
Sri Lanka

  • Churches Facing Threats of Forcible Closure
    Interior of a small church.
    A church in Sri Lanka.
    Photo: VOM Canada

    In two separate instances, churches in Sri Lanka received demands to close on the pretence that their activities were offensive to their communities. In both cases, legal action has been threatened if they fail to comply.

  • Upheaval Causes Concerns for Churches
    Flowers surrounding a poster saying, ''Pray for Sri Lanka''
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Andreas Schwarzkopf (cc)

    As the nation of Sri Lanka faces its worst political and economic crisis in recent years, life for the common people has been severely impacted. Anti-government protests have led to a crackdown by authorities, introducing restrictive measures to curb the unrest – including nationwide curfews. Unfortunately, as officials take action, some have contravened the rights of citizens. There are growing concerns that the church will be caught in the middle of the situation and subjected to greater discrimination from the authorities as they enforce the new restrictions. In particular, gatherings such as church services and prayer meetings are at risk of being targeted.

  • Mob Demanded Christians to Stop Worship
    Two women praying in the foreground; others behind them, also praying
    Ask God to make His comforting presence known to Sri Lankan believers.
    Photo: VOMC

    In the late afternoon of Sunday, March 6th, a large mob consisting of approximately 600 people, including about 60 Buddhist monks, forced their way into the Mercy Gate Chapel in Amalgama, Sri Lanka. The mob demanded that all religious activities of the church cease immediately and mandated the place of worship be closed. The aggressors also threatened the life of the pastor if he continued to lead worship services. In the midst of the confrontation, one of the church members was injured but released from hospital the next day.

  • Christians Beaten Following Prayer Meeting
    Man praying - Photo: Pixabay
    Ask God to grant believers opportunities to safely join in the fellowship of prayer.

    On the afternoon of November 20th, the pastor of the Gospel Tabernacle Church in Polgolla, Sri Lanka, went to visit a Christian family with another member of his congregation for a time of prayer. As they were concluding their time together, the Christians noticed that a crowd had gathered outside, including a Buddhist monk.

  • Family Refused Christian Burial
    A group of women praying together.
    Ask God to give Sri Lankan Christians wisdom and favour when dealing with opposing community members.

    After a member of the Grama Missionary Church in Karukkamunai, Sri Lanka, passed away, the family arranged for a funeral to be held at the public cemetery on September 27th. However, a local public official, along with other members of the community, intervened and refused to allow the family to hold a Christian funeral.

  • Churches Face Threats and Questioning
    Worship in Sri Lanka
    Pray with Sri Lankan believers as they seek to faithfully worship God.

    Churches in Sri Lanka have frequently faced harassment from community members, Buddhist religious leaders and civil authorities. To read previously published reports on some of these cases, go to our country report. The following three incidents that occurred in mid-March demonstrate some of the challenges regularly experienced by Christians.

  • Disruptions by Mob Violence
    Prayer meeting in Sri Lanka - Photo: Facebook / Daniel A. Brown
    Join Sri Lankan believers in prayer.
    Photo: Facebook / Daniel A. Brown

    Mob demonstrations are a common way to disrupt and protest Christianity in the nation of Sri Lanka. Although opposition often comes from the dominant Buddhist community, two recent incidents in the Batticaloa District appear to have been instigated by Hindu leaders.

  • Pastor Harassed by Mob and Police
    Video - Sri Lanka: Persecution in Paradise
    Watch this video to gain a better understanding of the reasons behind the persecution in Sri Lanka.

    As believers gathered for worship in the village of Ihala Yakkura on the morning of February 2nd, a mob of around 150 people, led by Buddhist monks, arrived and disrupted the service by questioning the owner of the premises. The pastor called the police, who were able to maintain peace until the service concluded, even though the mob remained present.

  • Officials Demand Worship Activities to Cease
    Christians worshipping

    On the morning of October 23rd, a police officer, along with the district's governmental leaders, arrived at the Hokma Bible Centre in Deniyaya to question the pastor about the legality of this place of worship. The authorities demanded that all worship activities cease until authorization is received from the Divisional Secretariat, and for the local police to be informed of any church functioning in the area. An hour later, the pastor received a phone call asking him to come to the police station and make a legal statement. The accused refused to comply without the consultation of his lawyer.

  • Assaults on Christians Seeking to Worship
    The beach at Kalkudah, Sri Lanka - Photo: Flickr / ''christophe_cerisier''
    The beach at Kalkudah, Sri Lanka
    Photo: Flickr / ''christophe_cerisier'' (c)

    On the morning of September 21st, six Christians were on their way to a worship service at the Berea Prayer House in Kalkudah when they were accosted by ten villagers. After they had been beaten with sticks, the believers were taken to area hospitals for treatment.

    Two of the ten people responsible for the attack were arrested for assault and mandated to appear in court the following day. Prior to this attack, the pastor and members of the church have faced continuous harassment from a group of hostile individuals in the community.