

  • Escalating Violence Kills Two, Injures Another

    Regular subscribers to the Persecution and Prayer Alert may have noted a marked increase in violence against Christians in India in recent months.  Sadly, that violence has recently escalated dramatically in the north-eastern state of Orissa, where three separate attacks against Christian leaders in February have resulted in the death of two and the wounding of another.

    Param Sagar
    On February 7, Param Sagar was returning from a regular ministry trip in the Pathalperia area when four people emerged from their hiding places, armed with weapons.  He was seriously injured, with axe wounds to his head and right hand.  Thankfully, a Christian approached on a motorcycle and the attackers fled.  Param was taken to a local hospital.  Doctors referred him to the hospital in Bhubaneswar for further tests, but he was unable to go due to finances.  Through one of our sister missions, The Voice of the Martyrs was able to provide funds to assist with his hospital bills.  Hindu militants had threatened to kill Param several times in the past because of his ongoing ministry.
    Funeral for Gilbort Raj

    On February 15, Pastor S. Gilbort Raj (32) was traveling on a motorcycle with two children, returning from taking the children to school board examinations.  As they passed through the village of Raja Khariar, Raj was stopped by a Hindu friend, P.Prakasan, who invited him in for coffee.  Though he initially refused, Prakasan insisted, and so Raj went into his house, leaving the children outside.  Once alone in the house, Prakasan killed Raj, locked the door and told the children to return to the hostel.  Raj's body was discovered the next day.  Police are searching for Prakasan.  Raj had been married for two years and was originally from the southern state of Kerala.  His body was returned to his home town of Trivandrum for burial.

    A third Christian leader, Pastor Dilip Dalai, 22, of the Orissa Follow-up community was stabbed to death at his home in Begunia village, Khurda district, about 60 kilometres west of the state capital of Bhubaneswar on February 26.  According to AsiaNews, villagers suspect Satrughan Pal, a Hindu who had actively opposed Christian evangelists several times in the past.  Police are searching for Pal, who has fled. Pastor Hrudayaban Dandia, head of Orissa Follow-up, believes the killing may have been aimed at putting an end to the spread of the Gospel.

    Pray for the continued ministry of the Gospel in Orissa, despite the opposition being leveled at the Church.  Pray for a full recovery for Param Sagar.  Pray for the comfort of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the family and friends of Raj and Dalai.

    Donations made to VOM help assist church leaders like Param in their time of need. Click here if you would like to partner with us in this way.

    For more information on the continued persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Anti-Conversion Legislation Announced as 5000 Graduate from Bible School

    In another development in India, the ruling BJP in Rajasthan announced last week that they are planning to introduce anti-conversion legislation in the north-western state.

    Last week, the Persecution and Prayer Alert reported on militant Hindus preventing students from attending graduation ceremonies of Emmanuel Bible College and Seminary in Kota, Rajasthan.  We are thankful to report that authorities eventually intervened and the ceremonies were able to continue.  Five thousand Bible school graduates from across India received diplomas and certificates, pledging their lives to the ministry of the Gospel.  In a thought-provoking editorial, Glenn Penner, Communications Director for VOM Canada reflects on a pledge made by last year's graduates from this school.  Do not miss the opportunity to read his weblog (click here).

    For more information on the pressure facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Battered Body of Christian Evangelist Found

    On February 11, the body of a Christian evangelist, Pastor Narayan, was found in the town of Channapatana in Karnataka state, India.  According to a February 22 report from Compass Direct, Narayan had suffered broken ribs and teeth and injuries to his abdomen. Doctors performing the autopsy said that he had been brutally murdered.  Despite this evidence, the official report of his death, issued after his body was cremated, suggested suicide. 

    Local Christians are suspecting that militant Hindus may be responsible for his death.  Christians in the area have been subjected to attacks for several years.  Sajan K. George, national convenor of the Global Council of Indian Christians, is calling for an official inquiry.  Narayan's family is Hindu, however, and has refused to file a police report.

    Pray for all those who are mourning the death of this brother in the Lord.  Pray that the truth behind his death will come to light.  Pray that many more in the area will come to faith in Christ.  Pray that others will take his place in courageously sharing the gospel in this part of India.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Christian Students Beaten and Forced to Leave

    Militants from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Bajrang Dal beat and robbed a group of 280 Christian students on their way to a graduation ceremony in Kota, India.  The graduation ceremonies at Emmanuel Mission take place each February, with students coming from 98 mission centres around India.

    Dr. M.A. Thomas
    Photo from
    The attackers were waiting as the train from Andhra Pradesh arrived with the students in the early morning of February 19. According to a February 22 report from Compass Direct, the Deputy Mayor, Ravindra Singh Nirbhay, led the group which met the students as they left their train. They beat and robbed the students, as well as those coming to take the students to the mission.  A Catholic nun traveling on the train was also beaten.  Local police rounded up the students and took them to the police station.  They were held in custody until the following evening and were then forced to return to their homes.  The head of Emmanuel Mission, Dr. M.A. Thomas, was not allowed to meet with the students.  The attackers told police that Emmanuel Mission had lured them to Kota with promises of a bicycle and 250 rupees ($14.00 CDN), in exchange for converting to Christianity.  The next day another group of 22 students was beaten and forced by police to return home.  None of the attackers have been detained by police.  Despites threats, Emmanuel Mission plans to continue with graduation as planned.

    Pray for safety for the students and staff of Emmanuel Mission.  Pray for the continued ministry of Dr. Thomas and other Christian leaders reaching out to people throughout India with the Gospel of Christ.  Pray that the students who were mistreated will forgive and then reach out to others with the message of the forgiveness of Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Six Indian Seminary Students Beaten

    Six students at the Gospel for Asia Biblical Seminary in Thiruvalla in Kerala State , India were abducted and severely beaten by members of the right-wing Hindu party, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).  According to reports from Gospel for Asia , the six were sharing their faith and distributing literature on February 13 when they were forced into rickshaws and taken to a home that served as the local headquarters for the RSS.  There they were held for several hours and beaten before being released.  The six were: K.J. Jayakumar, Yogendera Thapa, Simon Thopo, Kiran Chakma, Narendera Roy and Himansu Nayak.  They were treated for head injuries and released from hospital.  Thankfully, there were no critical injuries.  The following day, five local RSS members were arrested, including two senior members of the party.

    Pray for a full healing for these men.  Pray for a continued zeal for the Lord and His service.  Pray that the RSS members involved in this incident will see the love of Christ and respond to His call in their lives.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Cleric Demands Village Church in India Become a Hindu Temple

    A Hindu cleric insists that tribal Christians in the village of Rajura in state of Maharashtra convert their church into a Hindu temple or face social ostracism or death.  According to a February 14 report from Compass Direct, the cleric, Sunil Ji Maharaj, has alleged that the Christians were originally converted by force and demands that they return to Hinduism.  He has also urged Hindu villagers to kill the Christians and threatened to issue a 10,000 rupee ($280 CDN) fine to anyone who maintains contact with the Christians.

    The Christians in Rajura originally migrated from the central state of Madhya Pradesh twenty years ago in search of work.  Many work on farms owned by Hindus.  According to Rev. P.V. Joseph, the priest responsible for the Catholic church in Rajura, there had been no problems in the area until Maharaj called a meeting on January 17, calling for action against the Christians.  Initially, the Christians filed a police complaint but, in the face of threats, the complaint has been withdrawn.

    Pray for a resolution to this issue, so that Hindu and Christian neighbours can restore their peaceful co-existence.  Pray for wisdom for the church leaders in the community, as they determine the best course of action.

    For more information on the some of the difficulties endured by Christians in India , go tohttps://www.vomcanada.com/india.htm.
  • Christian School Torched

    On January 19, an angry mob numbering close to seventy people attacked a newly-constructed Catholic school in the village of Nagrijuli which is located in the northeastern state of Assam, India.  Compass Direct reported on January 26 that the mob claimed staff members of the school were attempting to convert Hindus; something the Vicar General, Father Varghese Kizhakevely, denies.  St. Jude's school was about to begin the first day of classes when the attack took place.  Thankfully, the students had not yet arrived for the day and no injuries were reported. 

    A local newspaper claimed that villagers were opposed to the school, something denied by Vinay Masih of the Evangelical Fellowship of India.  He told Compass that, until this incident, there were no tensions between different communities in the area and many of the village people had even helped to build the school.  Catholic officials reported, however, that "certain vested interest groups" had been attempting to intimidate the school authorities in an attempt to prevent the school's opening.

    Pray for the people of Nagrijuli, as they deal with the loss of this resource for their  children. Pray that this incident will not be used to stir tensions between religious communities in the area.

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in India,click here.

  • Convent Attacked

    In the early morning of January 23, a group described as "miscreants" uprooted and smashed a cross at a convent run by Carmelite nuns in Ambernath near Mumbai, India.  Hand-written pamphlets were left behind, threatening, "Now it is the Cross, next time it will be your heads", "Run away, otherwise we will not spare you."  Those responsible claim to belong to a militant Hindu group.

    Pray for peace and protection for the nuns.  Pray for Christians in various areas throughout India who face opposition from groups opposed to the spread of Christianity.

    For more information on persecution in India,click here.

  • Churches Face Opposition in Various Ways

    The Voice of the Martyrs received two reports this week, demonstrating the challenges facing the Church in India.

    Naxalite rebel
    Zenit reported two separate incidents of violence against the Catholic church in early December.  On December 3, vandals broke into St. Francis of Assisi Church in Mathal, Tamal Nadu.  The door and windows were destroyed, along with the statue of St. Francis outside the church.  Days before, the church had received threats from a militant Islamic group called Byath.  The pastor, Father Perpetual, expressed surprise at the violence, saying that the Hindus, Christians and Muslims had always lived in peace in that area.

    Two days later, Naxalite rebels ransacked and burned down the Church of Matha Mary in the village of Pusnar in the state of Chhattisgarh.  According to Bishop Simon Stock Palathra, the Maoist Naxali rebels do not want the people to become either Christian or Hindu, but to "retain their tribal culture."

    On another note, St. John's Church of England in Jatni in the eastern state of Orissa is facing a legal battle with a Hindu temple.  In 2002, Hindu villagers built a Hindu temple on the grounds of St. John's Church.  According to a report from Compass Direct, the 150-year-old church is on land formerly owned by a church member who died without a will in 1989.  The land was passed to her brother who also died without a will in 1991.   The Hindu temple was built fifty metres from the church on the property claimed by the church.  The church has appealed to the National Human Rights Commission, asking for intervention in the face of inactivity by local authorities.

    Pray for the difficulties facing Christians in India from various sources, whether authorities, individuals or militant groups opposed to the spread of the Gospel.

    For more information on the challenges of being a Christian in India,click here.

  • Church Ransacked

    On November 7, a mob numbering 15-20 disrupted a Sunday prayer service in Kodikal, Mangalore, vandalizing the church and warning the worshippers against taking a part in religious conversions.  The attackers hurled stones and smashed windows, chairs, fans, pots and musical instruments. There were no injuries reported and twelve suspects have been arrested.

    Logo for Bajrang Dal

    Priscilla D'Souza, president of the Jesus Bread of Life Ministry, lodged a complaint accusing the militant Hindu organization Bajrang Dal of involvement.  She told Compass Direct that a local newspaper, Kravali Ale, had published a derogatory report against Christians on November 2, saying that their prayer hall would be attacked.  They have faced repeated threats since the hall was built in September 2003.

    Pray for this church as they repair the damage and face continuing opposition.  Pray for Christians throughout India as they face the threat of groups opposed to conversions.  At a three-day national executive meeting of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) last week, it became obvious that the former governing party is reverting to its anti-minority, pro-Hindu platform that observers fear could lead to increased violence against Christians and Muslims in India .

    For more information on India and the challenges facing Christians there,click here.