

  • Three Christian Workers Assaulted
    Pastor Phillip, founder ofSEAL
    Three workers at a local Christian charity were allegedly attacked by members of the militant Hindu organization, Bajrang Dal, on February 26.  The three members of Social and Evangelical Association for Love (SEAL) were leaving for a prayer meeting when they were mercilessly beaten by a mob armed with crowbars.  The three workers, Rev. K.M. Philip, Rev. Biju Samuel and Rev. Reggie Thomas, were taken to hospital to rule out internal injuries.  According to reports from the All India Christian Council, local members of the Bajrang Dal have been harassing the workers since they set up the charity organization two years ago.  SEAL runs a home for the destitute at Vankani village that is only two kilometres from the site of the attack.  At last report, police had not registered a formal complaint for the attack.

    Pray that the police will take action on behalf of these three pastors. Pray that they will experience full and swift healing in order to carry on their ministry of love. Pray that the attackers will see that the work of SEAL is a work of Christ's love and respond to Him in repentance and faith.

    For more information on India and the persecution the Church there,click here.

  • Pastor Beaten After Accusations of Forcible Conversion

    A disagreement over land use in Khamachon village, Punjab has led to accusations of "forcible conversions" and the beating of a local pastor on February 8.  According to a February 21 report from Compass Direct, Balhar Singh, pastor of Doaba Punjabi Christian Sabha, bought some land from Surjeet Kaur and her husband three years ago.  Singh asked the village council to intervene.  During the council meeting, Kaur began shouting obscenities at Singh, accusing him of forcibly converting others to Christianity.  She told three youths who were with her to attack Singh, which they did in front of the council members.  Police were called in and Singh was taken the hospital for treatment.  He suffered several bruises on his body and a deep cut on his face.  Charges were filed against Kaur, but were later dropped after she apologized and agreed to not repeat her "mistake."  Singh believes the land disagreement was merely an excuse and that the real problem was that they did not like villagers coming to the church.

    Pray that Pastor Singh will know the mind of the Lord as he directs his congregation through this time. Pray for his recuperation from his injuries. Pray that Surjeet Kaur will come to faith in Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Violence Continues in Connection With Attack on School On February 17, a church building and school operated by Hopegivers International were destroyed by Hindu militants, upset about the content of a book that was being sold at a book stand (click here for more details).  Violence in connection with this incident has not stopped, as militants continue to demand the arrest of M. A. Thomas, the founder of Emmanuel Mission.  On February 24, an effigy of Thomas was burned on top of a church building in Jaipur.  The militants are also seeking to have Hopegivers' license to operate the orphanage and Bible College revoked.  Various churches in the area have also been attacked.
  • Mission Property Destroyed

    A book stand, a church building and a school, which are all operated by Hopegivers International, were destroyed in Ramganjmandi in the Kota District of Rajasthan State on February 17.  According to VOMC sources, the problems began when Hindu militants purchased a book from a display which contained negative references to Hindu gods. It is believed the violence may have been intended to prevent annual graduation ceremonies planned for February 23-26, just Hindu militants attempted to do in 2005. The purchase of the book is seen as an attempt to provide justification for the anti-Christian violence. In the wake of police warnings, Hopegivers has postponed the ceremonies.

    Despite the damage caused to the mission property, the only ones detained by police were three mission workers. 

    Pray for the leadership of the mission, as well as those whose graduation has been delayed. Pray that the leadership in the mission will be led by the Holy Spirit as they decide what action to take next.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor Missing in Hyderabad

    When Pastor K. Chandra Paul was traveling away from home, he made it a regular habit to call home every hour.  Thus, when he left home on January 28 for prayer and ministry, he kept regular contact until January 30.  His family has not heard from him since.  After waiting four days, the family contacted police who advised them to check with friends and family.  Finally on February 13, a missing person's report was filed with the police.  There has been no sign of Pastor Paul or his motorcycle.

    In light of the violent deaths of two other pastors in the area in June 2005 (click here for the story), there is concern for his safety.

    Pray for Pastor Paul's family during this time.  Pray that they will be able to rest in the Lord, knowing that the Lord never forsakes His own. Pray that there will be full cooperation from the police.

    For more information on the persecution facing India's Christians,click here.

  • Pentecostal Church Targeted in Indore, India

    In recent weeks, the ministry of the Gospel Church of God in Indore, India has been targeted by Hindu militants.  On January 30, Assistant Pastor Jojin was distributing tracts in slum areas of the city when he was accosted by members of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) who beat him and chased him out of the area.

    On February 5, the attacks continued when approximately forty people entered the church compound as the pastors were preparing for the morning prayer service. The door of the church was smashed in and the mob began beating Pastor Jojin and Pastor Jijo, a trainee. Some Bibles were destroyed.  Other Scripture portions and worship books were gathered up and removed from the church.  The two pastors were paraded through the streets as the crowd humiliated and thrashed them on the way. When the police intervened, the injured pastors were first detained but later taken to the hospital.  Three of the attackers have been arrested. The attackers have accused the pastors of misleading the public and preparing them to be converted to Christianity.

    Pray that these men will recover fully from the attack. Pray that the congregation will continue to stand firm in reaching out with the message of the cross of Christ. Pray that the peace of Christ would rule in every heart.

    For more information on India and the persecution facing Christians there,click here.

  • Serious Injuries as Christian Prayer Meeting Raided

    Six Christians suffered serious injuries when Hindu militants stormed a prayer meeting in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India on the morning of January 28.  It is believed those responsible were affiliated with either the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) or the Bajrang Dal, two militant Hindu organizations.

    The incident began as Pastor Sam Francis led prayer at the beginning of a day that was planned for prayer and fasting.  The militants began to pelt the building with stones, shattered windows and tried to break down the doors. Accusing the Christians of organizing religious conversions, the mob began to beat the worshippers with rods.  The most seriously injured sustained broken bones and were treated in hospital.

    Pray that God will mend the broken bones and uplift the spirits of these believers. Pray that their testimony and faithfulness will result in many Hindus coming to Christ.

    For more information on the increasing persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Homes Burned and Christians Beaten in Orissa

    As Rabindra Mallick, brother of Pastor Kulamani Mallick, was returning from the market in the village of Matiapara in Orissa, India on January 15, he was beaten and abused by local Hindus.  To prevent problems in this small village of 70 people (where only nine are Christians), the incident was not reported to the police.  The next day, however, local villagers armed with "lathis" (bamboo rods) attacked the Christians.  Their houses were ransacked and the home of Pastor Mallick was set on fire.  Nearby homes also caught fire and were destroyed.  Six of the eight homes burned belonged to Christians.

    According to a January 25 report from Compass Direct, police have arrested five of the villagers involved in the attack.  Hindu villagers have also accused the Christians of forcible conversion.  Members of the militant youth organization, Bajrang Dal, claimed the Christians were using torture to convert Hindus to Christianity.  Pastor Mallick and his cousin Gunanidhi Mallick were arrested but were later released on bail.  The All India Christian Council is urging the government to provide compensation, food and shelter to those now without homes.  At last report, no aid had been received.

    Pray that our brothers and sisters in Matiapara will be able to rejoice in the hope they have in Christ because of the false accusations leveled against them. Pray that Pastor Mallick will have clear direction from the Lord as he shepherds the people through this time.

    For more information on India and the persecution experienced by Christians there,click here.

    (Source: Compass Direct)

  • Four Arrested for Converting Hindus

    Police in Jabalpur, India arrested four Christians on January 26, accusing them of converting tribals to Christianity.  According to VOMC sources in India, a bus load of 23 tribal Christians were on their way to a Nazarene Church convention in Nagpur when police, acting on complaints from a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) arrested the leaders and charged them under the state's "Religion Freedom Act."  According to the Hindustan Times, the four arrested were Praveen Pawar, Samath Pawar, Shashi Prabha and Maclin Masih.

    Pray that Praveen, Samath, Shashi and Maclin will be released soon and that all charges against them will be dropped. Pray that they will have opportunities to share their faith while they are detained. Ask the Lord to sustain their friends and families.

    For more information on persecution in India,click here.

  • Bishop and Three Priests Pelted with Stones
    Biship Thomas Dabre
    Bishop Thomas Dabre of Vasai and three priests, Oneil Faroz, Philip Vaz and Andrew Rodrigues, were inaugurating a hostel for tribal children in the village of Ghosali, Maharashtra on January 29 when they were pelted with stones and verbally abused.  One of the priests sustained head injuries.

    According to a January 31 report by the Indian Catholic news agency, the incident began when over 100 members of the militant organizations Bajrang Dal and Vanvasi Kalyan Parishad began protesting against the hostel, claiming that its purpose was to convert the children to Christianity.  Local villagers who were grateful for this new facility drove the militants away before violence could escalate.

    Join us in thanking God with us that the violence was stopped when it was. Continue to pray that there will be no further opposition to this ministry.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.