

  • Warrant for M.A. Thomas' Arrest Dropped

    We are glad to report that a warrant for the arrest of M.A. Thomas, founder of Hopegivers International, has been dropped but he has been ordered to appear at a court hearing on April 21.  Thomas has been in hiding for the past two months since protests against the organization broke out in Rajasthan State.  Thomas' son and president of Hopegivers International, Dr. Samuel Thomas, remains in custody after repeatedly being denied bail.

  • Pastor Survives Murder Attempt
    Photo from Salem Voice Ministries
    Pastor Paul Ciniraj Mohammed, a Christian convert from Islam and head of Salem Voice Ministries, is recovering from what is believed to be an attempt on his life, according to an April 7 report from Compass Direct.  On March 16, Ciniraj was riding his motorcycle in Kottayam, Kerala State when a motorized rickshaw rammed into him, fracturing his knee.  Police told him they suspected that it was an attempt to murder him.  At last report, however, police have not followed up on the case and there have been no arrests.  Three days later, two armed men attempted to break into his home while he was still in the hospital.  His wife, Mercy, awoke to find the men at the front door.  When she tried to phone the police, she found the telephone lines were cut.  In fear, she started shouting the name of Jesus.  Neighbours heard her shouts and switched their lights on, scaring away the intruders.

    Ciniraj has faced threats and several attacks over the past two years because of his evangelistic work.  His organization, Salem Voice Ministries, runs orphanages, schools and adult literacy centers in Kerala state.

    Pray that Pastor Paul will fully recover from the injuries so he can return to the work of the gospel. Pray that the Lord will provide peace to his wife and family as well. Pray that the leadership of Salem Voice Ministries will eagerly follow through with the tasks God has given them (I Peter 5:1-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India ,click here.

  • Recent Updates

    (a) Dalits' Religious Rights :
    Last week the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported that a court challenge dealing with the religious rights of the Dalit people appeared to be nearing its conclusion (click here to read more).  The hearing has once again been postponed, this time until July 12.

    Dr. Samuel
    Thomas' arrest
    (b) Dr. Samuel Thomas :
    The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada has been following the ongoing difficulties facing Hopegivers International in India and the arrest of its president, Dr. Samuel Thomas. Requests for bail made on April 1 and 10 were denied.  The next bail hearing is scheduled for April 24.

    (c) Rajasthan's Anti-Conversion Law
    On April 7, Rajasthan became the sixth Indian state to pass anti-conversion legislation.  The law will come into effect as soon as the rules and regulations have been completed.

  • Challenge to Constitution Enters Final Stage

    A court challenge to a section in India's Constitution dealing with the religious rights of the Dalit people is reaching its final stage of inquiry.  On April 5, the court is hearing from former law ministers who are arguing that the constitutional guarantees of religious freedom are in conflict with laws governing benefits granted to Dalits.  Those laws prevent Christians or Muslims from receiving those benefits.  For more details on this issue, click here

    Pray that the final outcome of this debate will bring both equity and religious freedom for all citizens of India. Pray that Dalit Christians in India will continually and confidently rest in the promises of God's provision and strength (Heb. 10:32-39).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • YWAM Office Raided
    Photo courtesy ofwww.ywam.org
    On March 17, militant Hindus gained entry to YWAM's training centre in Jabalpur , Madhya Pradesh by pretending to be officers of a government investigation agency.  Once inside, they began destroying furniture and office equipment. Compass Direct reports that at least six students received minor injuries in the attack.  According to a report in the Pakistan Christian Post, the militants attempted to force the eight-year-old daughter of Mukesh Jacob, YWAM's Central India Director, to recite a prayer to a Hindu god.  When the girl refused, saying she will worship only Jesus, they threw her to the floor.

     Police have arrested five members of the Hindu organization Bajrang Dal. Mukesh Jacob and his wife Sarla have also been arrested, charged under the state's anti-conversion legislation. They have since been released on bail.

    Pray that Mukesh and Sarla will continue to stand firm in faithfulness to God's call on their lives. Pray that they will have a strong sense of the Lord’s direction as they move forward from this point. Pray that the students will grow to become mature disciples of Christ through what they have suffered.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India ,click here.

  • Emmanuel Mission President Arrested
    Pastor Samuel Thomas being arrested
    Photo from
    Hopegivers International
    The violence that began on February 17 against the ministry of Emmanuel Mission International (EMI - also known as Hopegivers International) has led to the arrest of the president of the organization, Dr. Samuel Thomas. Hindu militants had previously put a price on Thomas' head, causing Thomas and his father, Archbishop M.A. Thomas, to go into hiding.  M.A. Thomas, founder of EMI, remains in hiding.  Samuel Thomas was arrested as he was going to a meeting with a senior advocate of the Supreme Court of India to arrange anticipatory bail in preparation for his arrest.

    The violence against the EMI ministries in Rajasthan began after militant Hindu groups protested against a book that was being sold at a book table at an EMI conference.  They claimed the book denigrated Hindu gods.  The book has since been banned by the government. The Indian parliament has been forced to adjourn twice within a week because of heated arguments about what should be done about the violence in Rajasthan.  Some parliamentarians are demanding a stop to the harassment of EMI by Rajasthan's state government.  Members of the Hindu nationalist BJP party, however, support the state government's actions.

    More than 2000 orphans in the EMI-run orphanage in Kota, Rajasthan have been suffering since EMI bank accounts have been frozen and utilities were cut off.  EMI staff has offered to transfer them to other orphanages but have been unable to do so because of inadequate security.

    Pray that the children of the orphanage will be protected from harm. Pray that they will be able to be transferred to a place where they can receive adequate care. Pray that the staff will have the strength and wisdom they need to continue to serve the children. Pray that all charges will be dropped against Dr. Thomas. Pray that there will be a resolution to the crisis very soon and that this vital ministry will be allowed to carry on without hindrance.

    For more information on this story, as well as other incidents of persecution against Christians in India, go toclick here.

  • Three Pastors Attacked in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh

    According to a March 22 report by VOMC partner, the All-India Christian Council, an unruly mob of Hindu activists attacked and severely beat up three pastors in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh on March 19.

    The incident took place as local Christians were concluding a Gospel rally in the Pappula bazaar of Nellore. Without provocation, a mob of around thirty Hindu militants, led by Santosh Kumar, attacked the pastors and their church members. Even children were not spared by the attackers.

    The pastors, N. Nirmal Raj, T. Timothy and A. Ruben, received grave injuries in the attack and were admitted to a local hospital. This is apparently the first time that the Christian community has been attacked in this manner in Nellore.

    Please pray for the healing of Pastors N. Nirmal Raj, T. Timothy and A. Ruben.  Pray that local authorities will take this attack seriously and seek to bring to justice those responsible.  Pray that the church will continue to grow in Nellore despite this attack. Pray that the local believers will be emboldened by this opposition to be even more open about their faith in Christ.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in India,click here.
  • Update on Pastor Jacob

    Last week's Persecution and Prayer Alert reported briefly on the attack against Pastor Jacob (click here for more details).  More details have since come to light.  The attack took place at a birthday party attended by Pastor Lavete Jacob, his wife Mary and his two daughters.  While the partiers were praying, a group wearing masks entered the home and started beating the pastor with chains and rods.  When his wife and daughters attempted to intervene, they were also beaten badly.  The 13-year-old birthday girl, Anusha, was also attacked and her hand was smashed badly between the doors.  There have been five arrests in the incident.  At last report, Pastor Jacob remained in serious condition.

  • Opposition to Hopegivers International Continues
    Effigy of EMI founder M.A. Thomas being burned
    on top of a church in Rajasthan, India
    Violence and protests are continuing in Kota, Rajasthan following opposition to a book being sold from a book stand at a conference from Hopegivers International (click here for more details).  According to reports received, the orphanage at Kota remains under siege. The founder and president of Emmanuel Mission International have gone into hiding.  At least three leaders of EMI have been arrested and several of the facilities operated by EMI have been closed. The nationalistic BJP party is calling for a publication ban on the book in the national parliament.  EMI denies any connection with the publication of this book. Pray for a peaceful resolution to this dangerous situation.
  • Pastor Assaulted

    On February 28, Pastor Jacob suffered serious head injuries after he was beaten with iron rods by an unidentified group of attackers.  According to the All India Christian Council, Jacob was taken to nearby a hospital for treatment.  The reasons for the attack are unknown at this time.

    Ask God to bring healing to Pastor Jacob. Pray for the care of his congregation while he recovers. Pray that Pastor Jacob and his congregation will model Christ's character before the lost in the community.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.