Officials Enforce Closure of Church

Children in Tajikistan read Gospel books.
Children in Tajikistan
read Gospel books.

On April 10th, the National Security Committee secret police arrested Pastor Bakhrom Kholmatov of the Sunmin Sunbogym Protestant Church in Khujand. He remains in custody, under investigation on criminal charges of alleged "extremism." The charges follow the seizure of hymnals and Christian books during a raid on his church. The pastor's family and church members have received no news of his physical condition nor state of health since the arrest.

In early February 2017, the secret police and other law-enforcement agencies began raiding Sunmin Sunbogym's affiliated congregations. They particularly targeted the church in the town of Konibodom, demanding that the members renounce their faith and leave the church. Some believers were beaten, while others were dismissed from their jobs. The officials, who admittedly stated that their "purpose is to close down churches in Tajikistan and take away their property," enforced closure of the Konibodom church in March.

In early April, the authorities then began raids on the central Sunmin Sunbogym Church in Khujand. While searching the church's premises, they seized the mentioned hymnbooks and other Christian literature. The secret police also condemned another book they had confiscated, More Than a Carpenter, which was written by the highly respected American author Josh McDowell. The officers stated that a group of their religious "experts" concluded that this book, as well as the other Christian texts, are all "extremist."

Authorities frequently use extremism-related charges to punish individuals for exercising freedom of religion, even though these churches are officially registered with the state. Punishments include prison terms of up to twelve years unless an individual voluntarily agrees to stop their activity. Meanwhile, officials in Dushanbe have also closed two kindergartens. One was closed after officials found a Christian songbook, and the other because believers were employed there.

Please prayerfully uphold all the believers in Tajikistan who have come under increasing intimidation and persecution by governmental authorities. Ask God to mightily intervene on their behalf, providing them strength, protection, provision, guidance and encouragement... as they wisely navigate appropriate ways to handle the opposition targeted against them. Also pray that Pastor Kholmatov will soon be released, and that all charges against him are dropped. May the Lord's presence be evident in this case so that those in authority will witness His power at work and come to acknowledge Him as their personal Saviour and Lord.

  • Current Ministry Project

    VOMC has come alongside project partners to offer an English camp as an opportunity for evangelism and outreach among youth and young adults. Camp participants are invited to embrace the Good News of the Gospel through the platform of the English Camps.

    Project Fund: Equipping the Saints

  • Country Information

    9,245,937 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Tajik (84.3), Uzbek (13.8), Other (2)

    Religion (%)
    Muslim (98), Other (2)

    President Emomali Rahmon (1994)

    Government type
    Presidential republic

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

  • Pray for Tajikistan

    Pray God will provide for the physical needs of the people of Tajikistan.

    Pray freedom of religion will be respected by the government.

Tajikistan News

  • No New Churches Allowed
    Youth camp in the mountains
    Pray that Tajikistan’s youth will be allowed to participate in Christian summer camp programs.
    Photo: VOMC Ministry Partner

    In late May, Protestant church leaders in Tajikistan were summoned to a meeting with Sulaymon Davlatzoda, the chair of the State Committee for Religious Affairs and Regulation of Traditions, Ceremonies and Rituals. During the meeting, they were informed that the government would no longer be registering any new churches. "We will keep the figure of registered churches unchanged from now on," Sulaymon told them. He further went on to remind the church leaders that there are to be no religious activities for those under 18 years of age, including their participation in any religious camps.

  • Fines for Bible Translation
    Tajik Bible

    Over the past six months, the leaders of four different churches in Tajikistan have received huge fines because they were part of a plan to create a new Tajik translation of the Bible. According to some Tajik Christians, the current translations available in their language use archaic words and sometimes the translation is unclear. In response to the need, these churches arranged to have a new translation made through Linguatec, a translation company.

  • Pastor Released Early
    Pastor Bakhrom Kholmatov and his wife - Photo: World Watch Monitor
    Pastor Bakhrom Kholmatov and
    his wife (undated image).
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In April 2017, Pastor Bakhrom Kholmatov was arrested and charged with "singing extremist songs in church and so inciting religious hatred." In July of that year, he had been sentenced to three years in prison (read more). We are thankful to report that Pastor Bakhrom was released on December 17th, more than three months early.

  • Clampdown on Christianity
    Pastor Batyr - Photo: Release International
    Pastor Batyr
    Photo: Release International

    Throughout Central Asia, Christians are facing worship bans, arrest and torture as Islamic nationalism gains ground. In late August, we reported on a group arrested in Tajikistan for distributing Christian literature (read the report). Similar incidents are happening regularly in other neighbouring Central Asian countries, according to a recent report from VOMC's partner ministry, Release International.