

  • Pastor Beaten While Distributing Literature

    Pastor Aharon, a Pentecostal pastor from Nizamabad, India was giving out Christian literature at a bus stop on January 13 when he was attacked by Hindu militants. They claimed he was using money to lure people into converting to Christianity.  Two members of the Hindu organization Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) were detained by police following the incident.

    Pray that those opposed to the spread of the Gospel in India will come to understand the message of Jesus Christ. Pray that the literature that was distributed by Pastor Aharon will fall into the hands of those who are spiritually hungry.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

    (Source: Webindia123)

  • Children's Homes Face Opposition

    On January 14, approximately forty Hindu militants opposed to a children's home and school being constructed in the north-eastern Indian village of Tikri in Uttaranchal came to the construction site and threatened to kill the workers who were building the new facility. The workers all fled for their lives. Ashish Massey, the head of the North India Evangelistic Association (NIEA) who is funding the project, has also been threatened with death by the militants. According a report received by VOMC, credited to Khumi Massey, a staff member of NIEA, some of the local villagers allegedly complained to the activists that the Christians had come to their village to convert them.

    In a separate incident in West Bengal, the Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority demolished a church building and orphanage on January 16, despite on-going legal proceedings.  According to Indian Express, the development authority claimed that the buildings were impeding a planned road expansion.  At the time of its destruction, the orphanage was home to thirty children and twenty women.

    Pray that those who are serving these little ones in the name of the Father will know His protection. Pray that the displaced children and women in West Bengal will find comfortable, safe housing. Pray that the threats against Ashish's life will amount to nothing more than powerless words.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • House Church Closed After Conflict with Hindu Worship

    Members of a house church in the village of Umarkote in Orissa state have been ordered by police to stop meeting after a conflict with Hindu militants.  According to a January 4 report from Compass Direct, the militants set up a make-shift Hindu temple in October 2005 near the house church.  They then complained to police that the noise from the Christians was interfering with their Hindu worship.  On December 29, an official complaint was also issued, charging the Christians with forcible conversions.

    On December 30, three Christian women were physically abused as they were making their way to a prayer meeting at the home of Tirinath Nag.  Another member of the church, Samraj Rai, was also slapped and had his motorbike damaged when be came to warn the women. The Christians reported the incident to the police the next day, but the officer would not register an official complaint.  When contacted by Compass, Inspector Narayan Chand Barik said he had not received any complaint from the Christians, but had a complaint submitted by the Hindus.  He also discovered that some Hindus had converted to Christianity without the official process of reporting their conversion to the magistrates, as required under Orissa's "Freedom of Religion" laws.

    As a result of a meeting on January 3, police said they would allow the makeshift Hindu temple to remain on public land, but Christians were banned from holding services in Nag's house. They would be allowed to meet in the home only for prayer and not for any other church-related activity.

    Pray that the believers will display patience and love during this confrontation. Ask the Lord to bring justice into the situation, and that the Christians will be allowed to worship freely. Pray that the believers will be strengthened in their walk with the Lord and in fellowship with each other and will have even more boldness to share the Gospel of Peace.

    For more information on persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Church Ransacked by Hindu Militants

    As the eighty members of the New Life Fellowship in Ponda, Goa began their worship service on December 18, twenty Hindu militants barged into the church carrying chains, iron rods and sticks.  They began smashing equipment and chased the worshippers away. They then dragged the pastor to the local police station and alleged that he was disturbing the peace.  Pastor Cajetan Tellis was threatened if he tried to preach in the church again.

    The week before, militants had brought six police officers to the church, accusing Pastor Tellis.  After questioning him, the police could find nothing to charge him with.  Six people have been detained in connection with the December 18 attack.

    Pray that the police will continue to see Pastor Cajetan's innocence and that the accusers will have to give up for lack of response. Ask God to give Pastor Cajetan wisdom to know how best to lead the congregation during this time of trouble. Pray that the congregation will wholeheartedly support their pastor, and that the unity of the believers will be a clear testimony to the community. Ask the Lord to soften the hearts of those who have been detained and that they will turn to Christ.

    For more information on the suffering of India's Christians,click here.

  • Catholics Attacked on Way to Christmas Mass

    Four Catholics on their way to Christmas Eve Mass were accosted by nine members of the militant Hindu organization, RSS, according to a December 30 report from Compass Direct.  The four, Jaisingh Baria, Sunil Minama, and two other people identified as Father Thomas and Santo, were traveling by jeep to a nearby village for mass when they were ambushed in Jambuda, Rajasthan.  The four were forced from their vehicle, stripped down to their underwear, and beaten unconscious.  They were left on the road until they were discovered by a local Christian four hours later.  The RSS members had spread rumours that the Christians were taking two children to be sacrificed as part of their worship.  As a result of these rumours, local villagers joined in the attack.

    Ask the Lord to give them emotional healing from the humiliation and physical healing from the beatings. Pray that this incident will serve to draw them close to the heart of the Lord that suffered first for us.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Hindu Militants Attack Pastor While Police Turn a Blind Eye

    On December 3, members of the militant Hindu organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) attacked a pastor in Hyderabad, India.  While Pastor Yesupadam was conducting a prayer service in the village of Ashaiah Nagar, someone called for him to come out.  Thinking they were calling him outside to pray for them, he approached seven men who began to beat him.  The Hindu militants then took him to the police station where approximately twenty other RSS members were waiting.  Handing Yesupadam over to the police, the RSS accused him of converting Hindus to Christianity.  The police sub-inspector said that Christians had become a serious headache.  Mocking Yesupadam, the police officer said, "Did your mother conceive you through an English man or Telugu man?  Are you a Telugu man? Are you an Indian? If you desire to live, stop preaching about Jesus Christ.  You know people are killing pastors in the city but still you do not learn anything."  In the presence of the police, the RSS members attempted to apply a tilak, a mark of Hindu devotion, on Yesupadam's forehead.  When he refused, they threatened to kill him and harm his family.  The police did nothing in response to these threats.  When other Christians arrived to help him, they were refused entry into the police station and were threatened with death if they did not stop praying.

    Pastor Yesupadam was eventually released but the threats continued.  Services were cancelled on December 4 because of the threats.

    Pray that Pastor Yesupadam will continue to be filled with boldness as he proclaims the good news of freedom in Christ.  Pray that his courage will influence his persecutors toward a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    For more information on India and the suffering of Christians there,click here.

  • Church Building Converted to Hindu Temple

    Pastor Bhatti

    Pastor's home converted into a Hindu temple
    Pictures courtesy ofGospel for Asia
    The November 16 Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on sixty Christians in the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh who were under death threats if they did not reconvert to Hinduism (click here for more information).  According to a December 12 report from Gospel for Asia, the home of Pastor Ramesh Masih Bhatti, where the church was meeting, has been taken over by area Hindus and converted into a Hindu temple.  A Hindu god has been placed at the doorway and Bhatti has been forced to take his family from the home where they had lived for twenty-five years and move in with relatives.  Local officials appear to have sided with the militants who drove the family from their home.  A militant leader in the area has reportedly announced a campaign to move throughout the area villages forcing Christians to reconvert to Hinduism.

    (Source: ASSIST News Service)

  • Christians Attacked Throughout India

    In four unrelated incidents, Hindu militants attacked Christians in the past two weeks in various states around India.

    (a) Panvel, Maharashtra:
    On November 26, a group of young people attacked three Christians who were distributing literature at the State Transport Bus Terminal of Panvel Taluka near Mumbai, Maharashtra.  Shaji Samuel, Biju Jacob and Reji Paul, all members of the Panvel Brethren Church, were selling Bibles and Christian literature when a young man approached them.  He took some literature from the stack and flipped through it. He then asked why there was no mention of the 330 million Hindu gods in it.  The young man became angry and approximately thirty others joined him and began beating the three Christian men.  The three were then escorted to the police station where they made statements on the attack.  Only when police saw blood coming from Shaji's mouth did they allow them to go to the hospital for treatment.  In a statement to the Pakistan Christian Post Shaji said, "Though we were brutally attacked, we have no hatred toward any one. Neither have we made any complaint to the police. We forgive the attackers, like Christ who said on the cross: 'Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.'"

    Uphold these three men in your prayers.  Thank God for their Christ-like response to this attack. Pray that their attackers will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

    (b) Nadia, West Bengal:
    On the evening of December 3, a mob ransacked the Jalalkhali St. Luis Catholic Church in the Nadia district north of Calcutta in West Bengal state.  The vandals destroyed furniture, stole silver chalices, ripped pages out of the Bible and burned them and desecrated the communion bread.  According to a December 5 Associated Press report, two people have been detained.  Police are considering the attack to be common theft or retaliation for a campaign against crime initiated by the church leaders.

    Pray that those involved in those involved in this attack will trust Christ to pull them through this difficult time, finding their comfort in Him.

    (c) Raipur, Chhattisgarh:
    According to a December 5 report from Compass Direct, on Sunday, December 4, at least twenty-five members of Dharma Sena, a militant Hindu group, attacked a church in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. The mob severely beat four of those present, including two visiting speakers.  The four Christians and an area pastor who was dragged from his home were forcibly taken to a local Hindu temple. The militants tried to force them to bow before the idols and proclaim, "Victory be to the god Ram."  The Christians refused.  One of the guest speakers, Masih Das Rai, said to them, "You can kill me, but I will not bow down to the idol."  Rai had been previously accused by Dharma Sena of forcibly converting people to Christianity (click here for more information).  The militants also attempted to force four of the Christians to sign a document stating they had been involved in forced and fraudulent conversions.  Two of the four signed the document.

    Christian leaders have repeatedly requested that police file charges against the attackers.  The police have refused to do so.  Two of the Christians, including Masih Das Rai, were detained by police for questioning but later released.

    Thank God for the faithfulness of these men who refused to bow to gods made by human hands even though their lives were at risk. Pray for their protection and for their full recovery.

    (d) Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh:
    Also on December 4, members of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) attacked a pastor in the Jhabua distrist of Madhya Pradesh.  According to a report from Compass Direct on December 5, Pastor Anil Mehra had just begun a worship service with six other people in his home when a neighbour disrupted the meeting.  Shortly after the disruption, a leader of the RSS, Inder Singh Dawar, along with approximately fifteen other people, invaded the house.  The pastor was injured as the mob beat him on the head and kicked and punched him.  One of the attackers threatened to slit his throat.  The attackers forced Mehra out of the home and then called police, accusing him of noise violations.  Police also beat Mehra and took him to the police station for questioning. He has been ordered to appear for a hearing on December 12.

    Pray that Pastor Anil Mehra will find relief from his pain and reassurances from God's Word. Pray that the hearing on December 12 will result in his godly name being cleared of all wrongdoing.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Homes Destroyed by Fire in Indian Village

    Thirty-one homes in the village of Gandahati in Orissa, India were destroyed by fire on November 20.  The incident began as Christians and Hindus were discussing their religious beliefs.  According to VOMC sources, some of the Hindus became angry and set fire to the home of one of the Christians.  Since the homes in Gandahati are close together, the fire quickly spread to other houses owned by both Christians and Hindus.  Six Christians received minor injuries and were treated at a local hospital.  Police have set up a camp in the village to monitor the situation.

    Pray that the displaced families will be able to find adequate lodging as they wait on the Lord to provide for new homes. Pray that the Hindu neighbors whose homes were destroyed will turn to Jesus through this tragedy. Ask the Lord to draw the attackers to Himself and that the testimonies of God's people will be evident in the face of hardship.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India, click here.

  • Indian Pastor Charged with Forcible Conversion

    On November 10, Pastor Masih Das Rai planned to baptize Govind Verma, the head of a local chapter of the pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).  Verma had earlier informed the pastor that he wanted to become a Christian.  But on the day of his baptism, he contacted a militant Hindu organization, the Dharma Sena ("Religious Army"), and complained about Rai and disclosed the details of the planned baptismal service.

    According to a November 18 report from Compass Direct, members of the Dharma Sena attacked Rai and twelve other Christians as they were worshipping during the ceremony.  They handed the Christians over to the police who interrogated them.  Rai was charged with "forced conversion" and deliberately insulting another person's religious beliefs.  Those attending the ceremony were pressured to give statements against Pastor Rai.  Unfortunately, some did so. Under the "forced conversion" charge, Rai could be imprisoned for up to one year and/or fined 5,000 rupees ($125).

     A delegation from the Church of North India has attempted to file a counter-claim against Rai's attackers for assault and for insulting his Christian faith.  The police have refused to hear their complaint.

    Pray that the Lord will give Pastor Rai and the other believers boldness to proclaim the gospel in the midst of the ongoing opposition they face. Pray specifically that Govind Verma will truly turn to Christ and become a powerful testimony to God's saving grace. Pray that those believers who were unable to withstand the pressure will understand that they can find forgiveness from God and move on to stand firm once again.

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India,click here.
    (Source: Compass Direct)