Update: Imprisoned priest suffers severe stroke

Father Nguyen Van Ly (63), who was sentenced to eight years in prison in March 2007 (click here for more information), recently suffered a severe stroke. He was admitted to the military hospital in Hanoi. At last report, he was semi-paralyzed but was conscious and able to speak. Family members report that he is being treated well. (Source: AsiaNews)

Pray that Father Van Ly will have a full recovery. Pray for strength for his loved ones at this time.

Learn more about the persecution of Veitnamese Christians; visit the Vietnam Country Report.

  • Current Ministry Project

    By helping to provide solid Biblical teaching and training uniquely suited to the needs of a specific tribal group, VOMC is able to equip members of Vietnam’s persecuted church to stand firm in their faith and reach out to others in their communities with the powerful message of the Gospel.

    Project Fund: Underground Church

  • Country Information

    104,799,174 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Kinh [Viet] (85.3), Tay (1.9), Thai (1.9), Muong (1.5), Khmer (1.5), Mong (1.4), Nung (1.1), Hoa (1), others (5.5)

    Religion (%)
    Catholic (6.1), Buddhist (7.9), Protestant (1), Other (0.8) none (86.3%)

    President To Lam (May 2024)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

    Pray for Vietnam

    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

  • Pray for Vietnam
    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

Vietnam News