

  • Pastor kidnapped

    Pastor Josué Ramírez Santiago
    Photo from Assist News

    A pastor has been kidnapped by suspected drug traffickers in the city of Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico. At approximately 8:15 a.m. on April 10, a group of men armed with machine guns barged into the Christian Center El Shaddai where some 500 Christians were gathered for a worship service. The men fired guns into the air and grabbed Pastor Josué Ramírez Santiago. The following day, the pastor's family received news that the criminals wanted a ransom of 20 million pesos (approximately $1.6 million CAD). Even if the family could raise such an immense sum, it is unlikely that payment would secure the pastor's safe return. Local Christians have reported that organized crime syndicates and drug cartels often target Christians because they view churches as revenue centers. "Some 100 Mexican or foreign pastors who lived in Ciudad Juarez have had to abandon the city because of the threats and demands for money," said Arturo Farela, director of the National Fraternity of Evangelical Churches. He also noted that many pastors and their families had been victims of extortion, threats, kidnapping and homicide.

    Pray Pastor Josué will be released and safely returned home. Pray for protection for evangelical Christians suffering persecution. Pray for God's peace to reign in regions of Mexico currently embroiled in violence and crime. Pray God's people will be equipped and emboldened to serve their Lord faithfully, even amid great opposition.

    You can find out more about believers serving Christ at great risk in Mexico at theMexico Country Report.

  • Christians under attack in Chiapas

    There were several attacks on believers in Chiapas, Mexico in recent months. Evangelicals in the state face frequent threats and attacks by rebel groups and traditionalist religious groups.

    In one incident, a Christian community in the state was attacked by a group of 70 armed rebel sympathizers. Nearly 30 people were injured, including women and children. Seven Christians were kidnapped and one was shot in the back and left for dead.

    On February 28, three Christians were shot and wounded on their way home from church services in the region of Mitziton. Rebel group members also reportedly threw rocks at cars and blocked the highway in order to prevent medical aid from reaching those injured.

    Some of the believers from Tumbala

    In the city of Tumbala, rebel sympathizers assaulted approximately 40 Christians who were asleep in their homes. A 49-year-old believer was killed and 20 other Christians were injured. At last report, no suspects had been arrested. (Source: VOM Mexico)

    Pray for protection and endurance of faith for these suffering believers. Pray for healing for those injured. Pray that followers of Christ in Mexico will be an example of His love and grace, even to their persecutors.

    For more information on trials facing Christians in Mexico, go to theMexico Country Report.

  • Update: Court releases nine more Mexicans accused in Acteal massacre

    The Christians who were released
    Photos from Compass Direct
    Nine men who were falsely accused of participating in the December 1997 massacre in Acteal, Chiapas -- including five known to be evangelical Christians -- have been released, according to a November 6 report from Compass Direct. Twenty other prisoners also arrested following the massacre were earlier released in August (click here for more information). The Supreme Court of Mexico ordered the release of the nine men on November 4, ruling that the federal attorney violated legal process, fabricated evidence and false testimonies, formulated non-existent crimes, and provided no concrete arguments establishing culpability. They were released from the federal prison in Cintalapa, Chiapas on November 5 and transported to a temporary housing facility, where they are expected to remain under government supervision for several weeks. In total, the court has released 29 of the 57 prisoners and has ordered retrials for 22 others.

    Praise the Lord for the release of these men! Pray for the release of the other falsely accused Mexicans who remain in detention. Pray that detained Christians will witness faithfully to fellow prisoners.

    For more information on the opposition of Mexican Christians,click here.

  • Acteal prisoners released after Supreme Court rules their rights were violated

    The Voice of the Martyrs was pleased to learn of the release of at least 20 men falsely accused of participating in a massacre in Chiapas state, Mexico in December 1997. The release of the men, most of them evangelical Christians, came after Mexico's Supreme Court ruled in a 4-1 decision on August 12 that they had been convicted in unfair trials in which prosecutors fabricated testimony and illegally obtained evidence. As Compass Direct noted in their August 13 report, "area evangelicals view the imprisoned Christians as caught between survivors clamoring for convictions and government police and military forces eager to shift blame away from their minions following the Dec. 22, 1997 killing of 45 civilians in Acteal village."

    "Acteal is a double tragedy," attorney Javier Cruz Angulo reportedly said after the ruling. "On the one hand you have an abominable massacre, and on the other more than 50 human beings imprisoned without proofs." The Supreme Court justices stated clearly that they were not ruling on the guilt or innocence of the men, only on the violation of due process. According to Compass Direct, the court will review the cases of another 31 men convicted in connection with the killings, and six more will be given new trials. For more information on this very difficult case of injustice, see the December 21, 2007 report from Compass Direct.

    Thank God for the release of these men after so long. Pray that the remaining prisoners will soon come to trial and be released as well. Pray for safety for those who have been released. There have been threats of violence in their home communities near San Cristobal de las Casas and some reportedly have no home to go back to.

    For more information on the difficulties that Christians face in regions of Mexico,click here.

  • Christians under fire in southern Mexico

    On November 16, four Christians in the community of Santiago Teotlaxco, Oaxaca State, Mexico were jailed for refusing to participate or help pay for a festival that blends traditional native religions and Catholicism, according to a November 25 report from Compass Direct. Evangelical Christians throughout southern Mexico, especially those in indigenous communities, are living in fear of being expelled from their homes or having their utilities cut off by officials attempting to pressure them into conforming to local religious practices.

    Pray for the release of the imprisoned believers. Pray that suffering Christians in Mexico will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

    For more information on the persecution Christians face in Mexico, please visit theMexico Country Report.

  • Christian family attacked and three killed in Mexico

    Three Christians in the community of Jolitontic, Chiapas, Mexico were recently brutally killed by a neighbour, according to a September 3 report from Compass Direct. Antonio Gomez blamed his Christian neighbour, Pedro Gomez Diaz and family, for his 11-year-old daughter's stomach ailment and accused the Christian family of practicing witchcraft. After midnight on August 23, Gomez and seven of his friends entered the home of the Christian family and attacked them with machetes. Pedro, his wife Marcela and their oldest son, Rene were hacked to death. Six of the other Diaz children were seriously wounded. At last report, the eight men involved in the attack were being held in a jail.

    Pray for the surviving Diaz family as they mourn their parents and oldest sibling. Ask God to give them comfort in knowing that Christ is victorious over death (1 Corinthians 15:50-58).

    For more information on the persecution Christians face in Mexico, please visit theMexico Country Report.

  • Christians Expelled

    Guerrero and Chiapas, MexicoOn February 18, residents of the town of Tenango Tepexi, Guerrero state expelled 20 local evangelical Christians from their homes according to a February 22 report from Compass Direct.

    Three couples and 14 children were expelled for failing to pay fees for the cost of local festivals which include ceremonies that are a blend of traditional native religions and Catholicism. The 20 were temporarily held in town offices and then loaded onto trucks and dumped at the edge of town. Town leaders supportive of the "traditionalist Catholics" told the believers that they would be burned to death if they tried to return.

    That same day, authorities in Santa Rita, Chiapas state cut off the water and electricity supply of eight local evangelical Christian families who refused to help pay for religious festivals or fund the repairs of a Catholic church building.

    Ask God to protect and embolden evangelical Christians in Guerrero and Chiapas in the midst of ongoing persecution. Pray that their passion for Christ will be the light that draws many to repentance (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Mexico, go to theMexico Country Report.

  • Young Christian Killed in Chiapas

    A Christian named Lorenzo Lopez (20) was killed by local tribal people in the region of San Juan Chamula, Chiapas state on June 11, according to VOMC sources. Lopez, his brother, Juan Lopez, and his cousin, Juan Diaz Mendez, were visiting the area in order to repay a debt to a local man. Not finding the man at home, they decided to leave but were surrounded by approximately thirty local people who demanded to know why they were in the area. The crowd refused to believe their explanation, suspecting them of being evangelists, and beat them. Juan Lopez and Juan Diaz Mendez were able to flee but Lorenzo was captured, tortured, stoned and hanged. Two days later his body was found buried at the attack site.

    Pray for comfort for those who mourn the loss of Lorenzo. Pray that the Lord will be exalted through this tragedy and that people in Chiapas, Mexico will be drawn to Him (Philippians 1:20).

    For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Mexico, and in particular Chiapas,click here.

  • New Convert to Christianity Jailed
    Juan Mendez Mendez
    Photo from
    Compass Direct

    On April 7, Juan Mendez Mendez (25) became a Christian. Two days later he was jailed by local authorities in Chiapas, Mexico for choosing Christ over their religious blend of Roman Catholicism and native custom.

    On Easter Sunday evening, town leaders in the Tzotzil Mayra village asked Mendez to meet with them after they noticed him missing from a local church festival. They asked him if he had accepted Christ. He said that he had. The leaders then threatened to jail him. The next day, village officials summoned Mendez again, questioned him about his conversion to Christianity and had him imprisoned. He was released at approximately 6:30 a.m. the following morning without further threats.

    Pray that Juan will remain faithful to his newfound faith. Pray that he will find opportunities to share Christ with his persecutors. Pray that his commitment to Christ will be an encouragement to other believers (Philippians 1:12-14).

    For more information on persecution facing Christians in Mexico,click here.

  • Pressure Mounting on Evangelicals in Chiapas

    The persecution of evangelical Christians in Mexico's southern state of Chiapas is "accelerating daily in the indigenous regions" according to a February 9 report from Compass Direct. Alfonso Farrera from the National Bar of Christian Lawyers states that most of the problems stem from small town leaders insisting that evangelicals pay a share for the cost of local festivals which include ceremonies that are a blend of traditional native religions and Catholicism. If the evangelicals refuse, they are forced from their homes and their properties are confiscated.

    On January 31, three evangelicals from the San Juan Chamula municipality were driving home when they were ambushed and shot at. All required hospitalization. Authorities concluded the raid was because of their faith. Also in January several families in the Los Pozos municipality of Huixtan had their water cut off and lost government assistance grants for religious reasons, according to Gomez Ton, representative of the Alas de Aguila denomination. Local leaders destroyed their water pipes and forbade believers to chop wood. Incidents where believers in Chiapas have been driven from their homes, imprisoned, threatened with hanging and given fines have also been reported.

    Pray that the Christians in Chiapas will find a peace that passes understanding in the midst of this ongoing pressure (Philippians 4:7). Pray that these believers will be able to be a testimony of God's love and grace to those around them.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Mexico,click here.