will return it only if he agrees to abandon Christianity. "We would not allow them to use the land in any way if they continue to remain Christians," warned villager Vishnu Munda.

    Ask God to give healing to those who were injured in the attacks. Pray that the members of the destroyed churches will know that, despite their loss of property, they have "better and lasting possessions" (Hebrews 10:36, 37). Pray those who seek to persecute will come to repentance and be reconciled to God.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Hindu Militants Beat Pastor and Christian Couple

    In two separate attacks, Hindu militants beat a Christian couple from Lakarpur in Haryana state and assaulted a Pastor in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, according to a December 21 report from Compass Direct.

    On December 17, a group of fifty militants from the Dharam Raksha Sena (DRS or "Army for Religious Protection") beat an independent pastor, Philip Jagdalla, while he was returning from his church. The militants then dragged him to the police station where they accused him of forced conversions. The police arrested him on charges of "hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus." When representatives of the Chhattisgarh Christian Forum (CCF) went to bail out Jagdalla, DRS militants were surrounding the station and shouting slogans against Christians.

    The police sent Pastor Jagdalla to a hospital for medical examination and registered a counter complaint against the attackers -- actions which the CCF praised since Christian victims are rarely treated in this way. The CCF also condemned local newspapers for publishing false allegations against Jagdalla.

    On December 20, about fifty members of the militant Bajrang Dal attacked a Christian couple, Rakesh Sen and Suman Sen, at approximately 8:00 a.m. The militants were angry at the couple for regularly holding Sunday worship in their home. They threatened to force all of the church members to chant the names of Hindu gods on December 24.

    A police complaint was registered against the Bajrang Dal.  According to the pastor of the New Life Fellowship, Cinderella Lal, the village head apologized for the attack and gave written assurance that there will be no further disturbances. The militants' plans for December 24 were also cancelled.

    Thank the Lord for the agreements reached between the Christians and their persecutors. Pray that those who were injured or threatened will not be fearful but instead trust in God (1 Peter 3:14-17). Pray that all Indian Christians will echo Peter's sentiment and determine to obey God regardless of what man says (Acts 5:29).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Christian Convert Threatened by Islamic Militant
    Pastor Paul Cinaraj
    Photo from
    Salem Voice Ministries
    On December 14, a Christian convert from Islam in Kerala State, Pastor Paul Ciniraj Mohammed, was threatened by a man claiming to be the leader of an Islamic militant group. According to a December 18 report from Compass Direct, the militant telephoned Pastor Ciniraj and said, "Start counting your days, as we will kill you in a few days time." He also mentioned Bashir Tantray, the prominent Christian worker who was killed by Islamic militants last month (click here for the story). Ciniraj fears that the threats are coming from the same group that killed Tantray since his death was not widely reported by local media.

    Pastor Ciniraj, who is the head of Salem Voice Ministries, survived an attempt on his life on March 16, 2006 (click here for more details) and has faced several threats and attacks for his evangelistic work.

    Ask God to keep Ciniraj safe from harm. Pray that, despite these threats, he will not be fearful but trust God (Revelation 2:10). Ask God to allow the work of Salem Voice Ministries to continue on unhindered.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. A series of videos on persecution in India was recently added to VOMC's multimedia website, www.vomcanada.com.

  • Christians Assaulted and Imprisoned in Karnataka

    Three Christians were assaulted in two separate attacks by Hindu militants in Karnataka state on December 5, according to a December 8 report from Compass Direct.

    Mayaeshak Baila was assaulted in the village of Gersoppa by a Hindu militant while returning home from a prayer meeting. Baila was waiting at a bus stop when he was approached by Chandrashekar Naik, a member of Bajrang Dal. Naik questioned Baila extensively about his activities in the village and once he realized that Baila was a Christian, he started to slap, punch and swear at him. He then threw Baila to the ground and kicked him in the ribs, stomach and back. He accused Baila of forcibly converting Hindu villagers and told him that he would be killed if he entered the village again. Baila was able to escape when others passing by intervened.

    After Baila filed a complaint at the Honavar police station, police arrested Naik and charged him under the Indian Penal Code for causing hurt, intentional insult and criminal intimidation.  However, Naik was quickly released on bail.

    Later that day, two Christians, Joseph Lopes and Agnel Dias, were assaulted by two Bajrang Dal members while they were visiting Christian homes in the village of Honavar. The militants dragged Lopes and Dias, who were both carrying Bibles, to the police station, where they accused them of preaching the gospel with the intent of forcibly converting Hindu villagers. Both of the men were detained overnight and released the following morning. Although they were aggressively questioned by authorities the entire night, they were not harmed or threatened.

    Pray that increased persecution in India will result in increased boldness among Christians (Acts 4:29-31). Thank the Lord that the two imprisoned Christians were kept safe from harm. Ask God to heal Baila of his injuries. Pray that those who falsely accuse believers of forcible conversion will see that the Gospel message is one of a free gift and not coercion, and respond in faith to Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here. Video reports on some of the ways VOMC is assisting those persecuted for their faith in India are available on our multimedia website, https://www.vomcanada.com/.