

  • Family rescued from mob, accused of blasphemy

    A Christian family in Lahore, Pakistan was rescued from an angry mob on July 5 after being accused of blasphemy. Hundreds of Muslims surrounded their home in response to a call from mosque loudspeakers accusing the family of blaspheming against the Qur'an. Yousaf Masih and his wife Suria Bibi, along with their daughters and son-in-law, sought refuge in a relative's home and called for help from a VOM partner. A rescue team managed to track down the family and, though the vehicle was reportedly chased, they were able to escape unharmed.

    The accusations follow a discovery that the family had made a temporary roof for their bathroom out of a banner which, unknown to them, bore a verse from the Qur'an. Yousaf, Suria and their son-in-law, Zahid, now face charges under Section 295B of Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

    Pray for protection for Yousaf, Suria and their family. Pray that all charges against them will be dropped. Pray that they will be a testimony of God's grace to those around them.

    For information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to thePakistan Country Report.

  • Update: Court hearings continue for detained Christian

    Asia on a rare visit with her girls
    Asia Bibi (38), a Christian woman arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan's Punjab province in June 2009 following a heated discussion about Islam between her and several Muslim women (click here for more information), faced another court hearing on June 22, 2010. Once again, her accusers were not present in the court and sources are hopeful that the negligence of the witnesses will make a positive impact on Asia's case. Asia had another court hearing on June 29. At last report, the outcome of the hearing was not yet known.

    Pray that the outcome of this hearing will be positive and the charges against Asia will be dropped. Pray that she will soon be reunited with her husband and daughters. Pray that she will continue to look to the Lord for her strength during this difficult time.

    You can learn more about the plight of Pakistani Christians by visiting thePakistan Country Report.

  • Christian professor beaten; families forced to flee

    On June 14, 25 Muslim students attacked Samuel John, a Christian professor at Peshawar University College, after he refused their demands to convert to Islam. Samuel was leaving his home when he was assaulted. His wife, who ran out to help him, was also beaten. Both Samuel, who was in critical condition, and his wife were rushed to a local hospital where they were treated for their injuries. Police have refused to issue a report on the incident. Muslims are reportedly still threatening Samuel, telling him, "Leave the university or accept Islam -- if you don't convert, we will kill your family." Despite the risk, Samuel has stated, "I am a Christian, and Jesus Christ is my Savior -- He provides me with everything."

    In Danna village in southern Punjab province, Muslim administrators at the Government High School recently ordered three Christian students in the eighth grade -- Sunil Masih, Shazia Masih and Nasir Naeem -- to leave the school because they refused to convert to Islam. The order came after the students' parents complained about a teacher who was urging the three to convert. The principal, under pressure from other teachers, then told the parents to remove their children from the school. The three families have since fled the area. "The police have refused to help us. We are helpless here," said Sunil's father. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray for healing for Samuel and his wife. Ask God to equip this couple through His grace to demonstrate His love and forgiveness amid great opposition. Pray for provision and guidance for the families forced to flee. Pray that these parents will continue to be bold witnesses of Christ to their children. Pray that Christians in Pakistan will rely on the Lord's strength and not on their own (2 Corinthians 1:8-9).

    For more on the persecution of Pakistani Christians,click here.

  • Christian girl kidnapped, raped

    A 14-year-old Pakistani Christian girl from Mohalla Raja Sultan, Rawalpindi has been returned home after she was kidnapped and raped by five Muslim men. The girl, whose name has been withheld, had previously been threatened with death unless her father allowed Guddu, a Muslim man, to marry her. The Muslims told her father, Lazarus, that they had "attended an Islamic religious convention, and the speaker said if you marry a non-Muslim or rape a non-Muslim girl, you will get 70 virgins in heaven." When Lazarus and his wife returned home from work on May 29, their daughter was nowhere to be found. They later learned that five Muslim men, including Guddu, were seen following their daughter earlier that morning. The Muslims took the girl to a house near Islamabad where they drugged and raped her. On June 6, the police raided the home where she was being held; however, all the suspects were able to escape. At last report, the girl remained very frightened and was not speaking to anyone. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray for God's comfort, peace and healing for this Christian girl. Pray for her parents and two sisters as they stand with her at this time. Pray that during these difficult days they will remain steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-10). Pray that the perpetrators will turn to Christ and seek forgiveness.

    Click here to learn more about suffering believers in Pakistan.

  • Elderly Christian imprisoned

    Rehmat Masih (73) was jailed and imprisoned on accusations of blasphemy for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad in Jhandewali village, Punjab province, Pakistan on June 20. "It is a false allegation based on events months before. The case has its background in land disputes," a local Christian leader, Father Asi, has said. Rehmat and his accuser had supported opposite sides in the local elections three months ago, which may have contributed to the tensions. Muslims have also threatened to accuse other Christian villagers of blasphemy. Pakistani Church leaders have long called for the repeal of blasphemy laws which authorize the death penalty for insults to the Prophet Muhammad and life imprisonment for acts against the Qur'an. (Source: Union of Catholic Asian News)

    Pray that Rehmat will be released. Ask that he will be sustained and emboldened by the grace of Christ as he suffers. Pray that the blasphemy law will be abolished in Pakistan. Ask the Lord to enable these believers to stand firm in their faith amid severe pressure.

    For more on the persecution of Pakistani Christians,click here.

  • Christian boy forced into bonded labour

    An 11-year-old Pakistani Christian boy who was abducted by a wealthy Muslim in Dhonikay village, Wazirabad 18 months ago has been growing increasingly weak and ill from being forced to work to pay off his family's debt. The family of Danish Masih owed Ashraf Cheema 142,000 rupees (approximately $1730 CAD) but fled to Islamabad when Ashraf refused to pay their monthly wages or deduct their earnings from the debt. Ashraf also extorted land from the family and stole Danish's mother's dowry, yet refused to reduce their debt. Ashraf was eventually able to locate the family and kidnapped Danish, who has since been forced to work, often in iron chains, from 4 a.m. to 11 p.m. without any breaks. He is only given half a loaf of bread to eat each day. Ashraf has frequently pressured Danish to convert to Islam, promising to free him from his chains, provide him with better meals, and possibly cancel his family's debt if he converts.

    On June 10, a bailiff was sent to Ashraf's farm to secure the return of Danish. However, since Ashraf is wealthy and influential, he was informed of the raid in advance and hid the child. Ashraf has since threatened the family, saying, "After this raid by the bailiff, you will neither be able to get back your son, nor will you be granted a cancellation for your debt." (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray that Danish will be returned to his family very soon. Ask God to shield and strengthen him at this time. Pray that the Christian community in Pakistan will support and uplift this family. Pray that Ashraf will come to know the Lord.

    For more information on the plight of Pakistani Christians, please visit thePakistan Country Report.

  • Christian beaten, forced to resign

    Rajji Bibi with her husband
    Photo from Compass Direct

    A Christian woman, Rajji Bibi (38), has been falsely accused of theft, beaten and forced to resign from her job as a sanitation worker for a hostel in the city of Sargodha, Punjab province. On May 7, a Muslim office worker accused Rajji of stealing 10,000 rupees (approximately $120 CAD) from her cubicle. The hostel warden learned of the accusation and ordered female police officers to beat Rajji until she confessed. When Rajji refused to accept blame, the warden ordered male security guards to rape her. Rajji's husband, Nayyer Aftab, arrived in time to spare her from rape by paying the 10,000 rupees allegedly stolen. Rajji was then forced to resign. She has said of the abuse: "As I am a Christian, the Muslim hostel officers... wanted a Muslim regular employee after their hearts instead of me." The hostel warden initially refused to comment on the allegations that she acted unjustly in order to provide a job to someone of her choice, but after repeated questioning she eventually conceded, yelling, "Yes, I have done it!" (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray for God's provision for Rajji in this time of adversity. Pray that she will continue to demonstrate Christ's love and hold firmly to faith in Him. Pray that authorities in Pakistan will uphold true justice for all citizens.

    For more on the persecution of Pakistani Christians, go to thePakistan Country Report.

  • Christian families attacked

    A Pakistani pastor, Mubarak Masih, was brutally attacked in Samundri by 12 heavily armed Muslim men after his 13-year-old nephew, Shaid Masih, refused to read verses from the Qur'an at school. The Muslims beat Pastor Mubarak on his head with sticks and rods. They also shot at and nearly killed his brother and broke his mother's left arm. Shaid's teacher, Zufair Gujhar, is allegedly a hard-line Muslim who routinely pressures his Christian students to accept Islam and forces them to read the Qur'an and other Islamic books. Pastor Mubarak has said, "We will continue our mission work at any cost and no one can stop us."

    On June 3, Mumtaz Masih, pastor of the Full Gospel Church in Pakistan, and his pregnant wife, Noreen, were attacked in Sahiwal by Muslims who accused them of evangelizing. Fourteen Muslims assaulted the couple, injuring Pastor Mumtaz's legs and Noreen's hands and belly. The pastor's younger brother was ambushed when he went to get medical help. The believers have complained to the police, but no action had been taken against the perpetrators at last report. (Source: International Christian Concern)

    Pray for healing for those injured in these attacks. Pray that they will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48). Pray that Christians in Pakistan will not be fearful, but will boldly live out their faith in Jesus.

    For more information on the plight of Pakistani believers, please visit thePakistan Country Report.

  • Hundreds of Christians expelled from village

    Muslims recently ordered 250 Pakistani Christian families to leave their homes in Khanewal district, Punjab province after believers strongly objected to sexual assaults on girls and women by Muslims. The majority of the Christian women and girls in the village work as servants in the homes of Muslim families, where they are often abused. "The Muslim villagers came to us with the expulsion order only after Christian women and girls raised a hue and cry when they became totally exasperated because they were sexually attacked or forced to commit adultery by Muslims on a daily basis," explained a Christian political leader. He also stated that Muslims had been threatening Christian women and girls that they would be kicked out of the village if they refused their sexual advances. Christians have reportedly refrained from going to the local police for help out of fear that false charges of blasphemy could be placed against them. (Source: Compass Direct)

    Pray for God's provision for these expelled believers. Pray that Christians in Pakistan will be a bold testimony to those around them. Pray for healing for the women and girls who have been treated so callously. Pray that those targeting Christians for their faith will come to repentance and embrace Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to thePakistan Country Report.

  • Kidnapped Christian returns home

    Photo from Compass Direct

    A Christian woman who was kidnapped, forced to marry a Muslim farmer and pressured to convert to Islam recently escaped and returned home after weeks of "captivity and torture." Sania James (33) was kidnapped on April 5 by armed men who stormed her parents' house in the small town of Rawat, Pakistan. The gunmen allegedly told her father that he would see his daughter again only if he paid back his loan of 250,000 rupees (approximately $3,040 CAD) plus 30 percent interest, though they had previously agreed upon a rate of 15 percent. The armed men then took her to her father's employer, Mohammad Shahbaz Ali, and forced her to marry him. She was continuously tortured when she refused to convert to Islam. Faraz Samson, a local pastor, said of the situation, "I am shocked that a daughter of a poor man has been kidnapped, and the law can’t do anything." (Source: Compass Direct)

    Thank God for Sania's return home. Ask Him to heal and restore her, and keep her and her family safe. Pray that authorities will do all they can to uphold the rights of Christian women in Pakistan, as they are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.

    To learn more about the suffering of Christians in Pakistan, visit thePakistan Country Report.