Christian Woman Slain by Husband

Nga on a bed; a person is sitting beside her.
Photo: VOM Australia

After hearing the "Good News" of the Gospel about a month ago from missionaries visiting her local village, Nga, a 42-year-old Vietnamese woman, turned in faith to Christ. She was the first in her village to respond to God's message of salvation, which had been presented to her by the evangelizing Christians. However, unlike Nga, her husband Vu was not open to hearing the missionaries' message.

When local authorities discovered that Nga had left their traditional religion of Buddhism and ancestor worship, they approached Vu and demanded that he convince his wife to renounce her new faith. When Nga refused, the authorities notified Vu that if his wife persisted in her adherence to Christianity, he and his family would be cut off from any future governmental aid. Angered by this news, Vu beat his wife so severely that she was admitted to the hospital. Soon after, Nga died of her injuries.

Following the incident, Vu fled the area leaving behind the couple's four children, who are between the ages of eight and 14 years old. Although Vu has not been charged with his wife's death, there appears to be little interest in filing any charges against him.

At the funeral held for Nga, Vu sent word that the children were to be taken to a government-run orphanage. Instead, a Christian worker affiliated with The Voice of the Martyrs offered to adopt the two youngest children, and has been providing assistance in search of good homes for the others. For additional reports addressing persecution in Vietnam, and/or to learn of ways you can pray for believers in this Southeast Asian country, go to our country report.

Prayerfully remember these four hurting children as they deal with the sudden loss of their mother, and now also the rejection of their father. Ask God to minister comfort, emotional healing, and provision for their practical and spiritual needs. As you think of the situation surrounding Nga's death, please uphold the many other believers whose lives are likewise targeted, threatened and endangered for following Jesus – not only by authorities in the land, but also by their own family members. Specifically, pray that the Spirit of God will bring needed conviction and accountability to Vu, bearing witness to the truth and leading him to sincere repentance. All the while, may the Gospel message continue to spread in Nga's village and throughout the country so that many lives will be transformed by the power of God's Word.

  • Current Ministry Project

    By helping to provide solid Biblical teaching and training uniquely suited to the needs of a specific tribal group, VOMC is able to equip members of Vietnam’s persecuted church to stand firm in their faith and reach out to others in their communities with the powerful message of the Gospel.

    Project Fund: Underground Church

  • Country Information

    104,799,174 (2023 est.)

    Ethnicity (%)
    Kinh [Viet] (85.3), Tay (1.9), Thai (1.9), Muong (1.5), Khmer (1.5), Mong (1.4), Nung (1.1), Hoa (1), others (5.5)

    Religion (%)
    Catholic (6.1), Buddhist (7.9), Protestant (1), Other (0.8) none (86.3%)

    Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (March 2024)

    Government type
    Communist state

    Legal system
    Civil law system

    Source: CIA World Factbook

    Pray for Vietnam

    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

  • Pray for Vietnam
    We can thank the Lord for the tremendous witnessing efforts and steadfast faith demonstrated by the persecuted Christians of Vietnam. May they not be intimidated by governmental stipulations but rather encouraged to stand firm on the promises of God – relying on Him for the wisdom, diplomacy and favour required to deal appropriately with the authorities. Pray for radical changes to take place in the hearts of the country’s leaders, especially those who are responsible for implementing and administering Vietnam's laws, so that the work of the Gospel will continue to thrive.

Vietnam News

  • Christian Sentenced for Leading Prayer Meetings
    Nay Y Blang is standing in court.
    Nay Y Blang in court.
    Photo: Radio Free Asia / Cong An Nhan Dan

    Nay Y Blang is a member of the Central Highlands Evangelical Church of Christ – a religious group that is not officially recognized by the Vietnamese Communist Party. In May 2023, the Christian leader was arrested and charged with taking advantage of "democratic freedom to infringe upon the interests of the state," as well as "the legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals." These accusations arose from the prayer meetings he had been holding in his home.