

  • Parents Accused in Kidnapping Case
    A Muslim bride sits with her head down. She is dressed in brightly coloured clothing and henna decorations cover her hands.

    In a situation that has become far too common in Pakistan, a young Christian girl was abducted on August 22nd and then forcibly converted to Islam and married against her will to the abductor. The victim, Samreen Aftab, was a ninth-grade student at a school in Jaranwala where her father is employed as the principal. According to her father, Aftab Joseph, she was abducted by a Muslim man named Muhammad Amir.

  • Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Nayab Gill's Case
    Supreme Court of Pakistan
    Supreme Court of Pakistan
    Photo: Flickr / Guilhem Vellut (cc)

    In May 2021, 13-year-old Nayab Gill was forcibly converted and married to a 30-year-old Muslim man named Saddam Hayat. Despite court challenges, custody was given to her "husband." (For more details, go to this report.)A year later, reports surfaced indicating that the young Christian girl may have been sold to someone else as a bride (details here). With support from various advocacy organizations, Nayab's parents have continued to fight for justice on behalf of their daughter.

  • Five Years of Captivity for Leah Sharibu
    Leah with a head covering, sitting on the ground

    In February 2018, Boko Haram militants raided a girls' school in Dapchi, Yobe State, kidnapping 110 students. A month later, it was reported that five of the schoolgirls had died in captivity and all but one of the surviving students were released. The remaining victim, Leah Sharibu, continued to be held captive because she refused to renounce her Christian faith and convert to Islam (see this report). Since that time, various reports have surfaced indicating that Leah is still alive. A report in May 2021 stated that she was forced into marriage and had just given birth to a second child (read more).

  • Teenager Forcibly Married to 60-Year-Old Man
    Sitara Arif
    Sitara Arif
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Sitara Arif, a 15-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped on December 15th in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abducted by the husband of her employer, she was forcibly converted to Islam and then married to her captor. It took almost two months for police to finally register a case against Rana Tayyab, despite repeated pleas from the girl's family.

  • Escaped Child Bride Seeks Annulment
    Anita Emmanuel
    Photo: CLAAS UK

    Anita Emmanuel was 16 years old when she was kidnapped by her rickshaw driver over a year ago in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Since both of her parents worked, arrangements had been made for Muhammad Wasim to drop the Christian teenager off at school each day and then bring her home after classes. Everything was fine until Muhammad began to become more friendly and, unfortunately, Anita did not recognize the warning signs.

  • Parents' Appeal for Custody Denied
    Zarvia Pervaiz, smiling
    Zarvia Pervaiz
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A Christian family in Rawalpindi, a city located in the Pakistani state of Punjab, are anxiously waiting for the safe return of their 13-year-old daughter, nearly four months after her abduction. Zarvia Pervaiz was kidnapped, forcibly converted and married in April to a man the family had formerly trusted.

  • Young Teen Bride Missing
    Young bride in colourful clothing
    Pray for young believers who are frequently subjected to human trafficking.

    In May of last year, the family of Nayab Gill was devastated when custody of the 13-year-old girl was given over to Saddam Hayat, a Muslim man who had forcibly converted her to Islam and then married her. Rejecting all evidence documenting her young age, the Pakistani courts decided that the marriage was legal. (See this report for more details.)

  • Forcibly Married Christian Teen Rescued
    Woman covering her face with her hands

    Saba Masih is a teenage girl from Faisalabad, Pakistan. The young Christian was walking with her older sister Muqadas on the morning of May 20th when they were approached by four men, including their neighbour Muhammad Yasir. The men forced Saba into a rickshaw and then fled.

  • Teenager Safely Returns Home
    Arzoo (second from left)
    Arzoo (second from the left) and her abductor, Syed Ali Azhar (far right), with police in Karachi, Pakistan.
    Photo: Sindh government

    In October 2020, Arzoo Raja was abducted from her family home in Pakistan, forced to convert to Islam, and then married against her will to the perpetrator of the crime – all this occurring when she was only at the age of 13. Her concerned Christian parents took legal action against her abductor and, ultimately, the courts nullified the young teen's marriage because of her age. However, due to the coercion and pressure she continued to receive from her kidnapper and others, Arzoo initially did not want to return home. So, instead, she was placed in a shelter. While any access to the attacker was forbidden, visits with her family and others were permitted only when requested by Arzoo. Previously posted information on this case is available here.

  • Young Teens Forcibly Converted by Employers
    Young Pakistani bride
    Pray for young believers who
    are facing forced conversion.

    Two 13-year-old girls from Christian families have been forcibly married to their employers and converted to Islam in separate incidents. These recent cases further demonstrate the ongoing abuse of young Christian girls in the country. It is estimated that about 1,000 believers were married against their wills to militant Muslims between November 2019 and October 2020. For information on Christian persecution in Pakistan, and to read reports about other instances of forced conversion, go to our country report.

    Nayab Gill
    On May 31st, Shahid Gill received the devastating news that the custody of his 13-year-old daughter had been given to a 30-year-old man who forcibly converted her to Islam and then married her.

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