Mexico: Expelled Christians living in a barn

Mexico: Expelled Christians living in a barn

"We aren't delinquents; we're people who love God and respect society," said the leader of a Christian group in Altamirano, Chiapas, Mexico. The leader and a group of 27 families were expelled from their community "just for being evangelicals," according to a recent report in a Chiapas newspaper. And now the families, which include about 40 children, are living in a cattle barn because they have nowhere else to go.

VOM has been providing basic needs to expelled Christians like these through a dedicated pastor who volunteers his time to help. Last year, we provided the Christians living in the cattle barn with mattresses and food. Although the 27 families are sleeping on mattresses on the ground and storing their belongings in a cattle trough, they have an eternal perspective. They chose to give up their temporal homes rather than compromise their faith in the God who will shelter them in his heavenly home for all eternity.

February 02, 2013
Length: 3:11
From The Voice of the Martyrs USA