

  • Rape Victims Accused of Forcible Conversion

    Justice crumblingOn May 28, two Christian women were gang raped after the husband of one of them refused to deny Christ (click here for more details). Last week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported that all Christians in the region were being ordered to renounce their faith or leave (to read more, click here). According to a June 20 report from Compass Direct, a complaint has now been filed against the women alleging that they were involved in forcible conversion of Hindus. An observer from the National Commission for Minorities investigating the incident believes that the administration allowed the forcible conversion complaint to be filed in order to protect the alleged rapists. Though the women have named their attackers, no arrests have been made.

  • Government to Take Over EMI Institutions
    Founder M. A. Thomas and president Dr. Samuel Thomas
    On June 14, the Rajasthan state government announced plans to take control of five institutions operated by the Emmanuel Mission International (EMI). Licenses to operate the facilities were suspended earlier following protests against the Christian organization. An appeal of those suspensions was dismissed by the state's High Court on June 13. EMI has been meeting the physical and educational needs more than 10,000 children through a variety of orphanages and schools. Problems for EMI began in February, after a book was found on a book rack which allegedly ridiculed Hindu gods (click here to read more).
  • More Details on Pastor's Murder

    More details have come to light about the murder of Pastor Prem Kumar on June 8 (click here for the story). According to VOMC sources in India, four men with blood stains on their clothing came to a hotel in Rampur following the murder. When the owner of the hotel noticed the stains, he closed the hotel. Police are looking for the four men as well as the hotel owner.

    It also appears the murder may be linked to Kumar's daughter-in-law, who is a converted Christian from a family with ties to the Hindu nationalist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Local landlords and villagers were reportedly annoyed that she had been sharing her faith with her family and leading some to faith in Christ.

  • Pastor Brutally Killed

    Early on June 8, Pastor Prem Kumar (67) was asked to lead a prayer service in the village of Rampur Thanda in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh later that day. Kumar suspected possible foul play but agreed and asked his son, Sunil, to call his mobile phone every thirty minutes. When he arrived to be picked up at the agreed upon place, he was met by a group of strangers. His suspicions further aroused, he called his son and again asked him to call often.

    Three hours later, Prem Kumar's mobile phone went dead. That evening, when there was still no contact, family members began searching for him. His body was found in the forest near Rampur Thanda.  His head had been smashed with stones beyond recognition.

    Investigating police are denying any religious motivation for the attack, saying the motive was a personal rivalry. However, Sunil said that his father had no enemies and strongly suspects Hindu militants. A number of similar incidents have taken place in recent years in Andhra Pradesh and religious tensions in the state are said to be high.

    Pray that the Holy Spirit will fill the hearts of Kumar's family members with the joy that comes from knowing that they will see him again at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Pray that the Lord will be exalted through this tragedy and that people will be drawn to Him (Philippians 1:20). Ask God to bring about true justice in the murder of Pastor Kumar. Also pray that there will be no further incidents of violence against God's people in this region.

    Religious persecution of Christians is increasing in many areas of India. Information is available at India's Country Report.

  • Forced Confession Leads to Charges

    According to a June 9 report from Compass Direct, police in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh raided the home of Meera Bai (52) on June 6 after coercing a complaint from her neighbour.

    Meera Bai was entertaining guests when as many as twenty-five police officers burst into her home. They confiscated Bibles and pictures of Jesus and then took Bai, her son and two guests to the police station. There she was met by a large crowd of members of Dharma Sena, a militant Hindu organization, who shouted threats and anti-Christian slogans. Police forced the Christians to sign blank pieces of paper. Bai was then charged under the state's anti-conversion legislation and released on bail.

    After Bai returned home, a nineteen-year-old neighbour confessed that police and Dharma Sena members had forced him to come to the police station and sign a statement that Bai had offered him 2000 rupees ($48 CAD) each month if he would convert to Christianity. It was on the basis of this forced statement that Bai was charged.

    Pray that Bai will find her strength in Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). Pray that there will be a strong testimony of God's grace in the community. Pray that Sukhdev will see the character of Christ in Bai and be drawn to a personal relationship with Him (Matthew 5:16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here. The June edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter features the persecution of Christians in India. The feature article is available online to those who subscribe. Go to our Newsletter page.

  • Rajasthan's Anti-Conversion Legislation Resent to Governor
    Rajasthan's governor,
    Pratibha Patil
    On May 19, the governor of Rajasthan took the unprecedented act of refusing to sign anti-conversion legislation into law (see click here). The governor, Pratibha Patil, believed that the legislation would violate religious freedom. This past week, the government re-sent the legislation to the governor for her signature. If Governor Patil again refuses to sign, the bill will be referred to India's president, Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. Pray that Governor Patil will have the courage to again refuse to sign this legislation.
  • Update on Rape Case

    Last week's Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on the rape of two Christian women after the husband of one refused to recant his faith in Christ (click here for the story). According to a June 9 report from Compass Direct, pressure is mounting on the Christians in area. The head of twelve villages, including Nadia where the women were raped, is demanding that all Christians renounce their faith in Christ or leave the area. Furthermore, Pandya Patel declared that anyone who speaks to the police about him or about the rapes, regardless of their religion, will be expelled from the area.

    Attempts to silence reports about the rapes have expanded into official circles as well. On June 5, Indira Iyengar, a member of the Madhya Pradesh State Minorities Commission, brought the rape victims to the state capital to meet the governor. A press conference was also called to highlight the incident, but members of the militant organization Bajrang Dal disrupted the press conference and warned Iyengar not to accuse them of attacking Christians. Iyengar has now been ordered to give justification as to why she should not be removed from the commission for holding a press conference without approval of the commission chair.

  • EMI Leaders Face New Charges

    Authorities in the Kota district of Rajasthan, India have reportedly brought new charges against Emmanuel Mission International (EMI) leaders. EMI founder, Archbishop M.A. Thomas, and his son, Dr. Samuel Thomas, EMI president, have been charged with "exciting... disaffection towards the government of India." These charges stem from a map found on the website of Georgia-based Hopegivers International, the funding organization for EMI. The map excluded the states of Jammu and Kashmir. Conviction under these charges could result in life imprisonment. Both men remain on bail at present.

  • Two Christian Women Gang Raped

    After receiving encouragement from the head of their village, as many as ten men from Nadia, Madhya Pradesh raped two Christian women after the husband of one of the women refused to deny Christ. Reports from the village vary but according to a June 2 report from Compass Direct, Gokharya Barela was beaten by local villagers on May 28 and then taken to the nearby village of Sirvil, where the village court demanded that he forsake his faith. When he refused to do so, the village head ordered that Barela be forced to drink wine. He then told the villagers that they were free to rape Christian women without fear of repercussions. That evening, Barela's wife and another Christian woman were raped by several of the villagers. When Barela and others attempted to intervene, they were beaten.

    The following morning, local leaders of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) filed charges against missionaries from neighbouring Maharashtra state for carrying out "mass conversions to Christianity." While no missionary was named, the BJP leaders mentioned the Christians attacked the previous day.

    When the Christians went to the Bhagwanpura police station to report on what had happened to them, they were arrested and jailed for a day.  At a press conference, one of the rape victims said, "Police say that our complaint is fake. They don't listen to us. We have nowhere to go." The women were able to name their alleged rapists but, at last report, none have been arrested. This brutal attack is widely seen as punishment by Hindu militants for converting from Hinduism to Christianity.

    Pray that the Christians affected by this tragedy will entrust true justice to the hand of God (Romans 12:17-21). Pray that these believers will remain steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-10). Ask God to give them healing from the emotional and physical scars of these attacks and fill their hearts with His love (Matthew 5:43-44). Pray that the authorities will bring the attackers to justice.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Christian Family Driven Out by Animists

    A family from the village of Dubalia in the Indian state of Jharkhand was forced from their home and driven from their village, according to a May 26 report from Compass Direct. Animists in the village were opposed the presence of Santosh Karmali and his family because they believed that they "polluted the atmosphere of the village." 

    Santosh was forced to sign an agreement on May 21 that obliged him to forfeit his family's land.  His wife, Shiva Devi was tonsured (shaved) and lime powder was applied to her face. She was then paraded around the village before the villagers chased the couple and their three sons, Amar, Vikram and Preetam, out of the village. Santosh's father and mother were among those who drove them from Dubalia.

    Santosh and his family are recent converts from animism. They have been barred from ever returning to their village.

    Pray that Santosh Karmali and his family will find comfort in the fact that their Heavenly Father accepts them as His own, even when everyone else has rejected them (Psalm 27:10). Pray that Santosh and his family will be encouraged and strengthened in their new faith. Pray for the salvation of Santosh's father and mother.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.